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Good Bye, Good Luck, and Good Will [Long]

Hello Debian Developers,

I must report that I seem unable to keep up with my life at present, and
some things (more than just Debian) must go such that I may get my PhD in
the next year or two, and set up for some kind of career--Aargh....

I am currently maintaining xsysinfo and xcolors.  I personally think that
xcolors could be abandoned with no ill effect as xcolorsel does the job
quite nicely, and the state of the original source is questionable for
xcolors.  I have prepared a new release of xsysinfo which I will release
before giving up my maintainer rights on master. (It still needs to be
signed on my libc5 machine at home which takes a few iterations).  At the
time of that release, I will relinquish my developer duties.

I've also been contributing to the testing/quality assurance program, and
I will still contribute at least one report per stable release.  Dale is
doing a great job with this effort (stated as a fact, rather than IMO).

I was new to Linux when I first installed Debian GNU/Linux 0.93R6 in
December of 1995...Hope that's the right year...  Since then, I've
become a ferocious Linux advocate.  I'm responsible for the proliferation
of Debian-based Linux machines in my research group (5 machines), and in
that of my father (3 machines).  I've also installed Debian for a number
of friends and collegues on their own machines in my exhuberance for this

IMO, Bruce has done a fantastic job as project leader.  Ian Jackson has
done a fantastic job with some of the most important parts of Debian
itself.  Either one will continue to take the project in a good direction.
I really love where this project has gone in the last 2 years.  1.3.1 has
been a fantastic achievement.

I will hopefully be a Debian user for life.  Presently, I use Debian for
running numerical simulations, writing papers and my thesis, connecting to
the internet, and running software such as Octave which is free, and Maple
which is commercial.  I'm still waiting for a CAD program that will rival
AutoCad for use in my work.

I hope the next PC I buy for personal use will be a DEC Alpha PC running
Debian GNU/Linux 2.X exclusively--I will need to be able to run a version
of Quicken...  Perhaps a DEC Alpha Laptop?  Or, am I just dreaming...

With much more to say, I cut this short.

Goodbye for now to debian-devel.

Thanks.  Syrus.

--> One small kitten leaves the herd.  Hopefully he'll find his way back  
    someday. :-)


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <syrus@ucsd.edu>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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