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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

     There are still plenty of ISPs who use the old conventional
authorization, so the script should give the option of creating
/etc/chatscript similar to: 

""           ATDT<phone number>
sername      <user_id>
assword      \q<secret>

     It shouldn't be too difficult for a script to support this type
of login or the one you suggested.  

     The important thing is not the form of the script, but that the
install process configures a simple ppp connection.  This will permit
the new user to use the ftp option of dselect immediately, and would
eliminate a lot of the new user questions on deb-user.


On Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:08:01 -0700 (MST) Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> I think what we need is simply support for very simple configuration for
> users with PAP. That is, if you can just go into Win95 and create a
> Dial-Up networking thingy and have it work you should be able to use our
> stuff. Around here everyone now supports what is basically auto-ppp and
> PAP (this is what Win95 uses). 

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