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I just had the "pleasure" of releasing three minor versions in the space
of about an hour.  After doing this, it occurs to me that we might
want to include regression tests in the standard package build
process.  Obviously, this would only work for native builds, or in a
multi-hosted environment, but it seems like a logical outgrowth of
the bug-tracking system -- at least for those developers with enough
memory on their system to work with regression testing software (e.g.
dejagnu), or where the tests are simple to manage (e.g. shell

It seems to me that it makes some sense to try and extract from each
bug report some test cases which exhibit the bug.  Of course, this
won't always be possible (e.g. where the bug is associated with some
particular hardware), but in many cases it should be pretty straight

[I'm thinking post-hamm, here.]



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