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Re: pentium specific packages

On Sun, 7 Dec 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

> > How about a binary-pent directory with symlinks back to binary-i386 until
> > a package is uploaded.  Then we need to tell dselect(ftp) to get the
> > packages from binary-pent instead of binary-i386.  Is there an easy way to
> > do this?  (Also, if pentium clones also work with the ecgs compiled
> > packages, maybe i586 is better than pent.)
> please : no symlinks to something.
> we have good tools (dselect, dftp), that can take care of the directory
> structures. symlinks only make everything bigger and confuse people.
> symlinks are convinient, but using dselect, dftp, deity or some other
> tool can be more convinient. and all these can or could work without symlinks,
> as the file location is listed in the Package file.

   Can you compare:

and explain how we should get rid of the symlinks in binary (which is
itself a symlink to i386)?  I'm basically proposing another platform which
is backward compatable.  Therefore, make the directory for the platform,
and while we don't have a package of the new type, use the old type.
However, I still haven't heard about the possibility of getting dselect's
ftp to look at binary-pent or at the compatability of pentium clones.

If we put everything in the same directory with different provides, etc, I
feel like things will get really confusing, and defeating the purpose of
having different directories for different architectures.


Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
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Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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