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Re: RFS: schooltool

On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 10:17:41AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> practically, to be properly packaged for debian and debian-edu, i
> would like to see it operate with ssl by default, so no password
> go over the wire (or air, in case of wlan!) in the clear. 

I propose to create the following packages:

This depends on apache-ssl and sets up an apache virtual host that
proxys all requests to the schoolbell-ssl server. So communication to
apache-ssl from the outside world is over https and communication from
apache-ssl to schoolbell-ssl over is in the clear. By default
the schoolbell-ssl server will only listen on

(My computer is currently set up in this way, I only have to generalize
the config and put it in a package)

However, the SSL certificate for apache-ssl will still need to be set 
up by the user or possibly through debconf pre-seeding.

Does not depend on apache-ssl and by default listens to all interfaces
with all communication in the clear. Uses a different
port/database/config file to schoolbell-ssl so both packages are
installable at the same time with default configurations and will not 
stomp each other.

The arch-indep part of the program without configuration.

The few arch-dependent .so files that are needed.


* It is important to provide a package without a dependency on
  apache-ssl as some people will not want to install this. Unfortunately
  this package cannot use ssl by default.


Brian Sutherland

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