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[TAF] templates://webcalendar/{webcalendar.templates}

The webcalendar package introduced new or modified debconf
templates. This is the perfect moment for a review to help the package
maintainer following the general suggested writing style and track
down typos and errors in the use of English language.

If someone wants to pick up this review, please answer to this mail,
in the mailing list, with an [ITR] (Intent To Review) label.

The templates file is attached.

To propose the file you reviewed for peer review, please send a [RFR]
(Request For Review) mail with the reviewed file attached...then a few
days later, when no more contributions come, a summary mail with a
[LCFC] (Last Chance For Comments) label.

Finally, after no more comments coming to the LCFC mail, you can send
the reviewed templates file as a bug report against the package.

Then, please notify the list with a last mail using a [BTS] label
with the bug number.

Helping the package maintainer to deal with induced translation
updates at that momebt will be nice. If you're not comfortable with
that part of the process, please hand it off to a translator.


Template: webcalendar/conf/db_persistent
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Use persistent connections?
 Using persistent connections can improve performance on heavily loaded
 websites by using a previously opened sql connection.

Template: webcalendar/conf/use_http_auth
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Use HTTP auth?
 Webcalendar by default uses the database's webcal_user table for
 authenticating users.  You can use HTTP auth logins instead and use Apache
 to manage logins but will still have to add users to webcalendar.

Template: webcalendar/conf/single_user_mode
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Should webcalendar be installed in single user mode?
 Webcalendar can be installed in single user mode or multiuser mode. If it
 is installed in single user mode, you won't need to login.  It isn't
 recommended that you install in single user mode unless you are running
 this on a personal server protected by a firewall.

Template: webcalendar/conf/single_user_login
Type: string
_Description: Name of the webcalendar user:
 If you have installed webcalendar in single user mode, you need to specify
 the name of the user to connect as.

Template: webcalendar/status/debconf_managed
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Allow debconf to manage settings.conf?
 You can allow debconf to manage your settings.conf or you can manage your
 settings manually.

Template: webcalendar/note/admin_user
Type: note
_Description: Webcalendar administrative user
 After installing the tables for your sql database you will have access to
 webcalendar using the standard admin user.  It is STRONGLY suggested that
 you change the password after logging in. The default login and password
 is admin:admin.

Template: webcalendar/conf/httpd_conf
Type: multiselect
_Choices: apache2, apache, apache-ssl, apache-perl, other
Default: apache2
_Description: Web server to configure:
 Apache can be automatically configured to use webcalendar by creating links in
 /etc/{apache-version}/conf.d/.  Select all the versions of Apache you would
 like to automatically configure or 'other' if you don't use Apache or plan on
 configuring Apache yourself.

Template: webcalendar/conf/restart_webserver
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Should ${webserver} be restarted?
 Remember that in order to activate the new configuration, ${webserver} has
 to be restarted. You can also restart ${webserver} by manually executing
 'invoke-rc.d ${webserver} restart'.

Template: webcalendar/store/webservers_to_be_restarted
Type: string
Description: Webservers to be restarted:
 (This is for internal use only)

Source: webcalendar
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Elizabeth Bevilacqua <lyz@princessleia.com>
Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), po-debconf, dpatch
Build-Depends-Indep: html2text
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/collab-maint/ext-maint/webcalendar/
XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/ext-maint/webcalendar/

Package: webcalendar
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libapache-mod-php4 | libapache2-mod-php4, php4-mysql | php4-pgsql, apache | apache2 | apache-ssl | apache-perl, ucf (>= 0.28), dbconfig-common
Suggests: php4-cli
Recommends: mysql-client | postgresql-client, mysql-server | postgresql
Description: PHP-Based multi-user calendar
 WebCalendar is a PHP-based calendar application that can be configured
 as a single-user calendar, a multi-user calendar for groups of users,
 or as an event calendar viewable by visitors. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
 DB2, Interbase, or ODBC is required.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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