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Re: debian-lex

On Mon, 9 Mar 2009, ter wrote:

Just did a non-user checkout. So my svn shibboleth is OK (I use bzr
myself, which can work with just http+ssh. But doesn't look like alioth
supports that).

Supports what?  Alioth has bzr in principle and some projects are using it.
But we had enough discussion about competing Vcs systems.  IMHO, the blends
stuff is currently simple enough to be handled with any Vcs so there is no
reason to change.  I have no idea whether http/https WebDAV extension is
installed on Alioth - is there any advantage over pristine anonymous svn?

I can't do a svn+ssh checkout yet - I assume it's
because my key hasn't been cron'ed, and not because I made a mistake.
I'll try again later.

You should be able to use your password in case the key is not yet propagated.
If it does not work after 48 hours just contact alioth admins.

Also if those who have been active on the wiki already know which or all
of the listed non-Debian packages are active, and relevant, or have used
them, please help out.

Checking for activity is vey important.  I learned that there are many
"one man show" projects popping up in these special fields and if these
people fail in forming a community around the project in most cases it
will die (when real life draws the interest of the programmers in different

I am going to start a different thread to request a discussion on the
topic of revising the project description.

Kind regards



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