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Re: (E)LTS report for April 2023

On Mon, May 01 2023 at 12:33:51 +0200, Tobias Frost scribbled
 in "(E)LTS report for April 2023":
> I've worked during April 2023 on the below listed packages, for Freexian
> LTS/ELTS [1]
> =====
> syslog-ng: ELA-832-1 for stretch and jessie (CVE-2022-38725)

Hi Tobi,

We've just upgraded a few systems with syslog-ng=3.5.6-2+deb8u1, but
have seen some issues with the daemon continuously restarting, and
have reverted to 3.5.6-2 for the time being, which solved the issue.

Looking at the backported patches I _think_ the issue might be with
"patches/0027-syslogformat-sd_step-_process_any_char.patch", in the
hunk around line 169:

@@ -502,16 +502,16 @@
       if (left > 0 && *src == ']')
-          ssd_step_and_store(self, &src, &left);;
+          s_process_any_char(self, &src, &left);;

which differs from the other changes in the patch that are just
`s/sd_step_and_store/_process_any_char/` and don't have the doubled-up

I'm planning to build a test package in the morning and will report
back if it seems to fix things -- unless you get there first that is!

Many thanks for all the work, it really is appreciated.



><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ooOoo <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
Dr. Dameon Wagner, Unix Platform Services
IT Services, University of Oxford
><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ooOoo <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><

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