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Issues with concurrentqueue


I intended to update concurrentqueue to its latest upstream version.  My
commits in Salsa have the following issues:

  E: libconcurrentqueue-dev: triplet-dir-and-architecture-mismatch is for amd64 instead of all [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]

which is caused by some generated cmake input files residing there.  While
the (untested) change

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index ca3e2c9..b155a0e 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ endif
        find debian/ -name LICENSE.md -delete
+       # Cmake is installed in arch-dependant triplet dir but the package is arch all
+       if [ -d debian/`dh_listpackages`/usr/lib/*/cmake ] ; then mv debian/`dh_listpackages`/usr/lib/*/cmake debian/`dh_listpackages`/usr/share/ ; done
        rm -f build/bin/unittests build/bin/libtbb.a build/bin/fuzztests build/bin/benchmarks fuzztests.log

could probably deal with the lintian issue I have learned in other
packages that sometimes cmake input is really arch dependant.  I'd be
happy if someone with some cmale background could check this.  If
this might really be the case we rather need to change Architecture
from all to any.

The other issue is the autopkgtest.  The header file was moved to the
subdirectory moodycamel which breaks our manually written test.  We
possibly should take over upstream build time test which works.

Kind regards

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