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Re: [installation-dev] settings in registry/schema or registry/data -what difference?

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 09:52, Joerg Barfurth wrote:
> It appears this is created by setup during the workstation installation. 
> In file $(install)/program/instdb.ins, you'll find an entry named 
> gid_Configurationitem_Linguistic_General_Default_Locale. That entry 
> writes a DefaultLocale into the configuration and it has a WORKSTATION 
> flag, so it writes a value for each user. This has the same effect, as 
> if the user had changed the default locale (which you said you want to 
> allow).
> I believe that this is intended to write the locale that matches the 
> locale of the office being installed as initial setting. It is done for 
> each user, to allow for multi-lingual installations (which is an 
> installer mode that currently can't be used with OpenOffice.org).
> If you use a finnish localization of OOo (language code 35), it should 
> produce 'fi' rather than 'en-US' (the latter is the fallback used for 
> unknown languages).

Hmm, thanks Joerg for the explaination.  I wasn't aware that this was
supposed to happen.

> I don't know, if debian uses any patches that change the behavior from 
> that of a stock OOo release.

Well, not patches, but we create the packages using the en-US install
set, and then add localised files to 'language pack' packages.  So the
network setup is only run once for en-US, and other languages are
derived from that.  Since we created the installation from a en-US
install set, the user setup part will always write en-US as default
document lanauge into the user install.

It sounds like it might be better to disable the WORKSTATION flag in our
build, so it does not get included in the user configuration unless the
user has explicitly set it.


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