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Re: [libset-intspan-perl] Status of version 1.19-2

On Fri, 07 Jan 2022 16:56:58 +0100, Olivier Gayot wrote:

> We saw that these changes are currently unreleased in Debian [2]. Is there
> any plan to release the new version in Debian in the near future?

Not so far; we make lots of changes in git but uploading them without
user-visible changes usually doesn't happen as we have enough to do
with new upstream releases and bug fixes.

But as you asked and it seems that this helps Ubuntu, I've uploaded a
new -2 release to Debian/unstable right now.

For the future: If we can help in any way, please feel free to
contact us at debian-perl@lists.debian.org ; I'd just like to mention
that uploading each and every package with just metadata changes
would be an overload for us.


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