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Re: to distribute_setup() or not, that is the question

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 08:36:40AM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 01:14 PM, Brian Sutherland wrote:
> >Extra bonus points for getting PJE to change the DEFAULT_VERSION in
> >setuptools trunk to something OK for most major distributions;)
> Here's a thought:
> What if we proposed a hook to get DEFAULT_VERSION from a file or environment
> variable?  Then at least on Debian systems we could provide that file in our
> python-setuptools package, or set the envar in our d/rules files?  I'd
> probably prefer the former since it would allow us to specify the default
> version for the majority of Python packages.  The two aren't mutually
> exclusive, but I'm not sure both would be useful.
> What would that file name be?
> Is this just adding more nonsense to insanity?  If it would be useful, I'd be
> happy to pursue it in upstream.

I'm not sure it's more useful than just setting DEFAULT_VERSION to a
very old version. It's certainly more complex.

Brian Sutherland

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