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Help with pydevd tests breaking with 3.11 on s390x

Dear all,

A strange one.  I've uploaded pydevd version 2.9.2+ds-4 to unstable.
It turned out that many of the package tests fail on s390x with Python
3.11 but pass on all of the other architectures.  I really don't
understand the internals of the package (it's pretty low-level stuff)
and I have no idea what's different about s390x that might cause these
test failures on Python 3.11 (but they pass fine on Python 3.10).

If anyone has the time, inclination and expertise to help me with
this, please do drop me a line!  In the meantime, I'm just skipping
those tests on s390x.  (And upstream only support the package for
amd64 and i386, so I'm unlikely to get support from them.)

Best wishes,


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