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Re: Potato Upgrade.

On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 08:53:09AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 12:20:49AM -0400, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> > Ok, sorry for being clueless, but after spending an hour
> > or more looking at the debian site (I have a *really* slow modem)
> > I found a bunch of kernel packages whose names are:
> You are looking in the wrong place :)
> ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-sparc/base/kernel-image-2.2.15-sun4cdm_2.2.15-0.19.4.deb

Ok, got it.  But I'm guessing this is an image... is there a source
package available?  Where?

I did download the sun4cdm binary, and I guess I'll try to install
it if I can't find sources to build.

What does cdm stand for?  What do those percentages mean in that
list of packages I found before?


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

(PS, when I tried to look at the ftp url by going to it from the
www.debian.org pages, it was empty.  Also when I tried to look at
the list of mirrors in the States (there's no list of mirrors for
Canada?) from the www.debian.org pages it was also empty.  All that
is part of the reason why I couldn't find the cdm file I guess.
I'm using the lynx browser.  I ended up actually getting the ...cdm
file from the mirror.direct.ca mirror, whose existence I discovered
because it was listed in a text file of mirrors at www.debian.org
(thank goodness).)

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