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Bug#266718: [tex-k] (fwd) Bug#266718: dvips: Fails to properly include fontsused both in EPS and in document

On 08.11.04 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> "Tomas G. Rokicki" <rokicki@CS.Stanford.EDU> wrote:


> > Yeah, don't worry about it; I think your *specific* problem is
> > fixed, but there's another issue that needs to be addressed as
> > well.  Assuming this is not a showstopper for you, stick with
> > what you have until I've made a proper fix.
> I didn't follow the discussion - is there anything we can and
> should do in tetex-2.0.2?
No, I think we should not. The bug is minor. The actual (acceptable)
workaround is not to include only a subset of a font, but the whole
The only question which is left: Is the bug still in latest dvips? I
guess I have to install a complete teTeX-beta to check that. Will
see, when I'll have time to do that.

sigmentation fault

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