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Re: Help wanted

Hi Claudio, hi Daniel,

> $ dblatex -c dblatex/librement.conf -V -D debian-handbook.xml

dblatex ... well, that has a long history of breaking things

Both of you, please can you send me **reasonable** minimal broken
examples, best would be a minimal example in xml *and* the generated TeX
code (since I don't trust myself playing with the dblatex conversion).

I can then look into this, but just from the logs or so it is difficult.


> Cannot convert 'images/cover.jpg' to png

Strange, missing "convert"?

> no support found for ifthen
> no support found for ifxetex

Strange, did you install texlive-full? Or at least texlive-latex-extra?

> We have a problem building the PDF and epub version of debian-handbook with
> Bullseye and Sid at the moment. I was able to track the issue down, but I am a

What does mean "bullseye and sid at the moment"?
TeX hasn't change in half a year as far as I remember, since the freeze
for bullseye. So was it broken all the time?



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research  +  IFMGA Guide  +  TU Wien  +  TeX Live  + Debian Dev
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