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Re: Slink, xbase-common and xdm...

Hogland, Thomas E. wrote:
> Interesting - if I can ever figure out how to get into the system I'll 
> do that :-) There's no way to shut down and reboot clean - xdm won't 
> do anything till you log in <g>...

You could boot into single user mode to modify your settings.
When lilo comes up, type "linux single".  (Assuming you called
it "linux" when you setup lilo...)

When you're finished, you can press ctrl-D to start multi-user

Also, I think CTRL-R will quit the X server without returning
to the xdm screen.

> > I don't know how to get rid of xdm, though.
> > You used to be able to specify it in /etc/X11/config
> > but that doesn't work for me now.

The new file is /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options


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