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Re: adding win 95 partition

On 23/10/99 James Ruby wrote:

I have a 20 gb drive with 5 gb for root and 5 gb for user and 128 mb swap
they are all primary partitions.

Now I have a little over 9 gb left, I would like to devide this in half and
make partitions that windows 95 can see and use, can I do this with out
trashing the drive and starting over?

if your careful it might be possible

So far the things I've tried with cfdisk did not work, there are about four
different win 95 fat 32 options.

I am not very familier with cfdisk, its too clumsy for my tastes :) with regular fdisk you should be able to create a partition for win95, you cannot make 2 partitions because you can only have 4 primary partitions, and you are using 3 the 4th would have to be an extended partition which is just a container for additional partitions, you cannot boot from an extended partition as far as i know (definitely not win95 at least) so that leaves you with 2 options:

1) just make a 9gb partition for bloat^H^H^H^H^Hwin95
2) create a 9GB extended partition and then create some linux partition and move one or more of your Linux partitions to the extended partitions (just not root) then change the old primary linux partition to a win95 type (im not sure what it prefers I think FAT16) and make a dos filesystem on it. you can do this with your /usr partition pretty easy. just mount the new replacement /usr in /mnt and do a (cd /usr ; tar -cvpf -) | (cd /mnt ; tar -xvpf -) after a few minutes /usr and /mnt will be identical and you can just go down to single user mode umount /mnt and /usr and change /etc/fstab to mount the new /usr instead of the old one, nothing will ever know you did it.

obviously the second option will give you more of what you want but is much more work, with more margin for error...

one note when you create a FAT partition with linux utilities you need to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/blah (#where blah is your new dos partition) bs=512 count=10 otherwise the win95 tools that create the filesystem (probably better to use them then the linux mkdosfs) will do all sorts of undesirable things.

also make sure to have a good working boot disk that will let your restore lilo because win95 WILL destroy your current lilo configuration.

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

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