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Re: diff caches stuff in memory?

Quoting Colin Marquardt (colin.marquardt@gmx.de):
> The test case I just set up worked! I don´t know what was
> different... Maybe the error really was between keyboard and chair,
> and I´ve now gotten the brown paper bag award :-(   I don´t know.
> Thanks for taking the time to answer,

That's OK. It did just occur to me that there is software out there
that might suffer in the way you described, for example, mc (I use slink).

If you browse a zip file in mc, but change its contents in another
process*, I don't know how to make mc throw away its unzipped cache
short of exiting or unzipping something else big. Mind you, I don't
use C-x d (compare directories) at all, let alone in a zip file.

* something I do regularly.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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