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Postscript to ?

Can anyone think of a utility or word processor that can read
Postscript files and save them in a common WP or even TeX 

The reason being, I need to move a few years' worth of word
processing files off my A3000-040 and the only useful/portable
format I can come up with is to print everything to Postscript.
This includes stuff like my thesis and dissertation fragments, 
articles, etc., which I don't really want as ASCII files, if I 
can avoid it.

I know, should have used TeX. Not a hacker, though, and LyX
keeps quitting on me. Must be a new generation of Debian user.

On a related note, has anyone ever set up PLIP between a Linux
box and an Amiga (running AmiTCP/IP)? I have the PLIP mini how-to 
and it looks like it can be done--any quirks?

Cheers, and thank you,


Nikolaj Richers, North York, Canada, nrichers@nexus.yorku.ca

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