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Re: Unix/Linux group meet - QLD

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000 01:35:18 Allen Lim wrote:
> First of all. My apologies for writing to this list as it really only 
concerns a small percentage of people reading this message.
> I was reading through my e-mails when I came across a person who stated in 
their e-mail that they are part of a Unix group which is meeting this 
coming Saturday at the University of Queensland.
> I am new to Debian and am in desperate need to get parts of it working. I 
feel that this meet might allow me to get some help.
> So, to the person/people who know about this meet, would you please contact 
me to let me know more.
> Thanks and sorry to the other people reading this.
> Allen Lim

www.humbug.org.au  I was attending the meeting from Dec'98 till Feb '00 
.. best time of my life!! oh yea, better go and sign up ($15 for a 
year) ... they would be doing that about now (mine runs out on september 
2000). its every 2 weeks, and you have access to the net thru 10Mbit 
ethernet!!!! the local mirror (mirror.aarnet.edu.au) is on the same 
network. you should apt-get at about 300K or faster

> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2919.6307" name=GENERATOR>

..... cant blame you for still using outlook, We all go thru that phase....

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