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Re: Seeing progross during fsck on boot

On Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 10:06:56AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> When I booted my system this morning, I naturally selected the FSCK
> option in Grub, and sure enough, I saw a progress bar as the root
> filesystem was checked. Nothing for the others, though. (I use
> systemd. I'm sure it's trivial to edit sysvinit scripts to add -C
> and make sequential if either is not the default.)

That's great information.  It sounds like the fsck of the root file system
is handled inside the initramfs, and that the scripts/whatever which do
it are already passing the -C option.

So all that remains is to find a way to pass that option for the *other*
file systems, which are presumably done outside of the initramfs.
Unfortunately, that's where I hit a wall.  It doesn't look like systemd
provides a friendly way to add that option.  (I'll be happy to be proven

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