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Re: question for seasoned links users?

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 11:12:03AM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Jude,
> On Sat, 17 Sep 2022, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> > It's possible to run:
> > screen links http://site.com
> > on a single line then control+a-h to get the screen shot.
> > 
> > 
> Hi there,
> Just to confirm,
> I can run  the screen  links site.com command on a single line, navigate to
> the problem, then run the screen shot command?
> How do I name the screenshot for sharing?

OK.  Let's go through this step by step.  I have installed links, and I
already had screen installed.

I ran "screen".

Inside that, I ran "links http://www.google.com/";.

Once the main page of Google loaded, I pressed Ctrl-A h

Screen prompted me for something like a filename, but it seemed to remove
the prompt within a couple seconds, before I could copy it for email
documentation purposes.  (I *hate* it when things don't give me time to
read and ponder a question or an error message.)

Because I didn't respond quickly enough to the prompt, screen assumed an
answer, and generated a file named "hardcopy.0" in the current working

unicorn:~$ ls -l hardcopy.0 
-rw-r--r-- 1 greg greg 532 Sep 17 11:39 hardcopy.0

If I cat this file, I see a copy of the text that's visible in the
screen window, minus the boldface, reverse video and so on.  It's just
the characters.

Finally, I exited from links, and then from screen.

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