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Re: repeat of previous question that has gone unanswered several times.

On Sun 30 Apr 2023 at 19:05:21 (-0400), gene heskett wrote:
> I have a mixed home network, some buster, some bullseye, all up to
> date a/o yesterday.
> I have 2 printers shared on this bullseye main box, available as 5 or
> 6 printers, each configured in cups to do a specific job. Good
> printers, both running on brother's own linux drivers for that
> printer.
> All my buster machines can use both of these printers just as if they
> were plugged into that machine, but a machine shop full of sawdust and
> metal shavings is not a good printer environment, even if there was
> room for them, which there isn't.
> All of my bullseye machines are locked out, printer screen at
> localhost:631 is empty, and no printers can be found and added.
> But open a shell, and type "lpstat -t" and it gets the full list of
> available printers on that same bullseye machine whose cups output is
> empty.

I thought you had uninstalled cups-browsed from the bullseye machines.
Are the printers that you can't see actually on the network, or are
they connected to a specific machine (I didn't understand their being
"shared"). It was worrying that you said that one machine worked when
using the IP address but not its FQDN. (Actually, I've always thought
it misguided that that host, coyote, has the same name as the network.)


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