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Re: [Nbd] nbd-client: timeout option not working

2011/7/21 Valerio Pachera <sirio81@...17...>:

> If I unplug the ehternet cable from pc1, the guest is like frozen, the
> kvm process goes 100% cpu, and the nbd device never fail.

am I the only one with this problem?

I also test raid1 and and directly on my laptop.
Two computer with nbd-server, nbd-clinet on my laptop that run mdadm
on nbd0 and nbd1.
When I unplug one of the nbd-server, it's not possibile to write
anything on the md0 device.
It's not even possible to 'cat /proc/mdstat'.

This time I used the right sintax for timeout option:
nbd-client -timeout 3 nbd-server1 2000 /dev/nbd0
nbd-client -timeout 3 nbd-server2 2000 /dev/nbd1

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