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Re: [Nbd] Deadlock Issues with Local NBD Server

>> > I'm interested in setting up a FUSE-like infrastructure in userspace that will
>> > use NBD and allow people to develop virtual block devices without having to
>> > write any kernel code. For example, one of the things I would like to do is
>> > create a deduplicating block device, and it would be easiest if I could
>> Dedupping block device? Something like http://vanheusden.com/java/BlackHole/ ?
> Yes, actually I have already come across BlackHole, which seems to be very
> similar to what I want to do. But I was hoping to try for higher performance by
> doing the deduplication locally and in the kernel, using the device mapper.
> (That is, after I prototype it in userspace using nbd.)

Very interesting!
If you have any questions, don't feel obliged to contact me.

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