6. Debian に関するさらなる情報

6.1. もっと読みたい

Beyond these release notes and the installation guide (at https://www.debian.org/releases/trixie/installmanual) further documentation on Debian is available from the Debian Documentation Project (DDP), whose goal is to create high-quality documentation for Debian users and developers, such as the Debian Reference, Debian New Maintainers Guide, the Debian FAQ, and many more. For full details of the existing resources see the Debian Documentation website and the Debian Wiki.

Documentation for individual packages is installed into /usr/share/doc/package. This may include copyright information, Debian specific details, and any upstream documentation.

6.2. 手助けを求めるには

Debian ユーザ向けのヘルプ・アドバイス・サポートなどは、いろいろな場所から得られます。しかしこれらを頼りにするのは、入手できるドキュメントでその問題について調査してからにしましょう。この章では新しく Debian ユーザになった人にとって役立つであろう、これらのリソースを簡単に紹介します。

6.2.1. メーリングリスト

The mailing lists of most interest to Debian users are the debian-user list (English) and other debian-user-language lists (for other languages). For information on these lists and details of how to subscribe see https://lists.debian.org/. Please check the archives for answers to your question prior to posting and also adhere to standard list etiquette.

6.2.2. インターネットリレーチャット (IRC)

Debian には、Debian ユーザのサポートや援助のために専用の IRC チャンネルが OFTC IRC ネットワークにあります。このチャンネルにアクセスするには、お好みの IRC クライアントを irc.debian.org に接続し、#debian に join してください。

チャンネルのガイドラインに従い、他のユーザをきちんと尊重してください。ガイドラインは Debian Wiki で参照できます。

For more information on OFTC please visit the website.

6.3. バグを報告する

私たちは Debian を高品質な OS にするよう努めていますが、だからといって私たちの提供するパッケージにバグが皆無というわけではありません。Debian の "オープンな開発体制" という考え方に合致し、また、ユーザに対するサービスとして、私たちは報告されたバグに関するすべての情報をバグ追跡システム (Bug Tracking System: BTS) で提供しています。この BTS は https://bugs.debian.org/ で閲覧できます


You can submit a bug report using the program reportbug or manually using e-mail. You can find out more about the Bug Tracking System and how to use it by reading the reference documentation (available at /usr/share/doc/debian if you have doc-debian installed) or online at the Bug Tracking System.

6.4. Debian に貢献する

You do not need to be an expert to contribute to Debian. By assisting users with problems on the various user support lists you are contributing to the community. Identifying (and also solving) problems related to the development of the distribution by participating on the development lists is also extremely helpful. To maintain Debian's high-quality distribution, submit bugs and help developers track them down and fix them. The tool how-can-i-help helps you to find suitable reported bugs to work on. If you have a way with words then you may want to contribute more actively by helping to write documentation or translating existing documentation into your own language.

If you can dedicate more time, you could manage a piece of the Free Software collection within Debian. Especially helpful is if people adopt or maintain items that people have requested for inclusion within Debian. The Work Needing and Prospective Packages database details this information. If you have an interest in specific groups then you may find enjoyment in contributing to some of Debian's subprojects which include ports to particular architectures and Debian Pure Blends for specific user groups, among many others.

In any case, if you are working in the free software community in any way, as a user, programmer, writer, or translator you are already helping the free software effort. Contributing is rewarding and fun, and as well as allowing you to meet new people it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.