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Re: Some glibc 2.1 related notes

At 14:00 -0800 1999-03-21, Shane Wegner wrote:
Ok with regards to utmpd, when glibc 2.1 is upgraded to a later version of
glibc 2.1 using dselect or apt, it stops and restarts utmpd.  This seems
to cause both utmpx and utmp files to be emptied and things like screen
really don't work.  Also, when root does a shutdown now to go down to
single user, utmpd gets killed which is fine, the problem is, when the
system comes back up, utmpd doesn't get restarted because it starts from
/etc/rcS.d.  Perhapse a shutdown now or init 1 shouldn't kill utmpd.

utmpd shouldn't be being restarted, it is intended to go away. It should be stopped and stay stopped.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                     <URL:http://web.espy.org/>
<URL:mailto:jk@espy.org>                  <URL:mailto:espy@debian.org>

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