Debian Weekly News - February 7th, 2006

Welcome to this year's 6th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the Debian community. Noèl Köthe announced Debian packages for the Kolab groupware server. An update for the stable Debian release is currently being prepared which will incorporate about 40 security updates.

Finnish Debian Community honoured. Lars Wirzenius reported that the Finnish Debian community has been honoured by the Finnish Linux User's Group (FLUG). Every year since 2002 FLUG gives out an award to the people or organisations who have worked well to promote GNU/Linux in Finland. This year the main award was given to the Finnish translators of

Call for Project Leader Nominations. Manoj Srivastava called for nominations for the upcoming project leader election. The nomination period will end on February 26th, followed by the campaigning period until March 19th and the voting period until April 9th. Prospective leaders should be familiar with the constitution and their platform statements will be published on the voting pages.

Graphical Installer Development. Davide Viti reported about the first Extremadura development meeting whose subject was the graphical version of the Debian installer. An unofficial graphical installer image based on Gtk+ 2.8.10 has been built. Various usability issues and future features of the graphical installer were also discussed.

Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update your systems if you have any of these packages installed.

New or Noteworthy Packages. Due to being down because of performance issues we are unable to provide the regular list of new packages.

Removed Packages. 6 packages have been removed from the Debian archive during the past week:

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This issue of Debian Weekly News was edited by Martin 'Joey' Schulze.