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f10: Menu  ?: Help  q: Quit  u: Update  g: Download/Install/Remove Pkgs
aptitude 0.3.0                    Will use 831kB of disk space   DL Size: 30.4MB
--\ Packages to be upgraded
iu U wesnoth                                       -98.3kB 0.8.7-1    0.8.8-1.0w
iuAU wesnoth-data                                  +930kB  0.8.7-1    0.8.8-1.0w
|WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!     #|
|                                                                             #|
|Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.  You should only #|
|proceed with the installation if you are certain that this is what you want  #|
|to do.                                                                       #|
|                                                                             #|
|  * wesnoth [version]                                   #|
|  * wesnoth-data [version]                              #|
|  * wesnoth-music [version]                             #|
|         [ Really Continue ]                  [ Abort Installation ]          |