Leitfaden für Debian-Betreuer Osamu Aoki Helge Kreutzmann Deutsche Übersetzung (2017-2021)  Mechtilde Stehmann Deutsche Übersetzung (2020)  Copyright © 2014-2021 Osamu Aoki Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without     restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:     The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND     NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     Diese Anleitung wurde mit den nachfolgenden Dokumenten als Referenz erstellt: * »Making a Debian Package (AKA the Debmake Manual)«, Copyright © 1997 Jaldhar Vyas. * »The New-Maintainer’s Debian Packaging Howto«, Copyright ©     1997 Will Lowe. * »Debian-Leitfaden für Neue Paketbetreuer«, Copyright © 1998-2002 Josip Rodin, 2005-2017 Osamu Aoki, 2010 Craig Small und 2010 Raphaël Hertzog.     Die neuste Version dieser Anleitung sollte     * im Paket debmake-doc und * auf der Debian-Dokumentations-Website verfügbar sein. Abstract Dieser Anleitung »Leitfaden für Debian-Betreuer« (2023-11-10) beschreibt gewöhnlichen Debian-Benutzern und angehenden Entwicklern den Bau des Debian-Pakets mittels des Befehls debmake. Diese Anleitung konzentriert sich auf die moderne Paketierart und enthält viele einfache Beispiele. * POSIX-Shell-Skript-Paketierung * Python3-Skript-Paketierung * C mit Makefile/Autotools/CMake * mehrere Binärpakete mit Laufzeitbibliotheken usw. Diese »Anleitung für Debian-Betreuer« kann als Nachfolger des »Debian-Leitfaden für Neue Paketbetreuer« angesehen werden. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Vorwort 1. Überblick 2. Voraussetzungen 2.1. Leute bei Debian 2.2. Wie Sie beitragen können 2.3. Soziale Dynamik von Debian 2.4. Technische Erinnerungen 2.5. Debian-Dokumentation 2.6. Hilfequellen 2.7. Archivsituation 2.8. Wege, beizutragen 2.9. Neue Beitragende und Betreuer 3. Werkzeugeinrichtung 3.1. E-Mail-Adresse 3.2. MC 3.3. Git 3.4. Quilt 3.5. Devscripts 3.6. Sbuild 3.7. git-buildpackage 3.8. HTTP-Proxy 3.9. Privates Debian-Depot 3.10. Virtuelle Maschinen 3.11. Local network with virtual machines 4. Einfaches Beispiel 4.1. Packaging tarball 4.2. Gesamtbild 4.3. Was ist Debmake? 4.4. Was ist Debuild? 4.5. Schritt 1: Holen der Quellen der Originalautoren 4.6. Schritt 2: Mit Debmake erstellte Vorlagendateien 4.7. Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien 4.8. Schritt 4: Paketbau mit debuild 4.9. Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren 4.9.1. Patch durch diff -u 4.9.2. Patch durch Dquilt 4.9.3. Patch durch dpkg-source --commit 5. Grundlagen 5.1. Arbeitsablauf des Paketierens 5.1.1. Das Paket debhelper 5.2. Historical perspective of Debian packaging practices 5.3. Future perspective on Debian packaging practices 5.4. Paketname und -version 5.5. Natives Debian-Paket 5.6. debian/rules 5.6.1. dh 5.6.2. Einfache debian/rules 5.6.3. Angepasste debian/rules 5.6.4. Variablen für debian/rules 5.6.5. Reproduzierbares Bauen 5.7. debian/control 5.7.1. Aufteilung eines Debian-Binärpakets 5.7.2. Substvar 5.7.3. biNMU-sicher 5.8. debian/changelog 5.9. debian/copyright 5.10. debian/patches/* 5.10.1. dpkg-source -x 5.10.2. dquilt und dpkg-source 5.11. debian/upstream/signing-key.asc 5.12. debian/watch und DFSG 5.13. Weitere debian/*-Dateien 5.14. Anpassung der Debian-Paketierung 5.15. Aufzeichnen im VCS (standard) 5.16. Aufzeichnen im VCS (Alternative) 5.17. Pakete ohne irrelevante Inhalte bauen 5.17.1. Korrektur durch debian/rules clean 5.17.2. Korrektur mittels VCS 5.17.3. Korrektur durch extend-diff-ignore 5.17.4. Korrektur durch tar-ignore 5.18. Bausysteme der Originalautoren 5.18.1. Autotools 5.18.2. CMake 5.18.3. Meson 5.18.4. Python Distutils 5.19. Fehlersuchinformationen 5.19.1. Neue -dbgsym-Pakete (Stretch 9.0 und danach) 5.20. Bibliothekspaket 5.20.1. Bibliothekssymbole 5.20.2. Bibliotheksübergänge 5.21. Debconf 5.22. Multiarch 5.22.1. The multiarch library path 5.22.2. The multiarch header file path 5.22.3. The multiarch *.pc file path 5.23. Compiler hardening 5.24. Continuous integration 5.25. Other new requirements 5.26. Bootstrapping 5.27. Bug reports 6. Debmake-Optionen 6.1. Abkürzungs-Optionen (-a, -i) 6.1.1. Python-Modul 6.2. Schnappschusstarball der Originalautoren (-d, -t) 6.3. debmake -cc 6.4. debmake -k 6.5. debmake -j 6.6. debmake -x 6.7. debmake -P 6.8. debmake -T 7. Tipps 7.1. Debdiff 7.2. Dget 7.3. Debc 7.4. Piuparts 7.5. debsign 7.6. dput 7.7. bts 7.8. git-buildpackage 7.8.1. gbp import-dscs --debsnap 7.8.2. Upstream git repository 7.9. dgit 7.9.1. Snapshot upstream tarball (alternative git deborig approach) 7.10. chroot 7.11. New Debian revision 7.12. New upstream release 7.12.1. uupdate + tarball 7.12.2. uscan 7.12.3. gbp 7.12.4. gbp + uscan 7.13. 3.0 source format 7.14. CDBS 7.15. Build under UTF-8 7.16. UTF-8 conversion 7.17. Upload orig.tar.gz 7.18. Skipped uploads 7.19. Advanced packaging 7.20. Other distros 7.21. Debug 8. Weitere Beispiele 8.1. Cherry-pick templates 8.2. Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI) 8.3. Makefile (Shell, CLI) 8.4. setup.py (Python3, CLI) 8.5. Makefile (Shell, GUI) 8.6. setup.py (Python3, GUI) 8.7. Makefile (Paket mit einem Programm) 8.8. Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm) 8.9. Autotools (Paket mit einem Programm) 8.10. CMake (Paket mit einem Programm) 8.11. Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen) 8.12. CMake (multi-binary package) 8.13. Internationalization 8.14. Details A. debmake(1)-Handbuchseite A.1. BEZEICHNUNG A.2. ÜBERSICHT A.3. BESCHREIBUNG A.3.1. Optionale Argumente: A.4. BEISPIELE A.5. HELFERPAKETE A.6. CAVEAT A.7. DEBUG A.8. AUTOR A.9. LIZENZ A.10. SIEHE AUCH Vorwort Falls Sie ein etwas erfahrener Debian-Benutzer ^[1] sind, könnten Ihnen die folgende Situationen bekannt vorkommen: * Sie möchten ein bestimmtes, noch nicht im Debian-Archiv verfügbares Softwarepaket installieren. * Sie möchten ein Debian-Paket mit einer neueren Version der Originalautoren aktualisieren. * Sie möchten Fehler in einem Debian-Paket mit Patches korrigieren. Falls Sie ein Debian-Paket erstellen möchten, um diese Wünsche zu erfüllen und Ihre Arbeit der Debian-Gemeinschaft zur Verfügung stellen wollen, dann sind Sie die Zielgruppe dieser Anleitung als angehender Debian-Betreuer. ^[2] Willkommen in der Debian-Gemeinschaft. Debian muss vielen sozialen und technischen Regeln und Konventionen folgen, da es eine große Organisation Freiwilliger mit einer Geschichte ist. Debian hat auch eine große Anzahl an Paketierungswerkzeugen und Archivverwaltungswerkzeugen entwickelt, um eine konsistente Menge an Binärpaketen zu bauen, die viele technische Ziele adressieren: * Paketbau unter vielen Architekturen (Section 5.6.4, “Variablen für debian/rules”) * reproduzierbarer Bau (Section 5.6.5, “Reproduzierbares Bauen”) * sauberer Bau unter klar festgelegten Paketabhängigkeiten und -Patches(Section 5.7, “debian/control”, Section 5.10, “debian/ patches/*”, Section 7.10, “chroot”) * optimale Trennung in mehrere Binärpakete (Section 5.7.1, “Aufteilung eines Debian-Binärpakets”) * reibungslose Bibliotheksübergänge (Section 5.20.2, “Bibliotheksübergänge”) * interaktive Anpassung der Installation (Section 5.21, “Debconf”) * Multiarch-Unterstützung (Section 5.22, “Multiarch”) * Sicherheitserweiterung mittels bestimmter Compiler-Schalter ( Section 5.23, “Compiler hardening”) * kontinuierliche Integration (Section 5.24, “Continuous integration”) * Systemstarteinrichtung (Section 5.26, “Bootstrapping”) * … Dies ist für viele angehende Debian-Entwickler beim Einstieg in Debian etwas überwältigend. Diese Anleitung versucht, für ihren Start Einstiegspunkte bereitzustellen. Sie beschreibt folgendes: * Was Sie wissen sollten, bevor Sie als angehender Betreuer bei Debian mitmachen. * Wie es ausschaut, ein einfaches Debian-Paket zu erstellen. * Welche Art von Regeln für das Erstellen des Debian-Pakets existieren. * Tipps zur Erstellung des Debian-Pakets. * Beispiele für das Erstellen von Debian-Paketen für mehrere typische Szenarien. Der Autor bemerkte Einschränkungen beim Aktualisieren des ursprünglichen »New Maintainers' Guide« mit dem Paket dh-make und entschied sich, ein alternatives Werkzeug und die dazugehörige Dokumentation zu erstellen, um moderne Anforderungen zu adressieren. Das Ergebnis ist das Paket debmake (version: 4.4.0) und dieser aktualisierte »Guide for Debian Maintainers« in dem Paket debmake-doc (Version: 1.17-9). Viele Aufgaben und Tipps sind im Befehl debmake integriert. Daher ist die Anleitung einfach. Diese Anleitung bietet auch viele Paketierbeispiele. +-----------------------------------------------------+ |Caution | | | |Es bedarf vieler Stunden, um Debian-Pakete zu | |erstellen und zu betreuen. Der Debian-Betreuer muss | |sowohl technisch kompentent als auch sorgfältig sein,| |um diese Herausforderung zu meistern. | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Einige wichtige Themen sind im Detail erklärt. Einige mögen Ihnen unwichtig erscheinen. Seien Sie geduldig. Einige Sonderfälle werden nur durch Referenzen auf externe Dokumente berücksichtigt. Dies passiert absichtlich, um diese Anleitung einfach und wartbar zu halten. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[1] Sie müssen ein bisschen über Unix-Programmierung wissen, aber Sie müssen definitiv kein Meister sein. Über den     grundlegenden Umgang mit einem Debian-System können Sie in Debian-Referenz mehr erfahren. Es enthält auch einige Hinweise zum Lernen der Unix-Programmierung. ^[2] Falls Sie nicht daran interessiert sind, das Debian-Paket     anderen zugänglich zu machen, können Sie natürlich Ihre lokale Situation auch dadurch beheben, dass Sie die korrigierten Quellen der Originalautoren übersetzen und in /usr/local/ installieren. Chapter 1. Überblick Das Debian-Paket für package-1.0.tar.gz, das eine einzige,     einfache C-Quelle enthält, die GNU-Programmier-Standard and FHS folgt, kann mit dem Befehl debmake wie folgt erstellt werden: $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz $ cd package-1.0     $ debmake ... Make manual adjustments of generated configuration files $ debuild Falls die manuellen Anpassungen der erstellten     Konfigurationsdateien übersprungen werden, fehlt dem erstellten Binärpaket eine sinnvolle Paketbeschreibung. Es funktioniert aber dennoch unter dem Befehl dpkg gut für Ihren lokalen Einsatz. Caution Der Befehl debmake stellt nur gute Vorlagendateien bereit. Diese     Vorlagendateien müssen durch manuelle Anpassungen perfektioniert werden, um den strengen Qualitätsanforderungen des Debian-Archivs zu genügen, falls das Paket für die allgemeine Verwendung gedacht ist.     Falls Sie beim Debian-Paketieren neu sind, machen Sie sich keine Kopf über die Details und erkennen Sie nur das große Ganze. Falls Sie schon Berührungen mit der Debian-Paketierung hatten,     sieht dies dem Befehl dh_make sehr ähnlich. Dies kommt daher, dass der Befehl debmake dazu gedacht ist, die historisch von dem Befehl dh_make angebotenen Funktionen zu ersetzen. ^[3]     Der Befehl debmake wurde mit den folgenden Funktionalitäten gestaltet: * moderner Paketierstil + debian/copyright: DEP-5-konform + debian/control: substvar-Unterstützung, multiarch -Unterstützung, mehrere Binärpakete, … + debian/rules: dh-Syntax, Compiler-Härtungsoptionen, … * Flexibilität + viele Optionen (Section, “debmake -b”, Chapter 6, Debmake-Optionen, Appendix A, debmake(1)-Handbuchseite)     * vernünftige Standardaktionen + Ausführung ohne Unterbrechung mit sauberen Ergebnissen + Erstellung des Multiarch-Pakets, außer die Option -m wird explizit angegeben + Erstellung des nicht-nativen Debian-Pakets im Format »3.0 (quilt)«, außer die Option -n wird explizit angegeben * zusätzliche Nützlichkeiten + Überprüfung der Datei debian/copyright mit den aktuellen Quellen (Section 6.4, “debmake -k”) Der Befehl debmake delegiert den größten Teil der eigentlichen     Arbeit an seine Backend-Pakete: debhelper, dpkg-dev, devscripts, sbuild,schroot usw. Tip     Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Argumente -b, -f, -l und -w durch Maskieren vor dem Einfluss der Shell geschützt sind. Tip     Das nicht-native Debian-Paket ist das normale Debian-Paket. Tip     Das detaillierte Protokoll aller Paketbaubeispiele in diesem Dokument kann durch Folgen der Anweisungen in Section 8.14, “Details” erhalten werden. Note Die Erstellung der Datei debian/copyright und die Ausgabe der     Optionen -c (Section 6.3, “debmake -cc”) und -k (Section 6.4, “debmake -k”) beinhalten heuristische Aktionen bezüglich der Copyright- und Lizenzinformationen. Sie können fehlerhafte Ausgaben erstellen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[3] Der Befehl deb-make war vor dem Befehl dh_make beliebt. Das     aktuelle Paket debmake beginnt seine Version bei 4.0, um Überlappungen mit dem veralteten Paket debmake, das den Befehl deb-make bereitstellte, zu vermeiden. Chapter 2. Voraussetzungen     Hier sind die Voraussetzungen, die Sie verstehen müssen, um bei Debian mitzumachen. 2.1. Leute bei Debian     Es nehmen verschiedene Arten von Leuten mit verschieden Rollen rund um Debian teil: * Originalautor: die Person, die das ursprüngliche Programm erstellte. * Originalbetreuer: Die Person, die derzeit das Programm betreut. * Betreuer: Die Person, die das Debian-Paket des Programms erstellt. * Sponsor: Eine Person, die den Betreuern beim Hochladen (nach     Prüfen des Inhalts) des Pakets in das offizielle Debian-Paketarchiv hilft. * Mentor: Eine Person, die neuen Betreuern beim Paketieren usw. hilft. * Debian-Entwickler (DD): ein Mitglied des Debian-Projekts mit vollen Hochlade-Rechten in das offizielle Debian-Paketarchiv. * Debian-Betreuer (DM): Eine Person, mit begrenzten Hochladerechten in das offizielle Debian-Paketarchiv. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nicht über Nacht ein offizieller Debian-Entwickler (DD) werden können, da es mehr als technischer     Fähigkeit bedarf. Seien Sie davon nicht entmutigt. Falls es für andere nützlich ist, können Sie dennoch Ihre Pakete hochladen, entweder als Betreuer durch einen Sponsor oder als ein Debian-Betreuer. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie keine neuen Pakete erstellen müssen, um ein offizieller Debian-Entwickler zu werden. Auch Beiträge zu     bestehenden Paketen können ein Weg sein, ein offizieller Debian-Entwickler zu werden. Es gibt viele Pakete, die auf gute Betreuer warten (siehe Section 2.8, “Wege, beizutragen”). 2.2. Wie Sie beitragen können     Bitte lesen Sie die folgenden Dokumenten, um zu verstehen, wie Sie zu Debian beitragen können: * Wie können Sie Debian helfen? (offiziell) * The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, Chapter 13 - "Contributing to the     Debian Project" (semi-offiziell) * Debian Wiki, HelpDebian (ergänzend) * Debian New Member site (offiziell) * Debian Mentors FAQ (ergänzend) 2.3. Soziale Dynamik von Debian     Bitte verstehen Sie die soziale Dynamik, um sich für die Wechselwirkungen mit Debian vorzubereiten: * Wir sind alle Freiwillige. + Sie können anderen nicht vorschreiben, was getan werden soll. + Sie sollten motiviert sein, die Dinge selbst zu tun. * Freundliche Zusammenarbeit ist der Motor. + Ihr Beitrag sollte Andere nicht überlasten. + Ihr Beitrag hat nur Wert, wenn ihn andere wertschätzen.     * Debian ist nicht Ihre Schule, bei der die Lehrer sich automatisch um Sie kümmern. + Sie sollten vieles selbst lernen können. + Aufmerksamkeit von anderen Freiwilligen ist ein rares Gut. * Debian verbessert sich ständig. + Es wird erwartet, dass Sie hochqualitative Pakete erstellen. + Sie sollten sich Änderungen anpassen. Da in der restlichen Anleitung nur auf die technischen Aspekte     der Paketierung fokusiert wird, wird auf folgendes zum Verständnis der sozialen Dynamik von Debian verwiesen:     * Debian: 17 years of Free Software, “do-ocracy”, and democracy (Einleitende Folien vom ehemaligen DPL) 2.4. Technische Erinnerungen Es folgen ein paar technische Erinnerungen, die anderen Betreuern     bei der Arbeit an Ihrem Paket helfen und das Ergebnis von Debian insgesamt effektiv maximieren. * Ermöglichen Sie in Ihrem Paket eine leichte Fehlersuche. + Halten Sie Ihr Paket einfach. + Machen Sie Ihr Paket nicht zu komplex.     * Halten Sie Ihr Paket gut dokumentiert. + Verwenden Sie einen lesbaren Code-Stil. + Fügen Sie in den Code Kommentare ein. + Formatieren Sie Code konsistent. + Verwalten Sie das Git-Depot ^[4] des Pakets. Note     Die Fehlersuche in Software kann mehr Zeit verbrauchen, als die eigentliche Erstellung. 2.5. Debian-Dokumentation     Bitte lesen Sie nach Bedarf den einschlägigen Anteil der neusten Debian-Dokumentation, um perfekte Debian-Pakete zu erstellen: * Debian-Policy Handbuch (englisch) + Die offiziellen Regeln, denen Sie folgen müssen (https:// www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#policy) * Debian-Entwickler-Referenz     + Das offizielle Dokument zur »Besten Vorgehensweise« (https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#devref) * Leitfaden für Debian-Betreuer - dieser Leitfaden + A “tutorial reference” document (https://www.debian.org/ doc/devel-manuals#debmake-doc) All these documents are published to https://www.debian.org using the unstable suite versions of corresponding Debian packages. If     you wish to have local accesses to all these documents from your base system, please consider to use techniques such as apt-pinning and chroot (Section 7.10, “chroot”).^[5] Falls dieser Leitfaden der offiziellen Debian-Dokumentation     widerspricht, dann ist die offizielle Debian-Dokumentation korrekt. Bitte reichen Sie mittels des Befehls reportbug (auf englisch) einen Fehlerbericht gegen das Paket debmake-doc ein.     Hier sind alternative Anleitungen, die Sie zusammen mit diesem Leitfaden lesen können: * »Debian-Leitfaden für Neue Paketbetreuer« (älter) + https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#maint-guide + https://packages.qa.debian.org/m/maint-guide.html * Leitfaden zum Debian-Paketieren     + https://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals# packaging-tutorial + https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/packaging-tutorial.html * »Ubuntu Packaging Guide« (Ubuntu basiert auf Debian.) (englisch) + http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ Tip     Wenn Sie diese Anleitungen lesen, sollten Sie in Erwägung ziehen, den Befehl debmake an Stelle des Befehls dh_make zu verwenden. 2.6. Hilfequellen Bevor Sie Ihre Fragen an einem öffentlichen Ort stellen, bemühen     Sie sich vorher, die Antwort zu ermitteln, z.B. lesen Sie die gute Dokumentation: * Paketierinformationen, die über die Befehle aptitude, apt-cache und dpkg verfügbar sind. * Dateien in /usr/share/doc/Paket für alle einschlägigen Pakete.     * Inhalte von man Befehl für alle einschlägigen Befehle. * Inhalte von info Befehl für alle einschlägigen Befehle. * Inhalte von debian-mentors@lists.debian.org-Mailinglist-Archiv. * Inhalte von debian-devel@lists.debian.org-Mailinglist-Archiv. Ihre gewünschten Informationen können effektiv gefunden werden,     indem Sie einen wohlgeformten Suchbegriff wie das Schlüsselwort site:lists.debian.org verwenden, um den Suchbereich der Web-Suchmaschine einzuschränken. Die Herstellung eines kleinen Testpaketes ist eine gute     Möglichkeit, Details des Paketierens zu erfahren. Bestehende, gut gewartete Debian-Pakete zu inspizieren ist der beste Weg, um zu lernen, wie andere Menschen Debian-Pakete erstellen.     Falls Sie immer noch Fragen über das Paketieren haben, können Sie die Fragen direkt stellen (auf Englisch): * debian-mentors@lists.debian.org Mailingliste. (Diese Mailingliste ist für die Anfänger.) * debian-devel@lists.debian.org Mailingliste. (Diese Mailingliste ist für die Experten.) * IRC wie #debian-mentors. * Teams, die sich auf eine bestimmte Reihe von Paketen konzentrieren. (Vollständige Liste unter https://     wiki.debian.org/Teams) * Sprachspezifische Mailinglisten + debian-devel-{french,italian,portuguese,spanish} @lists.debian.org + debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org (Diese Mailingliste ist für allgemeine Diskussion auf (vereinfachtem) Chinesisch.) + debian-devel@debian.or.jp     Die erfahreneren Debian-Entwickler werden Ihnen gerne helfen, wenn Sie nach den erforderlichen Vorarbeiten richtig fragen. Caution     Die Debian-Entwicklung ist ein sich entwickelndes Projekt. Einige Informationen, die im Web gefunden werden, könnten veraltet, falsch und nicht (mehr) zutreffend sein. Bitte benutzen Sie sie sorgfältig. 2.7. Archivsituation     Bitte begreifen Sie die Situation des Debian-Archivs. * Debian hat bereits Pakete für die meisten Programmarten. * Die Anzahl an Paketen im Debian-Archiv ist mehrere zehnmal so     groß wie die Anzahl der aktiven Betreuer. * Bei einigen Paketen fehlt leider die entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit des Betreuers. Daher werden Beiträge zu Paketen, die sich bereits im Archiv     befinden, von anderen Betreuern weitaus mehr geschätzt (und erhalten eher Sponsoring für das Hochladen). Tip     Der Befehl wnpp-alert aus dem Paket devscripts kann prüfen, ob installierte Pakete zur Adoption freigegeben oder verwaist sind. Tip     The how-can-i-help package can show opportunities for contributing to Debian on packages installed locally. 2.8. Wege, beizutragen     Hier ist Pseudo-Python-Code für Ihre Wege, zu Debian mit einem Programm beizutragen: if exist_in_debian(program): if is_team_maintained(program): join_team(program) if is_orphaned(program): # maintainer: Debian QA Group adopt_it(program) elif is_RFA(program): # Request for Adoption adopt_it(program) else: if need_help(program): contact_maintainer(program) triaging_bugs(program) preparing_QA_or_NMU_uploads(program) else: leave_it(program) else: # new packages if not is_good_program(program): give_up_packaging(program)     elif not is_distributable(program): give_up_packaging(program) else: # worth packaging if is_ITPed_by_others(program): if need_help(program): contact_ITPer_for_collaboration(program) else: leave_it_to_ITPer(program) else: # really new if is_applicable_team(program): join_team(program) if is_DFSG(program) and is_DFSG(dependency(program)): file_ITP(program, area="main") # This is Debian elif is_DFSG(program): file_ITP(program, area="contrib") # This is not Debian else: # non-DFSG file_ITP(program, area="non-free") # This is not Debian package_it_and_close_ITP(program)     Hier: * Für das Prüfen von exist_in_debian() und is_team_maintained ();: + der Befehl aptitude + Debian-Pakete-Webseite + Teams * Für das Prüfen von is_orphaned(), is_RFA() und is_ITPed_by_others(): + Die Ausgabe des Befehls wnpp-alert. + Arbeit-bedürfende und voraussichtliche Pakete + Debian-Fehlerberichtsprotokolle: Fehler im Pseudo-Paket wnpp in Unstable + Debian-Pakete, die liebgewonnen werden müssen + Durchsuchen Sie wnpp Fehlerberichte basierend auf Debtags     * Für das Prüfen von is_good_program(): + Das Programm sollte nützlich sein. + Das Programm sollte keine Sicherheits- und Wartungsbedenken in das Debian-System einbringen. + Das Programm sollte gut dokumentiert sein und sein Code muss verständlich (d.h. nicht verschleiert) sein. + Die Autoren des Programms stimmen mit der Paketierung überein und sind mit Debian einvernehmlich. ^[6] * Für die Prüfung von is_it_DFSG() und is_its_dependency_DFSG (): + Debian Richtlinien für Freie Software (DFSG). * Für die Prüfung von is_it_distributable(): + Die Software muss eine Lizenz haben und sie sollte ihre Verbreitung erlauben. Sie müssen entweder einen ITP einreichen oder ein Paket     adoptieren, um mit der Arbeit daran zu beginnen. Siehe die »Debian-Entwickler-Referenz«: * 5.1. Neue Pakete.     * 5.9. Verschieben, Entfernen, Verwaisen, Adoptieren und Wiedereinführen von Paketen. 2.9. Neue Beitragende und Betreuer Die neuen Beitragenden und Betreuer könnten sich fragen, was sie     lernen sollten, um zu Debian beizutragen. Hier sind meine Vorschläge, abhängig von Ihrem Schwerpunkt: * Paketierung + Grundlagen der POSIX-Shell und Make. + Etwas rudimentäres Wissen von Perl und Python. * Übersetzungen     + Grundlagen, wie das PO-basierte Übersetzungssystem funktioniert. * Dokumentation + Grundlagen der Textauszeichnung (XML, ReST, Wiki, …). Der neue Beitragende und Betreuer könnte sich fragen, wo er mit     Beiträgen zu Debian beginnen sollte. Hier sind meine Vorschläge, abhängig von Ihren Fertigkeiten: * POSIX-Shell-, Perl- und Python-Fertigkeiten: + Schicken Sie Patches zum Debian-Installer. + Schicken Sie Patches an Paketierhelferskripte von Debian wie Devscripts, Sbuild, Schroot usw., die in diesem Dokument erwähnt sind. * C- und C++-Fähigkeiten: + Schicken Sie Patches an Pakete mit den Prioritäten required und important.     * Sprachfähigkeiten jenseits von Englisch: + Schicken Sie Patches zu den PO-Dateien des Debian-Installers. + Schicken Sie Patches an den PO-Dateien der Pakete mit den Prioritäten required und important. * Dokumentations-Fähigkeiten + Aktualisieren Sie Inhalte auf Debian-Wiki. + Schicken Sie Patches an das existierende Debian-Dokumentation. Diese Aktivitäten sollten Ihnen einen guten Kontakt zu den     anderen Debian-Menschen verschaffen, um Ihre Glaubwürdigkeit zu begründen.     Der unerfahrene Betreuer sollte das Paketieren von Programmen mit einer hohen Sicherheitsexposition vermeiden: * Setuid- oder Setgid-Programme     * Daemon-Programme * Programme, die in den Verzeichnissen /sbin/ oder /usr/sbin/ installiert werden     Wenn Sie mehr Erfahrung beim Paketieren gesammelt haben, werden Sie in der Lage sein, solche Programme zu paketieren. ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ^[4] Die überwältigende Mehrheit der Debian-Betreuer verwenden git statt anderer VCS-Systeme wie hg, bzr, usw. ^[5] It is unwise to run your base system under the pure unstable suite even for the development system. Normally, most package development activities use unstable chroot as in Section 7.10,     “chroot”. By using virtualization, you can test demanding situation such as the full Desktop system, network daemons, and system installer in the unstable suite environment even from the base system running the stable suite. ^[6] Das ist nicht die absolute Voraussetzung. Die ablehnende     Einstellung der Originalautoren kann für uns alle zu einem großen Ressourcenproblem werden. Die freundlichen Originalautoren können konsultiert werden, um alle Probleme mit dem Programm zu lösen. Chapter 3. Werkzeugeinrichtung     Das Paket build-essential muss in Ihrer Bauumgebung installiert sein.     Das Paket devscripts sollte in der Betreuerumgebung installiert werden. Although this is not necessarily an absolute requirement, it is a good idea to install and set up all of the popular set of packages mentioned in this chapter in the maintainer environment.     This enables us to share the common baseline working environment. . Please install the tools mentioned in the Overview of Debian Maintainer Tools in the “Debian Developer’s Reference”, as needed, too. Caution Die hier vorgestellte Einrichtung der Werkzeuge ist nur als     Beispiel gedacht und kann nicht mit den neuesten im System installierten Paketen übereinstimmen. Debian-Entwicklung ist ein voranschreitendes Ziel. Lesen Sie die relevante Dokumentation und aktualisieren Sie Ihre Konfiguration wo notwendig. 3.1. E-Mail-Adresse Verschiedene Debian-Betreuungswerkzeuge erkennen Ihre zu     verwendene E-Mail-Adresse und Ihren Namen über die Shell-Umgebungsvariablen $DEBEMAIL und $DEBFULLNAME.     Richten Sie diese Pakete ein, indem Sie die nachfolgenen Zeilen zu ~/.bashrc hinzufügen ^[7]. Fügen Sie zur ~/.bashrc folgendes hinzu.      DEBEMAIL="your.email.address@example.org" DEBFULLNAME="Firstname Lastname" export DEBEMAIL DEBFULLNAME 3.2. MC Der Befehl mc bietet Ihnen einen sehr leichten Zugang zur Verwaltung von Dateien. Es kann binäre deb-Dateien zum Prüfen     ihrer Inhalte öffnen, indem die Eingabetaste über der binären deb -Datei gedrückt wird. Es verwendet den Befehl dpkg-deb als seinen Backend. Lassen Sie es uns wie folgt einrichten, um leichtes chdir zu ermöglichen. Fügen Sie zur ~/.bashrc folgendes hinzu.      # mc-bezogen if [ -f /usr/lib/mc/mc.sh ]; then . /usr/lib/mc/mc.sh fi 3.3. Git     Heutzutage ist der Befehl git ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug, um den Quellbau mit Verlauf zu verwalten. Die globale Benutzerkonfiguration für den Befehl git, wie Ihren     Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, können in ~/.gitconfig wie folgt gesetzt werden:     $ git config --global user.name "Name Surname" $ git config --global user.email yourname@example.com     Falls Sie an die CVS- oder Subversion-Befehle gewöhnt sind, möchten Sie vielleicht eine Reihe von Aliasen wie folgt setzen:     $ git config --global alias.ci "commit -a" $ git config --global alias.co checkout     Sie können Ihre globale Konfiguration wie folgt prüfen:     $ git config --global --list Tip     Es ist essentiell, einige GUI git-Werkzeuge wie gitk oder gitg zu verwenden, um effektiv mit der Chronik des git-Depots zu arbeiten. 3.4. Quilt Der Befehl quilt bietet eine grundlegende Methode zur Aufzeichnung von Änderungen. Für die Debian-Paketierung sollte es     so angepasst werden, dass Änderungen im debian/patches/ -Verzeichnis anstelle des voreingestellten patches/ -Verzeichnisses aufgezeichnet werden. Um zu vermeiden, dass das Verhalten des Befehls quilt selbst geändert wird, erstellen wir einen Alias dquilt für das     Debian-Paket, indem wir die folgenden Zeilen in die Datei ~ /.bashrc einfügen. Die zweite Zeile bietet die gleiche Shell-Vervollständigungs-Funktion des quilt-Befehls für den dquilt-Befehl. Fügen Sie zur ~/.bashrc folgendes hinzu.      alias dquilt="quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg" . /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/quilt complete -F _quilt_completion $_quilt_complete_opt dquilt     Dann erstellen wir ~/.quiltrc-dpkg wie folgt. d=. while [ ! -d $d/debian -a `readlink -e $d` != / ]; do d=$d/..; done if [ -d $d/debian ] && [ -z $QUILT_PATCHES ]; then # if in Debian packaging tree with unset $QUILT_PATCHES QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches"     QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--reject-format=unified" QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto" QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" QUILT_COLORS="diff_hdr=1;32:diff_add=1;34:diff_rem=1;31:diff_hunk=1;33:" QUILT_COLORS="${QUILT_COLORS}diff_ctx=35:diff_cctx=33" if ! [ -d $d/debian/patches ]; then mkdir $d/debian/patches; fi fi     Siehe quilt(1) und Wie man mit vielen Patches überlebt oder eine Einführung in Quilt. wie man den Befehl quilt verwendet.     Siehe Section 4.9, “Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren” für beispielhafte Verwendungen. 3.5. Devscripts Der Befehl debsign, der im Paket devscripts enthalten ist, wird     verwendet, um das Debian-Paket mit Ihrem privaten GPG-Schlüssel zu signieren. Der Befehl debuild, der im Paket devscripts enthalten ist, baut     das Binärpaket und überprüft es mit dem Befehl lintian. Es ist praktisch, ausführliche Ausgaben von dem Befehl lintian zu haben.     Sie können diese in ~/.devscripts wie folgt einrichten. DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -I -us -uc"     DEBUILD_LINTIAN_OPTS="-i -I --show-overrides" DEBSIGN_KEYID="Your_GPG_keyID" Die Optionen - und -I in DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS für den     Befehl dpkg-source helfen beim erneuten Bauen von Debian-Paketen ohne Fremdinhalte (siehe Section 5.17, “Pakete ohne irrelevante Inhalte bauen”).     Derzeit ist ein RSA-Schlüssel mit 4096 Bits eine gute Idee. Siehe Einen neuen GPG-Key erstellen. 3.6. Sbuild The sbuild package provides a clean room (chroot) build     environment. It offers this efficiently with the help of schroot using the bind-mount feature of the modern Linux kernel. Since it is the same build environment as the Debian’s buildd     infrastructure, it is always up to date and comes with full of useful features.     It can be customized to offer following features: * Das Schroot-Paket, um die Geschwindigkeit der Chroot-Erstellung zu erhöhen. * Das lintian-Paket, um Fehler im Paket zu finden. * Das Piuparts-Paket, um Fehler im Paket zu finden. * Das Autopkgtest-Paket, um Fehler im Paket zu finden.     * Das ccache-Paket, um die gcc-Geschwindigkeit zu erhöhen. (optional) * Das libeatmydata1-Paket zur Erhöhung der dpkg -Geschwindigkeit. (optional) * Die parallele make, um die Baugeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen. (optional)     Let’s get started by following https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild .     $ sudo apt install sbuild piuparts autopkgtest lintian $ sudo usermod -a -G sbuild Reboot your system or execute command such as “kill -TERM -1” ^     [8]. Then login and check you are a member of sbuild group using id command.     $ id uid=1000() gid=1000() groups=…,132(sbuild) Let’s create the configuration file ~/.sbuildrc in line with     recent Debian practice https://wiki.debian.org/SourceOnlyUpload as: cat >~/.sbuildrc << 'EOF' ############################################################################## # PACKAGE BUILD RELATED (source-only-upload as default) ############################################################################## # -d $distribution = 'unstable'; # -A $build_arch_all = 1; # -s $build_source = 1; # --source-only-changes $source_only_changes = 1; # -v $verbose = 1;     ############################################################################## # POST-BUILD RELATED (turn off functionality by setting variables to 0) ############################################################################## $run_lintian = 1; $lintian_opts = ['-i', '-I']; $run_piuparts = 1; $piuparts_opts = ['--schroot', 'unstable-amd64-sbuild']; $run_autopkgtest = 1; $autopkgtest_root_args = ''; $autopkgtest_opts = [ '--', 'schroot', '%r-%a-sbuild' ]; ############################################################################## # PERL MAGIC ############################################################################## 1; EOF     Following document assumes that sbuild is configured this way.     Edit this to your needs. Post-build tests can be turned on and off by assigning 1 or 0 to the corresponding variables, Warning     Die optionale Anpassung kann negative Auswirkungen haben. Im Zweifelsfall deaktivieren Sie sie. Note     The parallel make may fail for some existing packages and may make the build log difficult to read. 3.7. git-buildpackage     Es kann sinnvoll sein, dass Sie mehrere globale Konfigurationen in ~/.gbp.conf setzen. # Konfigurationsdatei für "gbp " [DEFAULT] # Der Standard-Bau-Befehl:     builder = sbuild # pristine-tar verwenden: pristine-tar = True # Farbe auf einem Terminal verwenden, Alternativen: on/true, off/false oder auto color = auto Tip     Der Befehl gbp ist ein Alias für den Befehl git-buildpackage. 3.8. HTTP-Proxy You should set up a local HTTP caching proxy to save the     bandwidth for the Debian package repository access. There are several choices: * Specialized HTTP caching proxy using the apt-cacher-ng     package. * Generic HTTP caching proxy (squid package) configured by squid-deb-proxy package In order to use this HTTP proxy without manual configuration     adjustment, it’s a good idea to install either auto-apt-proxy or squid-deb-proxy-client package to everywhere. 3.9. Privates Debian-Depot     Sie können ein privates Debian-Depot mit dem Paket reprepro einrichten. 3.10. Virtuelle Maschinen     For testing GUI application, it is good idea to have virtual machines. Install virt-manager and qemu-kvm.     Use of chroot and virtual machines allow us not to update the whole host PC to the latest unstable. 3.11. Local network with virtual machines In order to access virtual machines easily over the local     network, setting up multicast DNS service discovery infrastructure by installing avahi-utils is a good idea.     For all running virtual machines and the host PC, we can use each host name appended with .local for SSH to access each other. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[7] Hierbei wird angenommen, dass Sie die Bash als Ihre     Anmelde-Shell verwenden. Falls Sie eine andere Anmelde-Shell, wie die Z-Shell, verwenden, verwenden Sie deren entsprechenden Konfigurationsdateien statt ~/.bashrc.     ^[8] Logout from your system via GUI menu may not work. Chapter 4. Einfaches Beispiel Es gibt ein altes lateinisches Sprichwort: »Longum iter est per     praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla« (»Der Weg mit den Regeln ist lang, mit Beispielen aber kurz und effizient«). 4.1. Packaging tarball Hier ist ein Beispiel zur Erstellung eines einfachen     Debian-Pakets aus einer einfachen C-Quelle mittels einer Makefile als Bausystem.     Nehmen wir an, der Tarball der Originalautoren heißt debhello-0.0.tar.gz.     Diese Art der Quellen soll als Nichtsystemdatei wie folgt instaliert werden: $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.0.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-0.0 $ make $ make install Die Debian-Paketierung ändert diesen »make install«-Prozess in     die Installation von Dateien an den Ort im Zielsystemabbild statt des normalen Ortes unterhalb von /usr/local. Note     Beispiele zur Erstellung von Debian-Paketen aus anderen, komplizierteren Bausystemen werden in Chapter 8, Weitere Beispiele beschrieben. 4.2. Gesamtbild The big picture for building a single non-native Debian package     from the upstream tarball debhello-0.0.tar.gz can be summarized as: * The maintainer obtains the upstream tarball debhello-0.0.tar.gz and untars its contents to the debhello-0.0 directory. * The debmake command debianizes the upstream source tree by adding template files only in the debian directory.     + The debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz symlink is created pointing to the debhello-0.0.tar.gz file. + The maintainer customizes template files. * The debuild command builds the binary package from the debianized source tree. + debhello-0.0-1.debian.tar.xz is created containing the debian directory. Big picture of package building.  $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.0.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-0.0 $ debmake … manuelle Anpassung $ debuild … Tip     The debuild command in this and following examples may be substituted by equivalent commands such as the sbuild command. Tip     If the upstream tarball in the .tar.xz format is available, use it instead of the one in the .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 formats. The xz compression format offers the better compression than the gzip and bzip2 compressions. 4.3. Was ist Debmake?     Der Befehl debmake ist ein Hilfsskript für die Debian-Paketierung. * It always sets most of the obvious option states and values to reasonable defaults. * Es erstellt den Tarball der Originalautoren und die benötigten Symlinks, falls sie fehlen.     * Es setzt die bestehenden Konfigurationsdateien im Verzeichnis debian/ nicht außer Kraft. * Es unterstützt die Multiarch-Pakete. * Es erstellt gute Vorlagendateien wie eine debian/copyright -Datei, die konform zu DEP-5 ist.     Diese Funktionalitäten ermöglichen ein einfaches und moderens Paketieren für Debian mit debmake. In retrospective, I created debmake to simplify this     documentation. I consider debmake to be more-or-less a demonstration session generator for tutorial purpose. Note     Many packages are packaged using only a text editor while imitating how other similar packages are packaged and consulting how the Debian policy requires us to do. This seems to me the most popular method for the real-life packaging activity. The debmake command isn’t the only helper script to make a Debian     package. If you are interested alternative packaging helper tools, please see: * Debian wiki: AutomaticPackagingTools — Extensive comparison     of packaging helper scripts * Debian wiki: CopyrightReviewTools — Extensive comparison of copyright review helper scripts 4.4. Was ist Debuild?     Hier ist eine Zusammenfassung von Befehlen, die dem Befehl debuild ähnlich sind. * Die Datei debian/rules definiert, wie das binäre Debian-Paket gebaut wird. * Der Befehl dpkg-buildpackage ist der offizielle Befehl, ein Debian-Binärpaket zu bauen. Bei einem normalen Binärbau führt er grob die folgenden Schritte aus: + »dpkg-source --before-build« (wendet Debian Patches an, außer sie sind bereits angewandt) + »fakeroot debian/rules clean« + »dpkg-source --build« (baut das Debian-Quellpaket) + »fakeroot debian/rules build« + »fakeroot debian/rules binary« + »dpkg-genbuildinfo« (erstellt eine *.buildinfo-Datei)     + »dpkg-genchanges« (erstellt eine *.changes-Datei) + »fakeroot debian/rules clean« + “dpkg-source --after-build” (unapply Debian patches, if they are applied during --before-build) + “debsign” (sign the *.dsc and *.changes files) o If you followed Section 3.5, “Devscripts” to set the -us and -uc options, this step is skipped and you must run the debsign command manually. * The debuild command is a wrapper script of the dpkg-buildpackage command to build the Debian binary package under the proper environment variables. * The sbuild command is a wrapper script to build the Debian binary package under the proper chroot environment with the proper environment variables. Note     Siehe dpkg-buildpackage(1) für die Details. 4.5. Schritt 1: Holen der Quellen der Originalautoren     Let’s get the upstream source. Download debhello-0.0.tar.gz.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-0.0.tar.gz … $ tar -xzf debhello-0.0.tar.gz $ tree .     ├── debhello-0.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile │   └── src │   └── hello.c └── debhello-0.0.tar.gz 2 directories, 4 files     Here, the C source hello.c is a very simple one. hello.c.  $ cat debhello-0.0/src/hello.c #include     int main() { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; }     Here, the Makefile supports GNU Coding Standards and FHS. Notably: * build binaries honoring $(CPPFLAGS), $(CFLAGS), $(LDFLAGS), etc.     * install files with $(DESTDIR) defined to the target system image * install files with $(prefix) defined, which can be overridden to be /usr Makefile.  $ cat debhello-0.0/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c @echo "CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)" | \ fold -s -w 70 | \ sed -e 's/^/# /' $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDCFLAGS) -o $@ $^     install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall Note     The echo of the $(CFLAGS) variable is used to verify the proper setting of the build flag in the following example. 4.6. Schritt 2: Mit Debmake erstellte Vorlagendateien Tip     Falls der Befehl debmake mit der Option -T aufgerufen wird, werden in den Vorlagendateien ausführlichere Kommentare erstellt.     Die Ausagabe des Befehls debmake ist sehr ausführlich und erklärt seine Tätigkeiten wie folgt: $ cd debhello-0.0 $ debmake I: set parameters I: ================================================================= I: package_dir = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages I: base_path = /usr I: base_lib_path = /usr/lib/debmake I: base_share_path = /usr/share/debmake I: ================================================================= I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="0.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-0.0". *** I: provide debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-0.0.tar.gz debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-0.0" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 100 %, ext = c I: check_all_licenses I: … I: check_all_licenses completed for 2 files. I: bunch_all_licenses I: format_all_licenses I: make debian/* template files     I: single binary package I: debmake -x "1" ... I: creating => debian/control I: creating => debian/copyright I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra0/changelog I: creating => debian/changelog I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra0/rules I: creating => debian/rules I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1/README.Debian I: creating => debian/README.Debian I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1/watch I: creating => debian/watch I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1source/format I: creating => debian/source/format I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1tests/control I: creating => debian/source/control I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1upstream/metadata I: creating => debian/upstream/metadata I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1tests/control I: creating => debian/tests/control I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1patches/series I: creating => debian/patches/series I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1sourcex/local-options I: creating => debian/source/local-options I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1sourcex/options I: creating => debian/source/options I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra1sourcex/patch-header I: creating => debian/source/patch-header I: run "debmake -x2" to get more template files I: $ wrap-and-sort The debmake command generates all these template files based on     command line options. Since no options are specified, the debmake command chooses reasonable default values for you: * Der Quellpaketname: debhello * Die Version der Originalautoren: 0.0     * Deb Binärpaketname: debhello * Die Debian-Revision: 1 * The package type: bin (the ELF binary executable package) * Die Option -x: -x1 (Vorgabe für das einzelne Binärpaket)     Lassen Sie uns die erstellten Vorlagendateien anschauen. Der Quellbaum, nach der grundlegenden Ausführung von debmake.  $ cd .. $ tree . ├── debhello-0.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile │   ├── debian │   │   ├── README.Debian │   │   ├── changelog │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── copyright │   │   ├── patches │   │   │   └── series │   │   ├── rules     │   │   ├── source │   │   │   ├── control │   │   │   ├── format │   │   │   ├── local-options │   │   │   ├── options │   │   │   └── patch-header │   │   ├── tests │   │   │   └── control │   │   ├── upstream │   │   │   └── metadata │   │   └── watch │   └── src │   └── hello.c ├── debhello-0.0.tar.gz └── debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.0.tar.gz 7 directories, 19 files The debian/rules file is the build script provided by the package     maintainer. Here is its template file generated by the debmake command. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei):  $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic     #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_install: # dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo This is essentially the standard debian/rules file with the dh     command. (There are some commented out contents for you to customize it.) The debian/control file provides the main meta data for the     Debian package. Here is its template file generated by the debmake command. debian/control (Vorlagendatei):  $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Firstname Lastname" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.5.1     Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Warning     If you leave “Section: unknown” in the template debian/control file unchanged, the lintian error may cause the build to fail. Since this is the ELF binary executable package, the debmake command sets “Architecture: any” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also,     it sets required substvar parameters as “Depends: $ {shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}”. These are explained in Chapter 5, Grundlagen. Note     Please note this debian/control file uses the RFC-822 style as documented in 5.2 Source package control files — debian/control of the “Debian Policy Manual”. The use of the empty line and the leading space are significant. The debian/copyright file provides the copyright summary data of     the Debian package. Here is its template file generated by the debmake command. debian/copyright (Vorlagendatei):  $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/copyright Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Source: # # Please double check copyright with the licensecheck(1) command. Files: Makefile src/hello.c Copyright: __NO_COPYRIGHT_NOR_LICENSE__ License: __NO_COPYRIGHT_NOR_LICENSE__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------... # Files marked as NO_LICENSE_TEXT_FOUND may be covered by the following # license/copyright files. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------... # License file: LICENSE     License: . All files in this archive are licensed under the MIT License as below. . Copyright 2015 Osamu Aoki . Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 4.7. Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien     Um ein geeignetes Debian-Paket zu erstellen, sind manuelle Anpassungen durch den Betreuer notwendig. In order to install files as a part of the system files, the $ (prefix) value of /usr/local in the Makefile should be overridden     to be /usr. This can be accommodated by the following the debian/ rules file with the override_dh_auto_install target setting “ prefix=/usr”. debian/rules (Betreuerversion):  $ vim debhello-0.0/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr Exportieren der Umgebungsvariable DH_VERBOSE in der Datei debian/     rules zwingt das Werkzeug debhelper dazu, einen feingranularen Baubericht zu erstellen. Durch Exportieren von DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTION wie oben werden die     Härtungsoptionen wie in »FUNKTIONALITÄTSBEREICHE« in dpkg-buildflags(1) beschrieben gesetzt. ^[9]     Durch Exportieren von DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND wie oben wird der C-Compiler gezwungen, alle Warnungen auszugeben. Durch Exportieren von DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND wie oben wird der     Linker gezwungen, nur zu linken, wenn die Bibliothek tatsächlich benötigt wird. ^[10] Der Befehl dh_auto_install für das Makefile-basierende Bausystem führt im wesentlichen »$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=debian/debhello«     aus. Die Erstellung dieses Zieles override_dh_auto_install ändert sein Verhalten zu »$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=debian/debhello prefix =/usr«.     Hier sind die Betreuerversionen der Dateien debian/control und debian/copyright. debian/control (Betreuerversion):  $ vim debhello-0.0/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) debian/copyright (Betreuerversion):  $ vim debhello-0.0/debian/copyright … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.0/debian/copyright Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ Upstream-Name: debhello Upstream-Contact: Osamu Aoki Source: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Files: * Copyright: 2015-2021 Osamu Aoki License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a     copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=0.0):  $ tree debhello-0.0/debian debhello-0.0/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── patches │   └── series ├── rules     ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 14 files Tip     Konfigurationsdateien, die vom Befehl dh_* aus dem Paket debhelper verwandt werden, behandeln normalerweise # als Beginn einer Kommentarzeile. 4.8. Schritt 4: Paketbau mit debuild You can create a non-native Debian package using the debuild     command or its equivalents (see Section 4.4, “Was ist Debuild?”) in this source tree. The command output is very verbose and explains what it does as follows. $ cd debhello-0.0 $ debuild dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i -i … debian/rules clean dh clean … debian/rules binary dh binary dh_update_autotools_config dh_autoreconf dh_auto_configure     install -d /path/to/debhello-0.0/debian/.debhelper/generated/_source/... dh_auto_build make -j12 "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true" make[1]: Entering directory '/path/to/debhello-0.0' # CFLAGS=-g -O2 # -ffile-prefix-map=/home/osamu/src/public/debmake-doc/debmake-doc/examp … Now running lintian -i -I --show-overrides debhello_0.0-1_amd64.changes ... … N: Renamed from: binary-without-manpage N: W: debhello: readme-debian-contains-debmake-template N: … Sie können überprüfen, dass CFLAGS korrekt mit -Wall und     -pedantic durch die Variable DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND aktualisiert ist. Wie vom Paket lintian berichtet sollte eine Handbuchseite zum     Paket hinzugefügt werden, wie dies in späteren Beispielen gezeigt wird (siehe Chapter 8, Weitere Beispiele). Lassen Sie uns jetzt weitermachen.     Lassen Sie uns die Ergebnisse anschauen. Die durch den Befehldebuild erstellten Dateien von debhello Version 0.0:  $ cd .. $ tree -FL 1 . ├── debhello-0.0/ ├── debhello-0.0.tar.gz     ├── debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb ├── debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz ├── debhello_0.0-1.dsc ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.build ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.buildinfo ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.changes ├── debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb └── debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.0.tar.gz 1 directory, 9 files     You see all the generated files. * Das debhello_0.0.orig.tar.gz ist ein Symlink auf den Tarball der Originalautoren. * The debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz contains the maintainer generated contents. * The debhello_0.0-1.dsc is the meta data file for the Debian source package. * The debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb is the Debian binary package.     * The debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb is the Debian debug symbol binary package. See Section 5.19.1, “Neue -dbgsym-Pakete (Stretch 9.0 und danach)”. * The debhello_0.0-1_amd64.build file is the build log file. * The debhello_0.0-1_amd64.buildinfo file is the meta data file generated by dpkg-genbuildinfo(1). * The debhello_0.0-1_amd64.changes is the meta data file for the Debian binary package.     The debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz contains the Debian changes to the upstream source as follows. The compressed archive contents of debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz:  $ tar -tzf debhello-0.0.tar.gz debhello-0.0/ debhello-0.0/src/ debhello-0.0/src/hello.c debhello-0.0/LICENSE debhello-0.0/Makefile $ tar --xz -tf debhello_0.0-1.debian.tar.xz debian/ debian/README.Debian debian/changelog debian/control     debian/copyright debian/patches/ debian/patches/series debian/rules debian/source/ debian/source/control debian/source/format debian/source/options debian/source/patch-header debian/tests/ debian/tests/control debian/upstream/ debian/upstream/metadata debian/watch     The debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb contains the binary files to be installed to the target system.     The debhello-debsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb contains the debug symbol files to be installed to the target system.. The binary package contents of all binary packages:  $ dpkg -c debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/lib/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/lib/debug/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/ -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/be/11292eded3fc22396a0b62... drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/     drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/doc/ lrwxrwxrwx root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello-dbgsym -> debhello $ dpkg -c debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/bin/hello drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/doc/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/ -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/README.Debian -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/changelog.Debian.gz -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/copyright     The generated dependency list of all binary packages. The generated dependency list of all binary packages (v=0.0):  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_0.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \     depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: debhello (= 0.0-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_0.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends \ depends recommends conflicts breaks Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5) Caution     Many more details need to be addressed before uploading the package to the Debian archive. Note If manual adjustments of auto-generated configuration files by     the debmake command are skipped, the generated binary package may lack meaningful package description and some of the policy requirements may be missed. This sloppy package functions well under the dpkg command, and may be good enough for your local deployment. 4.9. Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren     Das obige Beispiel veränderte die Quellen der Originalautoren nicht, um ein geeignetes Debian-Paket zu erstellen. An alternative approach as the maintainer is to change the     upstream source by modifying the upstream Makefile to set the $ (prefix) value to /usr. The packaging is practically the same as the above step-by-step     example except for two points in Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien”: * Store the maintainer modifications to the upstream source as the corresponding patch files in the debian/patches/ directory and list their filenames in the debian/patches/ series file as indicated in Section 5.10, “debian/patches/*”. There are several ways to generate patch files. A few examples are given in these sections: + Section 4.9.1, “Patch durch diff -u” + Section 4.9.2, “Patch durch Dquilt” + Section 4.9.3, “Patch durch dpkg-source --commit” * The maintainer modification to the debian/rules file doesn’t have the override_dh_auto_install target as follows:     debian/rules (alternative maintainer version):  $ cd debhello-0.0 $ vim debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ This alternative approach to Debian packaging using a series of     patch files may be less robust for future upstream changes but more flexible coping with the difficult upstream source. (See Section 7.13, “3.0 source format”.) Note     For this particular packaging case, the above Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien” using the debian/rules file is the better approach. But let’s keep on with this approach as a leaning process. Tip     For more complicated packaging cases, both Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien” and Section 4.9, “Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren” approaches need to be deployed. 4.9.1. Patch durch diff -u     Here is an example to create 000-prefix-usr.patch by the diff command. $ cp -a debhello-0.0 debhello-0.0.orig $ vim debhello-0.0/Makefile … hack, hack, hack, … $ diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig debhello-0.0 >000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat 000-prefix-usr.patch diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile debhello-0.0/Makefile --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile 2021-07-02 16:26:38.734722687 +0900     +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile 2021-07-02 16:26:38.802723496 +0900 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello $ rm -rf debhello-0.0 $ mv -f debhello-0.0.orig debhello-0.0 Please note that the upstream source tree is restored to the     original state and the patch file is available as 000-prefix-usr.patch.     This 000-prefix-usr.patch is edited to be DEP-3 conformant and moved to the right location as below. $ cd debhello-0.0 $ echo '000-prefix-usr.patch' >debian/patches/series $ vim ../000-prefix-usr.patch … hack, hack, hack, … $ mv -f ../000-prefix-usr.patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch From: Osamu Aoki     Description: set prefix=/usr patch diff -Nru debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile debhello-0.0/Makefile --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello 4.9.2. Patch durch Dquilt Here is an example to create 000-prefix-usr.patch by the dquilt command which is a simple wrapper of the quilt program. The     syntax and function of the dquilt command is the same as the quilt(1) command, except for the fact that the patch is stored in the debian/patches/ directory. $ cd debhello-0.0 $ dquilt new 000-prefix-usr.patch Patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch is now on top $ dquilt add Makefile File Makefile added to patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch … hack, hack, hack, … $ head -1 Makefile prefix = /usr $ dquilt refresh Refreshed patch debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch $ dquilt header -e --dep3 … den DEP-3-Patch-Header mit einem Editor bearbeiten $ tree -a . ├── .pc │   ├── .quilt_patches │   ├── .quilt_series │   ├── .version │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   ├── .timestamp │   │   └── Makefile │   └── applied-patches ├── LICENSE ├── Makefile ├── debian │   ├── README.Debian │   ├── changelog │   ├── control │   ├── copyright │   ├── patches     │   │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   └── series │   ├── rules │   ├── source │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── format │   │   ├── local-options │   │   ├── options │   │   └── patch-header │   ├── tests │   │   └── control │   ├── upstream │   │   └── metadata │   └── watch └── src └── hello.c 8 directories, 24 files $ cat debian/patches/series 000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch Description: set prefix=/usr patch Author: Osamu Aoki Index: debhello-0.0/Makefile =================================================================== --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello Here, Makefile in the upstream source tree doesn’t need to be restored to the original state. The dpkg-source command invoked by the Debian packaging procedure in Section 4.8, “Schritt 4:     Paketbau mit debuild”, understands the patch application state recorded by the dquilt program in the .pc/ directory. As long as all the changes are committed by the dquilt command, the Debian source package can be built from the modified source tree. Note If the .pc/ directory is missing, the dpkg-source command assumes     that no patch was applied. That’s why the more primitive patch generation methods like in Section 4.9.1, “Patch durch diff -u” without generating the .pc/ directory require the upstream source tree to be restored. 4.9.3. Patch durch dpkg-source --commit     Here is an example to create 000-prefix-usr.patch by the “ dpkg-source --commit” command.     Bearbeiten Sie die Quellen der Originalautoren. $ cd debhello-0.0 $ vim Makefile     … hack, hack, hack, … $ head -n1 Makefile prefix = /usr     Let’s commit it. $ dpkg-source --commit . 000-prefix-usr.patch     … Editor, um die DEP-3-Patch-Kopfzeilen zu bearbeiten …     Schauen Sie sich das Ergebnis an. $ cat debian/patches/series 000-prefix-usr.patch $ cat debian/patches/000-prefix-usr.patch Description: set prefix=/usr patch Author: Osamu Aoki Index: debhello-0.0/Makefile --- debhello-0.0.orig/Makefile +++ debhello-0.0/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -prefix = /usr/local +prefix = /usr all: src/hello $ tree -a . ├── .pc │   ├── .quilt_patches │   ├── .quilt_series │   ├── .version │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   ├── .timestamp │   │   └── Makefile │   └── applied-patches     ├── LICENSE ├── Makefile ├── debian │   ├── README.Debian │   ├── changelog │   ├── control │   ├── copyright │   ├── patches │   │   ├── 000-prefix-usr.patch │   │   └── series │   ├── rules │   ├── source │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── format │   │   ├── local-options │   │   ├── options │   │   └── patch-header │   ├── tests │   │   └── control │   ├── upstream │   │   └── metadata │   └── watch └── src └── hello.c 8 directories, 24 files Hier erledigt der Befehl dpkg-source genau das gleiche wie dies     die Sequenz der dquilt-Befehle in Section 4.9.2, “Patch durch Dquilt” tat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[9] This is a cliché to force a read-only relocation link for the hardening and to prevent the lintian warning “W: debhello:     hardening-no-relro usr/bin/hello”. This is not really needed for this example but should be harmless. The lintian tool seems to produce a false positive warning for this case which has no linked library. ^[10] This is a cliché to prevent overlinking for the complex     library dependency case such as Gnome programs. This is not really needed for this simple example but should be harmless. Chapter 5. Grundlagen Für die grundlegenden Regeln der Debian-Paketierung wird hier ein     breiter Überblick gegeben, der sich auf nichtnative Debian-Pakete im Format »3.0 (quilt)« konzentriert. Note     Zu Gunsten der Klarheit werden einige Details bewusst übergangen. Bitte lesen Sie die Handbuchseiten von dpkg-source(1), dpkg-buildpackage(1), dpkg(1), dpkg-deb(1), deb(5) usw. Das Debian-Quellpaket ist eine Gruppe von Eingabedateien (d.h.     nicht eine einzelne Datei), die zum Bau des Debian-Binärpakets verwandt werden. Das Debian-Binärpaket ist eine besondere Archivdatei, die die     Gruppe der installierbaren Binärdaten mit ihren zugehörigen Informationen enthält.     Ein einzelnes Debian-Quellpaket kann mehrere Debian-Binärpakete, die in der Datei debian/control definiert sind, installieren.     Das nichtnative Debian-Paket im Format »3.0 (quilt)« ist das gängigste Debian-Quellpaketformat. Note     There are many wrapper scripts. Use them to streamline your workflow but make sure to understand the basics of their internals. 5.1. Arbeitsablauf des Paketierens Der Arbeitsablauf beim Paketieren, um ein Debian-Binärpaket zu     erstellen, beinhaltete die Erstellung mehrere Dateien mit bestimmten Namen (siehe Section 5.4, “Paketname und -version”), wie dies in dem »Debian Policy Manual« definiert ist.     Stark vereinfacht kann der Arbeitsablauf beim Debian-Paketieren in folgende 10 Schritte zusammengefasst werden: 1. Der Tarball der Originalautoren wird als Datei Paket-Version .tar.gz heruntergeladen. 2. The upstream tarball is untarred to create many files under the package-version/ directory. 3. The upstream tarball is copied (or symlinked) to the particular filename packagename_version.orig.tar.gz. + the character separating package and version is changed from - (hyphen) to _ (underscore) + .orig is added in the file extension. 4. The Debian package specification files are added to the upstream source under the package-version/debian/ directory. + Required specification files under the debian/ directory: debian/rules Das ausführbare Skript zum Bau des Debian-Pakets (siehe Section 5.6, “debian/rules”) debian/control The package configuration file containing the source package name, the source build dependencies, the binary package name, the binary dependencies, etc. (see Section 5.7, “debian/control”) debian/changelog The Debian package history file defining the upstream package version and the Debian revision in its first line (see Section 5.8, “debian/changelog”) debian/copyright The copyright and license summary (see Section 5.9, “debian/copyright”) + Optional specification files under the debian/* (see Section 5.13, “Weitere debian/*-Dateien”): + The debmake command invoked in the package-version/ directory provides the initial set of these template configuration files. o Required specification files are generated even with the -x0 option. o The debmake command does not overwrite any existing configuration files. + These files must be manually edited to their perfection according to the “Debian Policy Manual” and “Debian Developer’s Reference”.     5. The dpkg-buildpackage command (usually from its wrapper debuild or sbuild) is invoked in the package-version/ directory to make the Debian source and binary packages by invoking the debian/rules script. + The current directory is set as: $(CURDIR)=/path/to/ package-version/ + Create the Debian source package in the “3.0 (quilt)” format using dpkg-source(1) o package_version.orig.tar.gz (copy or symlink of package-version.tar.gz) o package_version-revision.debian.tar.xz (tarball of package-version/debian/*) o package_version-revision.dsc + Build the source using “debian/rules build” into $ (DESTDIR) o DESTDIR=debian/binarypackage/ (single binary package) o DESTDIR=debian/tmp/ (multi binary package) + Create the Debian binary package using dpkg-deb(1), dpkg-genbuildinfo(1), and dpkg-genchanges(1). o binarypackage_version-revision_arch.deb o … (There may be multiple Debian binary package files.) o package_version-revision_arch.changes o package_version-revision_arch.buildinfo 6. Check the quality of the Debian package with the lintian command. (recommended) + Follow the rejection guidelines from ftp-master. o REJECT-FAQ o NEW-Checkliste o Lintian Autorejects (lintian tag list) 7. Test the goodness of the generated Debian binary package manually by installing it and running its programs. 8. After confirming the goodness, prepare files for the normal source-only upload to the Debian archive. 9. Sign the package_version-revision.dsc and 'package_version-revision’_*source.changes* files with the debsign command using your private GPG key. 10. Upload the set of the Debian source package files with the dput command to the Debian archive. Test building and confirming of the binary package goodness as     above is the moral obligation as a diligent Debian developer but there is no physical barrier for people to skip such operations at this moment for the source-only upload. Under some exceptional situation such as NEW uploads, uploads to the Debian archive may need to include Debian binary package     files. For such situation, sign package_version-revision_arch. changes instead of 'package_version-revision’_*source.changes* in the step 9, and upload the set of the Debian source and binary package files in the step 10.     Here, please replace each part of the filename as: * the package part with the Debian source package name * the binarypackage part with the Debian binary package name     * the version part with the upstream version * the revision part with the Debian revision * the arch part with the package architecture     See also Source-only uploads. Tip     Many patch management and VCS usage strategies for the Debian packaging are practiced. You don’t need to use all of them. Tip     There is very extensive documentation in Chapter 6. Best Packaging Practices in the “Debian Developer’s Reference”. Please read it. 5.1.1. Das Paket debhelper Although a Debian package can be made by writing a debian/rules script without using the debhelper package, it is impractical to do so. There are too many modern “Policy” required features to be addressed, such as application of the proper file permissions,     use of the proper architecture dependent library installation path, insertion of the installation hook scripts, generation of the debug symbol package, generation of package dependency information, generation of the package information files, application of the proper timestamp for reproducible build, etc. Debhelper package provides a set of useful scripts in order to     simplify Debian’s packaging workflow and reduce the burden of package maintainers. When properly used, they will help packagers handle and implement “Policy” required features automatically.     The modern Debian packaging workflow can be organized into a simple modular workflow by: * using the dh command to invoke many utility scripts     automatically from the debhelper package, and * configuring their behavior with declarative configuration files in the debian/ directory. You should almost always use debhelper as your package’s build     dependency. This document also assumes that you are using a fairly contemporary version of debhelper to handle packaging works in the following contents. 5.2. Historical perspective of Debian packaging practices     Let me oversimplify historical perspective of Debian packaging practices. Debian was started in 1990s when upstream packages were available     from public FTP sites such as Sunsite. In those early days, Debian packaging used dpkg-source currently known as "Format: 1.0": * Upstream released packages in tar.gz format. They were obtained from some FTP sites. * Debian applied "one big patch" as its source distribution and     made its binary distribution form it. * Many different approaches were adopted by different Debian developers to manage topic patches with custom scripts within the "one big patch". — Chaos!     In order to address issues of old dpkg-source "Format: 1.0", new dpkg-source "Format: 3.0 (quilt)" was invented around 2008: * Upstream released packages in tar.gz/tar.bz2/tar.xz format optionally with signature files. They were obtained from some HTTP sites. * Most Debian developers adopted patch queue mechanism of "Format: 3.0 (quilt)" to manage topic patches and made Debian packages while keeping files outside of debian/ directory     untouched. * VCS, especially git, became popular and most Debian developers and started to record this packaging practice in gbp-buildpackage(1) style. * The gbp-buildpackage(1) workflow records the exact same content of the upstream tarball to VCS for source files outside of debian/ directory (= patch-unapplied).     The use of Git repositories to distribute upstream packages with signed tags (supported feature since 2011) became very popular. * The tarball centric gbp-buildpackage(1) workflow to record changes to VCS was cumbersome for some Debian developers and dgit(1) was invented in 2013. * The Git centric dgit-maint-debrebase(7) and dgit-maint-merge (7) workflows to record changes to VCS are gaining popularity     among these Debian developers. * Source files recorded to VCS by dgit-maint-debrebase(7) and git-maint-merge(7) are modified upstream source files (= patch-applied). * Uploaded source packages by dgit-maint-debrebase(7) and git-maint-merge(7) workflows still use dpkg-source "Format: 3.0 (quilt)".     Debian also enforced the source-only upload when developing Debian/11 Bullseye (released in 2021). In this tutorial, mostly simple tarball based dpkg-source     "Format: 3.0 (quilt)" examples are presented as an introductory purpose.     Please assess these VCS usage approaches by yourself later to decide which one to deploy as your preferred one.     Please also read Notes on Debian by Russ Allbery which have best practices such as Using Git for Debian Packaging. 5.3. Future perspective on Debian packaging practices     Please look around to understand how Debian packaging practices are evolving and follow the current general trends if possible. * DEP - Debian Enhancement Proposals + Debian Enhancement Proposals (or DEPs, for short) offer a device to organize discussions about various kinds of enhancements in the Debian project, reflect their current status and, in particular, archive their outcomes.     * Debian Trends + This page provides some historical perspective about how those practices evolved. * Debian git packaging maintainer branch formats and workflows + Nice packaging summary by the latest dgit tool providers.     You can also search entire Debian source code by yourself, too. * Debian Sources — code search tool     + Debian Code Search — wiki page describing its usage * Debian Code Search — another code search tool 5.4. Paketname und -version Falls die Quellen der Originalautoren als hello-0.9.12.tar.gz     vorliegen, könen Sie hello als Namen des Quellpakets der Originalautoren und 0.9.12 als Version der Originalautoren nehmen. debmake is meant to provide template files for the package     maintainer to work on. Comment lines started by # contain the tutorial text. You must remove or edit such comment lines before uploading to the Debian archive. The license extraction and assignment process involves a lot of     heuristics; it may fail in some cases. It is highly recommended to use other tools such as licensecheck from the devscripts package in conjunction with debmake. There are some limitations for what characters may be used as a     part of the Debian package. The most notable limitation is the prohibition of uppercase letters in the package name. Here is a summary as a set of regular expressions: * Upstream package name (-p): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,}     * Binary package name (-b): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,} * Upstream version (-u): [0-9][-+.:~a-z0-9A-Z]* * Debian revision (-r): [0-9][+.~a-z0-9A-Z]*     See the exact definition in Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields in the “Debian Policy Manual”. debmake assumes relatively simple packaging cases. So all     programs related to the interpreter are assumed to be " Architecture: all". This is not always true.     You must adjust the package name and upstream version accordingly for the Debian packaging. In order to manage the package name and version information effectively under popular tools such as the aptitude command, it     is a good idea to keep the length of package name to be equal or less than 30 characters; and the total length of version and revision to be equal or less than 14 characters. ^[11]     In order to avoid name collisions, the user visible binary package name should not be chosen from any generic words. If upstream does not use a normal versioning scheme such as 2.30.32 but uses some kind of date such as 11Apr29, a random codename string, or a VCS hash value as part of the version, make sure to remove them from the upstream version. Such information can be recorded in the debian/changelog file. If you need to     invent a version string, use the YYYYMMDD format such as 20110429 as upstream version. This ensures that the dpkg command interprets later versions correctly as upgrades. If you need to ensure a smooth transition to a normal version scheme such as 0.1 in the future, use the 0~YYMMDD format such as 0~110429 as upstream version, instead.     Version strings can be compared using the dpkg command as follows.     $ dpkg --compare-versions ver1 op ver2     The version comparison rule can be summarized as: * Strings are compared from the head to the tail.     * Letters are larger than digits. * Numbers are compared as integers. * Letters are compared in ASCII code order.     There are special rules for period (.), plus (+), and tilde (~) characters, as follows.     0.0 < 0.5 < 0.10 < 0.99 < 1 < 1.0~rc1 < 1.0 < 1.0+b1 < 1.0+nmu1 < 1.1 < 2.0 One tricky case occurs when the upstream releases hello-0.9.12-ReleaseCandidate-99.tar.gz as the pre-release of     hello-0.9.12.tar.gz. You can ensure the Debian package upgrade to work properly by renaming the upstream source to hello-0.9.12~rc99.tar.gz. 5.5. Natives Debian-Paket The non-native Debian package in the “3.0 (quilt)” format is the most normal Debian source package format. The debian/source/     format file should have “3.0 (quilt)” in it as described in dpkg-source(1). The above workflow and the following packaging examples always use this format. A native Debian package is the rare Debian binary package format.     It may be used only when the package is useful and valuable only for Debian. Thus, its use is generally discouraged. Caution A native Debian package is often accidentally built when its     upstream tarball is not accessible from the dpkg-buildpackage command with its correct name package_version.orig.tar.gz . This is a typical newbie mistake caused by making a symlink name with “-” instead of the correct one with “_”.     A native Debian package has no separation between the upstream code and the Debian changes and consists only of the following: * package_version.tar.gz (copy or symlink of package-version.     tar.gz with debian/* files.) * package_version.dsc     If you need to create a native Debian package, create it in the “ 3.0 (native)” format using dpkg-source(1). Tip Some people promote packaging even programs that have been written only for Debian in the non-native package format. The     required tarball without debian/* files needs to be manually generated in advance before the standard workflow in Section 5.1, “Arbeitsablauf des Paketierens”. ^[12] They claim that the use of non-native package format eases communication with the downstream distributions. Tip There is no need to create the tarball in advance if the native package format is used. The native Debian package can be created     by setting the debian/source/format file to “3.0 (native)”, setting the debian/changelog file to have the version without the Debian revision (1.0 instead of 1.0-1), and invoking the “ dpkg-source -b .” command within the source tree. The tarball containing the source is generated by this. 5.6. debian/rules     Das Skript debian/rules ist das ausführbare Skript, um das Debian-Paket zu bauen. * The debian/rules script re-targets the upstream build system (see Section 5.18, “Bausysteme der Originalautoren”) to install files in the $(DESTDIR) and creates the archive file of the generated files as the deb file. + The deb file is used for the binary distribution and     installed to the system using the dpkg command. * The dh command is normally used as the front-end to the build system inside the debian/rules script. * $(DESTDIR) path depends on the build type. + $(DESTDIR)=debian/binarypackage (single binary package) + $(DESTDIR)=debian/tmp (multiple binary package) 5.6.1. dh The dh command from the debhelper package with help from its associated packages functions as the wrapper to the typical     upstream build systems and offers us uniform access to them by supporting all the Debian policy stipulated targets of the debian /rules file. * dh clean: bereinigt Dateien in dem Quellbaum. * dh build : build the source tree * dh build-arch : build the source tree for architecture dependent packages * dh build-indep : build the source tree for architecture independent packages * dh install : install the binary files to $(DESTDIR)     * dh install-arch : install the binary files to $(DESTDIR) for architecture dependent packages * dh install-indep : install the binary files to $(DESTDIR) for architecture independent packages * dh binary : generate the deb file * dh binary-arch : generate the deb file for architecture dependent packages * dh binary-indep : generate the deb file for architecture independent packages Note For debhelper “compat >= 9”, the dh command exports compiler     flags (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS) with values as returned by dpkg-buildflags if they are not set previously. (The dh command calls set_buildflags defined in the Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib module.) 5.6.2. Einfache debian/rules Thanks to this abstraction of the dh command ^[13], the Debian     policy compliant debian/rules file supporting all the required targets can be written as simple as ^[14]: Simple debian/rules:  #!/usr/bin/make -f     #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@     Essentially, this dh command functions as the sequencer to call all required dh_* commands at the right moment. Tip     Setting “export DH_VERBOSE = 1” outputs every command that modifies files on the build system. Also it enables verbose build logs for some build systems. 5.6.3. Angepasste debian/rules     Flexible customization of the debian/rules script is realized by adding appropriate override_dh_* targets and their rules. Whenever some special operation is required for a certain dh_foo     command invoked by the dh command, any automatic execution of it can be overridden by adding the makefile target override_dh_foo in the debian/rules file. The build process may be customized via the upstream provided     interface such as arguments to the standard source build system commands, such as: * configure,     * Makefile, * setup.py oder * Build.PL. If this is the case, you should add the override_dh_auto_build     target and executing the “dh_auto_build -- arguments” command. This ensures passing arguments to the such build system after the default parameters that dh_auto_build usually passes. Tip     Please try not to execute the above build system commands directly if they are supported by the dh_auto_build command. The debmake command creates the initial template file taking advantage of the above simple debian/rules file example while     adding some extra customizations for package hardening, etc. You need to know how underlying build systems work under the hood (see Section 5.18, “Bausysteme der Originalautoren”) to address their irregularities using package customization. * See Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien” for basic customization of the template debian/rules file     generated by the debmake command. * See Section 5.22, “Multiarch” for multiarch customization. * See Section 5.23, “Compiler hardening” for hardening customization. 5.6.4. Variablen für debian/rules     Some variable definitions useful for customizing debian/rules can be found in files under /usr/share/dpkg/. Notably: pkg-info.mk DEB_SOURCE, DEB_VERSION, DEB_VERSION_EPOCH_UPSTREAM, DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM_REVISION, DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM, and DEB_DISTRIBUTION variables. These are useful for backport support etc.. vendor.mk DEB_VENDOR and DEB_PARENT_VENDOR variables; and dpkg_vendor_derives_from macro. These are useful for vendor support (Debian, Ubuntu, …).     architecture.mk Set DEB_HOST_* and DEB_BUILD_* variables. An alternative method of retrieving those variables is to invoke dpkg-architecture directly and query the value of a single variable. With explicit invocation of dpkg-architecture to retrieve necessary variables, there is no need to include architecture.mk in debian/rules, which would import all architecture-related variables. buildflags.mk Setzt die Bauschalter CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, OBJCFLAGS, OBJCXXFLAGS, GCJFLAGS, FFLAGS, FCFLAGS und LDFLAGS. If you wish to use some of these useful variables in debian/rules     , copy relevant code to debian/rules or write a simpler alternative in it. Please keep debian/rules simple. Beispielsweise können Sie eine Zusatzoption zu CONFIGURE_FLAGS     für die Zielarchitektur linux-any durch Hinzufügen von folgendem zur debian/rules hinzufügen: DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS) ...     ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-wayland endif Tip It was useful to include buildflags.mk in debian/rules to set the build flags such as CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc. properly     while honoring DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND, DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS, etc. for the debhelper “compat <= 8”. Now you should use the debhelper “compat >= 9”, should not include buildflags.mk without specific reasons, and should let the dh command set these build flags.     Siehe Section 5.22, “Multiarch”, dpkg-architecture(1) und dpkg-buildflags(1). 5.6.5. Reproduzierbares Bauen     Here are some recommendations to attain a reproducible build result. * Betten Sie keine Zeitstempel, basierend auf der Systemzeit, ein. * Verwenden Sie »dh $@« in der debian/rules, um auf die neusten Funktionalitäten von debhelper zuzugreifen. * Exportieren Sie die Bauumgebung als »LC_ALL=C.UTF-8« (siehe Section 7.15, “Build under UTF-8”).     * Set the timestamp used in the upstream source from the value of the debhelper-provided environment variable $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. * Lesen Sie mehr unter Reproduzierbares Bauen. + Reproduzierbares Bauen - Wie geht es. + Reproduzierbares Bauen - Zeitstempelvorschlag. Die durch dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) erstellte Steuerdatei     source-name_source-version_arch.buildinfo zeichnet die Bauumgebung auf. Siehe deb-buildinfo(5) 5.7. debian/control Die Datei debian/control besteht aus Metadatenblöcken, die durch     Leerzeilen getrennt sind. Jeder Metadatenblock definiert folgendes in dieser Reihenfolge:     * Metadaten für das Debian-Quellpaket * Metadaten für das Debian-Binärpaket     See Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields of the “Debian Policy Manual” for the definition of each meta data. Note     The debmake command sets the debian/control file with “ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)” to set the debhelper compatibility level. Tip     If an existing package has lower than debhelper compatibility level 9, probably it’s time to update its packaging. 5.7.1. Aufteilung eines Debian-Binärpakets     For well behaving build systems, the split of a Debian binary package into small ones can be realized as follows. * Create binary package entries for all binary packages in the     debian/control file. * List all file paths (relative to debian/tmp) in the corresponding debian/binarypackage.install files.     Bitte prüfen Sie die Beispiele in dieser Anleitung: * Section 8.11, “Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen)”     (Autotools-basiert) * Section 8.12, “CMake (multi-binary package)” (CMake-basiert) debmake -b The debmake command with the -b option provides an intuitive and     flexible method to create the initial template debian/control file defining the split of the Debian binary packages with following stanzas: * Package: * Architecture:     * Multi-Arch: * Depends: * Pre-Depends:     The debmake command also sets an appropriate set of substvars used in each pertinent dependency stanza.     Let’s quote the pertinent part from the debmake manpage here. -b "binarypackage[:type],…", --binaryspec "binarypackage[:type],… " set the binary package specs by a comma separated list of binarypackage:type pairs, e.g., in the full form “ foo:bin,foo-doc:doc,libfoo1:lib,libfoo-dev:dev” or in the short form, “-doc,libfoo1,libfoo-dev”. Here, binarypackage is the binary package name, and the optional type is chosen from the following type values: o bin: C/C++ compiled ELF binary code package (any, foreign) (default, alias: "", i.e., null-string) o data: Data (fonts, graphics, …) package (all, foreign) (alias: da) o dev: Library development package (any, same) (alias: de) o doc: Documentation package (all, foreign) (alias: do) o lib: Library package (any, same) (alias: l)     o perl: Perl script package (all, foreign) (alias: pl) o python3: Python (version 3) script package (all, foreign) (alias: py3) o ruby: Ruby script package (all, foreign) (alias: rb) o nodejs: Node.js based JavaScript package (all, foreign) (alias: js) o script: Shell script package (all, foreign) (alias: sh) The pair values in the parentheses, such as (any, foreign), are the Architecture and Multi-Arch stanza values set in the debian/control file. In many cases, the debmake command makes good guesses for type from binarypackage. If type is not obvious, type is set to bin. For example, libfoo sets type to lib, and font-bar sets type to data, … If the source tree contents do not match settings for type, the debmake command warns you. Pakettrennungsszenarien und -beispiele     Here are some typical multiarch package split scenarios for the following upstream source examples using the debmake command: * eine Bibliotheksquelle libfoo-1.0.tar.gz * eine Werkzeugquelle bar-1.0.tar.gz, geschrieben in einer     kompilierten Sprache * eine Werkzeugquelle baz-1.0.tar.gz, geschrieben in einer interpretierten Sprache +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Binärpaket | Typ |Architecture:|Multi-Arch:| Paketinhalt | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |libfoo1 |lib^* |any |same |die | | | | | |Laufzeitbibliothek,| | | | | |koinstallierbar | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |libfoo-dev |dev^* |any |same |the shared library | | | | | |header files etc., | | | | | |co-installable | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |libfoo-tools|bin^* |any |foreign |the run-time | | | | | |support programs, | | | | | |not co-installable |     |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |libfoo-doc |doc^* |all |foreign |the shared library | | | | | |documentation files| |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |bar |bin^* |any |foreign |the compiled | | | | | |program files, not | | | | | |co-installable | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |bar-doc |doc^* |all |foreign |the documentation | | | | | |files for the | | | | | |program | |------------+------+-------------+-----------+-------------------| |baz |script|all |foreign |the interpreted | | | | | |program files | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Der Bibliothekspaketname Let’s consider that the upstream source tarball of the libfoo     library is updated from libfoo-7.0.tar.gz to libfoo-8.0.tar.gz with a new SONAME major version which affects other packages. The binary library package must be renamed from libfoo7 to lib     foo8 to keep the unstable suite system working for all dependent packages after the upload of the package based on the libfoo-8.0 .tar.gz. Warning If the binary library package isn’t renamed, many dependent     packages in the unstable suite become broken just after the library upload even if a binNMU upload is requested. The binNMU may not happen immediately after the upload due to several reasons.     The -dev package must follow one of the following naming rules: * Use the unversioned -dev package name: libfoo-dev + This is the typical one for leaf library packages. + Only one version of the library source package is allowed in the archive. o The associated library package needs to be renamed from libfoo7 to libfoo8 to prevent dependency breakage in the unstable archive during the library transition. + This approach should be used if the simple binNMU resolves the library dependency quickly for all affected packages. (ABI change by dropping the deprecated API while keeping the active API unchanged.) + This approach may still be a good idea if manual code updates, etc. can be coordinated and manageable within limited packages. (API change) * Use the versioned -dev package names: libfoo7-dev and libfoo8     -dev + This is typical for many major library packages. + Two versions of the library source packages are allowed simultaneously in the archive. o Make all dependent packages depend on libfoo-dev. o Make both libfoo7-dev and libfoo8-dev provide libfoo -dev. o The source package needs to be renamed as libfoo7-7.0 .tar.gz and libfoo8-8.0.tar.gz respectively from lib foo-?.0.tar.gz. o The package specific install file path including lib foo7 and libfoo8 respectively for header files etc. needs to be chosen to make them co-installable. + Do not use this heavy handed approach, if possible. + This approach should be used if the update of multiple dependent packages require manual code updates, etc. (API change) Otherwise, the affected packages become RC buggy with FTBFS. Tip     If the data encoding scheme changes (e.g., latin1 to utf-8), the same care as the API change needs to be taken.     Siehe Section 5.20, “Bibliothekspaket”. 5.7.2. Substvar The debian/control file also defines the package dependency in     which the variable substitutions mechanism (substvar) may be used to free package maintainers from chores of tracking most of the simple package dependency cases. See deb-substvars(5).     The debmake command supports the following substvars: * ${misc:Depends} for all binary packages * ${misc:Pre-Depends} for all multiarch packages * ${shlibs:Depends} for all binary executable and library     packages * ${python:Depends} for all Python packages * ${python3:Depends} for all Python3 packages * ${perl:Depends} for all Perl packages * ${ruby:Depends} for all Ruby packages For the shared library, required libraries found simply by "     objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED" are covered by the shlib substvar. For Python and other interpreters, required modules found simply     looking for lines with “import”, “use”, “require”, etc., are covered by the corresponding substvars.     For other programs which do not deploy their own substvars, the misc substvar covers their dependency.     For POSIX shell programs, there is no easy way to identify the dependency and no substvar covers their dependency. For libraries and modules required via the dynamic loading     mechanism including the GObject introspection mechanism, there is no easy way to identify the dependency and no substvar covers their dependency. 5.7.3. biNMU-sicher A binNMU is a binary-only non-maintainer upload performed for library transitions etc. In a binNMU upload, only the “     Architecture: any” packages are rebuilt with a suffixed version number (e.g. version 2.3.4-3 will become 2.3.4-3+b1). The “ Architecture: all” packages are not built. The dependency defined in the debian/control file among binary     packages from the same source package should be safe for the binNMU. This needs attention if there are both “Architecture: any ” and “Architecture: all” packages involved in it. * “Architecture: any” package: depends on “Architecture: any” foo package + Depends: foo (= ${binary:Version}) * “Architecture: any” package: depends on “Architecture: all” bar package     + Depends: bar (= ${source:Version}) * “Architecture: all” package: depends on “Architecture: any” baz package + Depends: baz (>= ${source:Version}), baz (<< $ {source:Version}.0~) 5.8. debian/changelog The debian/changelog file records the Debian package history and     defines the upstream package version and the Debian revision in its first line. The changes need to be documented in the specific, formal, and concise style. * Even if you are uploading your package by yourself, you must document all non-trivial user-visible changes such as: + sicherheitsrelevante Änderungen + Änderungen in der Benutzerschnittstelle     * If you are asking your sponsor to upload it, you should document changes more comprehensively, including all packaging related ones, to help reviewing your package. + The sponsor shouldn’t second guess your thought behind your package. + Die Zeit des Sponsorers ist wertvoller als Ihre. The debmake command creates the initial template file with the     upstream package version and the Debian revision. The distribution is set to UNRELEASED to prevent accidental upload to the Debian archive.     Der Befehl debchange (auch als dch bekannt) wird typischerweise zur Bearbeitung dieser Datei verwandt. Tip     Sie können die Datei debian/changelog händisch mit einem beliebigen Texteditor bearbeiten, solange Sie den von debchange verwandten Formatierungskonventionen folgen. Tip     Die in der Datei debian/changelog verwandte Datumszeichenkette kann mit dem Befehl »LC_ALL=C date -R« manuell erstellt werden. Dieser wird durch den Befehl dh_installchangelogs als     changelog.Debian.gz in das Verzeichnis /usr/share/doc/Binärpaket installiert.     Der Changelog der Originalautoren wird als changelog.gz in das Verzeichnis /usr/share/doc/Binärpaket installiert. The upstream changelog is automatically found by the dh_installchangelogs using the case insensitive match of its file     name to changelog, changes, changelog.txt, changes.txt, history, history.txt, or changelog.md and searched in the ./ doc/ or docs/ directories. After finishing your packaging and verifying its quality, please execute the “dch -r” command and save the finalized debian/     changelog file with the distribution normally set to unstable. ^ [15] If you are packaging for backports, security updates, LTS, etc., please use the appropriate distribution names instead. 5.9. debian/copyright Debian takes the copyright and license matters very seriously.     The “Debian Policy Manual” enforces having a summary of them in the debian/copyright file in the package.     Sie sollten es als maschinenlesbare Datei debian/copyright (DEP-5) formatieren. Caution     Die Datei debian/copyright sollte sortiert sein, um die generischen Dateimuster am Anfang der Liste zu behalten. Siehe Section 6.4, “debmake -k”. Der Befehl debmake erstellt die anfängliche, DEP-5-kompatible     Vorlagendatei, indem er den gesamten Quellbaum überprüft. Er verwendet einen internen Lizenzprüfer, um jeden Lizenztext auszuwerten. ^[16] Unless specifically requested to be pedantic with the -P option,     the debmake command skips reporting for auto-generated files with permissive licenses to be practical. Note     Falls Sie Probleme mit diesem Lizenzprüfer feststellen, reichen Sie bitten gegen das Paket debmake einen Fehlerbericht mit dem problematischen Teil des Textes, der das Copyright und die Lizenz enthält, ein. Note The debmake command focuses on bunching up same copyright and     license claims in detail to create template for debian/copyright. In order to do this within reasonable time, it only picks the first section which looks like copyright and license claims. So its license assignment may not be optimal. Please also use other tools such as licensecheck. Tip     You are highly encouraged to check the license status with the licensecheck(1) command and, as needed, with your manual code review. 5.10. debian/patches/* The -p1 patches in the debian/patches/ directory are applied in     the sequence defined in the debian/patches/series file to the upstream source tree before the build process. Note     Das native Debian-Paket (siehe Section 5.5, “Natives Debian-Paket”) verwendet dieseDateien nicht.     There are several methods to prepare a series of -p1 patches. * Der Befehl diff + Siehe Section 4.9.1, “Patch durch diff -u” + Primitive but versatile method o Patches may come from other distros, mailing list postings, or cherry-picked patches from the upstream git repository with the “git format-patches” command + Missing the .pc/ directory + Unmodified upstream source tree + Manually update the debian/patches/series file * Der Befehl dquilt + Siehe Section 3.4, “Quilt” + Basic convenient method + Proper generation of the .pc/ directory data + Modified upstream source tree * Der Befehl »dpkg-source --commit« + Siehe Section 4.9.3, “Patch durch dpkg-source --commit” + Newer elegant method + Proper generation of the .pc/ directory data + Modified upstream source tree     * The automatic patch generation by the dpkg-buildpackage + Siehe Section 5.16, “Aufzeichnen im VCS (Alternative)” + Add single-debian-patch in the debian/source/ local-options file + Set the debian/source/local-patch-header file + Missing the .pc/ directory + Modified upstream source tree in the Debian branch ( master) * Der Befehl gbp pq + basic git work flow with the git-buildpackage package + Missing the .pc/ directory + Modified upstream source tree in the throw-away branch ( patch-queue/master) + Unmodified upstream source tree in the Debian branch ( master) * Der Befehl gbp dpm + more elaborate git work flow with the git-dpm package + Missing the .pc/ directory + Modified upstream source tree in the patched branch ( patched/whatever) + Unmodified upstream source tree in the Debian branch ( master/whatever)     Wherever these patches come from, it is a good idea to tag them with a DEP-3 compatible header. Tip     The dgit package offers an alternative git integration tool with the Debian package archive. 5.10.1. dpkg-source -x     The “dpkg-source -x” command unpacks the Debian source package. It normally applies the patches in the debian/patches/ directory     to the source tree and records the patch state in the .pc/ directory. Falls Sie den Quellbaum unverändert belassen wollen     (beispielsweise für die Verwendung in Section 5.15, “Aufzeichnen im VCS (standard)”), verwenden Sie bitte die Option --skip-patches. 5.10.2. dquilt und dpkg-source The quilt command (or its wrapped dquilt command) was needed to     manage the -p1 patches in the debian/patches/ directory before the --commit feature was added to the dpkg-source command in 1.16.1. The patches should apply cleanly when using the dpkg-source     command. Thus you can’t just copy the patches to the new packaging of the new upstream release if there are patch offsets, etc.     The dquilt command (see Section 3.4, “Quilt”) is more forgiving. You can normalize the patches by the dquilt command.     $ while dquilt push; do dquilt refresh ; done $ dquilt pop -a There is one advantage of using the dpkg-source command over the dquilt command. While the dquilt command cannot handle modified     binary files automatically, the dpkg-source command detects modified binary files and lists them in the debian/source/ include-binaries file to include them in the Debian tarball. 5.11. debian/upstream/signing-key.asc     Some packages are signed by a GPG key.     For example, GNU hello can be downloaded via HTTP from https:// ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/ . There are sets of files:     * hello-version.tar.gz (upstream source) * hello-version.tar.gz.sig (detached signature)     Let’s pick the latest version set. $ wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.9.tar.gz ... $ wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.9.tar.gz.sig     ... $ gpg --verify hello-2.9.tar.gz.sig gpg: Signature made Thu 10 Oct 2013 08:49:23 AM JST using DSA key ID 80EE4A00 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found If you know the public GPG key of the upstream maintainer from     the mailing list, use it as the debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file. Otherwise, use the hkp keyserver and check it via your web of trust. $ gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-key 80EE4A00 gpg: requesting key 80EE4A00 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net gpg: key 80EE4A00: public key "Reuben Thomas " imported gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found gpg: Total number processed: 1     gpg: imported: 1 $ gpg --verify hello-2.9.tar.gz.sig gpg: Signature made Thu 10 Oct 2013 08:49:23 AM JST using DSA key ID 80EE4A00 gpg: Good signature from "Reuben Thomas " ... Primary key fingerprint: 9297 8852 A62F A5E2 85B2 A174 6808 9F73 80EE 4A00 Tip     If your network environment blocks access to the HKP port 11371, use “hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80” instead. After confirming the key ID 80EE4A00 is a trustworthy one,     download its public key into the debian/upstream/signing-key.asc file.     $ gpg --armor --export 80EE4A00 >debian/upstream/signing-key.asc     Setzen Sie dann die entsprechende Datei debian/watch wie folgt:     version=4 pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.sig/ https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/ hello-(\d[\d.]*)\.tar\.(?:gz|bz2|xz)     Jetzt wird der Befehl uscan die Echtheit des Pakets mittels GPG-Signaturen prüfen. 5.12. debian/watch und DFSG     Debian nimmt die Freiheit von Software ernst und folgt der DFSG. The non-DFSG components in the upstream source tarball can be     easily removed when the uscan command is used to update the Debian package. * List the files to be removed in the Files-Excluded stanza of the debian/copyright file. * List the URL to download the upstream tarball in the debian/ watch file. * Führen Sie den Befehl uscan aus, um einen neuen Tarball der     Originalautoren herunterzuladen. + Verwenden Sie alternativ den Befehl »gbp import-orig --uscan --pristine-tar«. * Der resultierende Tarball hat die Versionsnummer mit einer zusätzlichen Endung +dfsg. 5.13. Weitere debian/*-Dateien Optional configuration files may be added under the debian/     directory. Most of them are to control dh_* commands offered by the debhelper package but there are some for dpkg-source, lintian and gbp commands. Tip     Check debhelper(7) for the latest available set of the dh_* commands. These debian/binarypackage.* files provide very powerful means to set the installation path of files. Even an upstream source     without its build system can be packaged just by using these files. See Section 8.2, “Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI)” as an example. The "^-x[1234]" superscript notation that appears in the     following list indicates the minimum value for the debmake -x option that will generate the associated template file. See Section 6.6, “debmake -x” or debmake(1) for details.     Here is the alphabetical list of notable optional configuration files. Binärpaket.bug-control ^-x3 installed as usr/share/bug/binarypackage/control in binarypackage. See Section 5.27, “Bug reports”. Binärpaket.bug-presubj ^-x3 installed as usr/share/bug/binarypackage/presubj in binarypackage. See Section 5.27, “Bug reports”. Binärpaket.bug-script ^-x3 installed as usr/share/bug/binarypackage or usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/script in binarypackage. See Section 5.27, “Bug reports”. Binärpaket.bash-completion List bash completion scripts to be installed. The bash-completion package is required for both build and user environments. Siehe dh_bash-completion(1). clean ^-x2 List files that should be removed but are not cleaned by the dh_auto_clean command. Siehe dh_auto_clean(1) und dh_clean(1). compat ^-x3 Previously, this set the debhelper compatibility level. Now, use Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) in debian/ control to specify the compatibility level. See “COMPATIBILITY LEVELS” in debhelper(8). Binärpaket.conffile No need for this file now since all files in the etc/ directory are conffiles for recent “compat >= 3”. If the program you’re packaging requires every user to modify the configuration files in the /etc directory, there are two popular ways to arrange for them not to be conffiles, keeping the dpkg command happy and quiet. o Create a symlink under the /etc directory pointing to a file under the /var directory generated by the maintainer scripts. o Create a file generated by the maintainer scripts under the /etc directory. Siehe dh_installdeb(1). Binärpaket.config This is the debconf config script used for asking any questions necessary to configure the package. See Section 5.21, “Debconf”. Binärpaket.cron.hourly ^-x3 Installed into the etc/cron/hourly/binarypackage file in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installcron(1) und cron(8). Binärpaket.cron.daily ^-x3 Installed into the etc/cron/daily/binarypackage file in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installcron(1) und cron(8). Binärpaket.cron.weekly ^-x3 Installed into the etc/cron/weekly/binarypackage file in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installcron(1) und cron(8). Binärpaket.cron.monthly ^-x3 Installed into the etc/cron/monthly/binarypackage file in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installcron(1) und cron(8). Binärpaket.cron.d ^-x3 Installed into the etc/cron.d/binarypackage file in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installcron(1), cron(8) und crontab(5). Binärpaket.default ^-x3 If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/ binarypackage in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installinit(1). Binärpaket.dirs ^-x3 List directories to be created in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installdirs(1). Usually, this is not needed since all dh_install* commands create required directories automatically. Use this only when you run into trouble. Binärpaket.doc-base ^-x2 Installed as the doc-base control file in binarypackage. See dh_installdocs(1) and Debian doc-base Manual provided by the doc-base package. Binärpaket.docs ^-x2 List documentation files to be installed in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installdocs(1). Binärpaket.emacsen-compat ^-x3 Installed into usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/ binarypackage in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installemacsen(1). Binärpaket.emacsen-install ^-x3 Installed into usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/ binarypackage in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installemacsen(1). Binärpaket.emacsen-remove ^-x3 Installed into usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/ binarypackage in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installemacsen(1). Binärpaket.emacsen-startup ^-x3 Installed into usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/startup/ binarypackage in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installemacsen(1). Binärpaket.examples ^-x2 List example files or directories to be installed into usr/ share/doc/binarypackage/examples/ in binarypackage. Siehe dh_installexamples(1). gbp.conf Falls diese existiert, funktioniert sie als Konfigurationsdatei für den Befehl gbp. Siehe gbp.conf(5), gbp(1) und git-buildpackage(1). Binärpaket.info ^-x2 Führt Info-Dateien auf, die in Binärpaket installiert werden. Siehe dh_installinfo(1). Binärpaket.init ^-x3 Installiert in etc/init.d/Binärpaket in Binärpaket. Siehe dh_installinit(1). Binärpaket.install ^-x2 Liste der Dateien, die installiert werden sollten, aber nicht durch den Befehl dh_auto_install installiert wurden. Siehe dh_install(1) und dh_auto_install(1). license-examples/* ^-x4 Dies sind durch den Befehl debmake erstellte Copyright-Datei-Beispiele. Verwenden Sie diese als Referenz zur Erstellung der Datei copyright.     Bitte sorgen Sie dafür, diese Dateien zu löschen. Binärpaket.links ^-x2 List pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by whitespace. Siehe dh_link(1). Binärpaket.lintian-overrides ^-x3 Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/binarypackage in the package build directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics. Siehe dh_lintian(1), lintian(1) und Lintian User’s Manual. manpage.* ^-x3 These are manpage template files generated by the debmake command. Please rename these to appropriate file names and update their contents. Debian Policy requires that each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page included in the same package. Manual pages are written in nroff(1). If you are new to making a manpage, use manpage.asciidoc or manpage.1 as the starting point. Binärpaket.manpages ^-x2 List man pages to be installed. Siehe dh_installman(1). Binärpaket.menu (veraltet, nicht mehr installiert) tech-ctte #741573 decided "Debian should use .desktop files as appropriate". Debian menu file installed into usr/share/menu/binarypackage in binarypackage. See menufile(5) for its format. See dh_installmenu(1). NEWS Installed into usr/share/doc/binarypackage/NEWS.Debian. Siehe dh_installchangelogs(1). patches/* Collection of -p1 patch files which are applied to the upstream source before building the source. Siehe dpkg-source(1), Section 3.4, “Quilt” und Section 4.9, “Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren”. No patch files are generated by the debmake command. patches/series ^-x1 The application sequence of the patches/* patch files. Binärpaket.preinst ^-x2 , Binärpaket.postinst ^-x2 , Binärpaket .prerm ^-x2 , Binärpaket.postrm ^-x2 These maintainer scripts are installed into the DEBIAN directory. Inside the scripts, the token #DEBHELPER# is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other debhelper commands. See dh_installdeb(1) and Chapter 6 - Package maintainer scripts and installation procedure in the “Debian Policy Manual”. See also debconf-devel(7) and 3.9.1 Prompting in maintainer scripts in the “Debian Policy Manual”. README.Debian ^-x1 Installed into the first binary package listed in the debian/ control file as usr/share/doc/binarypackage/README.Debian. Siehe dh_installdocs(1). This file provides the information specific to the Debian package. binarypackage.service ^-x3 If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/ binarypackage.service in binarypackage. Siehe dh_systemd_enable(1), dh_systemd_start(1) und dh_installinit(1). source/format ^-x1 The Debian package format. o Use “3.0 (quilt)” to make this non-native package (recommended) o Use “3.0 (native)” to make this native package Siehe »QUELLPAKET-FORMATE« in dpkg-source(1). source/lintian-overrides or source.lintian-overrides ^-x3 These files are not installed, but will be scanned by the lintian command to provide overrides for the source package. Siehe dh_lintian(1) und lintian(1). source/local-options ^-x1 The dpkg-source command uses this content as its options. Notable options are: o unapply-patches o abort-on-upstream-changes o auto-commit o single-debian-patch This is not included in the generated source package and is meant to be committed to the VCS of the maintainer. See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). source/local-patch-header Free form text that is put on top of the automatic patch generated. This is not included in the generated source package and is meant to be committed to the VCS of the maintainer. + See “FILE FORMATS” in dpkg-source(1). Binärpaket.symbols ^-x2 The symbols files, if present, are passed to the dpkg-gensymbols command to be processed and installed. Siehe dh_makeshlibs(1) und Section 5.20.1, “Bibliothekssymbole”.. Binärpaket.templates This is the debconf templates file used for asking any questions necessary to configure the package. See Section 5.21, “Debconf”. tests/control This is the RFC822-style test meta data file defined in DEP-8. See autopkgtest(1) and Section 5.24, “Continuous integration”. TODO Installed into the first binary package listed in the debian/ control file as usr/share/doc/binarypackage/TODO.Debian. Siehe dh_installdocs(1). Binärpaket.tmpfile ^-x3 If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ binarypackage.conf in binarypackage. Siehe dh_systemd_enable(1), dh_systemd_start(1) und dh_installinit(1). Binärpaket.upstart ^-x3 If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/package.conf in the package build directory. (deprecated) Siehe dh_installinit(1) und Section 8.1, “Cherry-pick templates”. watch ^-x1 The control file for the uscan command to download the latest upstream version. This control file may be configured to verify the authenticity of the tarball using its GPG signature (see Section 5.11, “debian/upstream/signing-key.asc”). Siehe Section 5.12, “debian/watch und DFSG” und uscan(1).     Here are a few reminders for the above list. * For a single binary package, the binarypackage. part of the filename in the list may be removed. * For a multi binary package, a configuration file missing the binarypackage. part of the filename is applied to the first binary package listed in the debian/control. * When there are many binary packages, their configurations can be specified independently by prefixing their name to their configuration filenames such as package-1.install, package-2 .install, etc.     * Some template configuration files may not be created by the debmake command. In such cases, you need to create them with an editor. * Unusual configuration template files generated by the debmake command with an extra .ex suffix need to be activated by removing that suffix. * Nicht verwendete Vorlagendateien, die durch den Befehl debmake erstellt wurden, sollten entfernt werden. * Kopieren Sie die Konfigurationsvorlagendateien wie benötigt nach den Dateinamen, die ihren Programmpaketnamen entsprechen. 5.14. Anpassung der Debian-Paketierung     Let’s recap the customization of the Debian packaging. All customization data for the Debian package resides in the     debian/ directory. A simple example is given in Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien”. Normally, this customization involves a combination of the following: * The Debian package build system can be customized through the debian/rules file (see Section 5.6.3, “Angepasste debian/ rules”).     * The Debian package installation path etc. can be customized through the addition of configuration files such as package .install and package.docs in the debian/ directory for the dh_* commands from the debhelper package (see Section 5.13, “Weitere debian/*-Dateien”). When these are not sufficient to make a good Debian package, modifications to the upstream source recorded as the -p1 patches in the debian/patches/ directory is deployed. These patches are     applied in the sequence defined in the debian/patches/series file before building the package (see Section 5.10, “debian/patches/*” ). Simple examples are given in Section 4.9, “Schritt 3 (alternativ): Änderungen der Quellen der Originalautoren”. You should address the root cause of the Debian packaging problem     by the least invasive way. The generated package shall be more robust for future upgrades in this way. Note     Schicken Sie den Patch, der das eigentliche Problem adressiert, an die Originalautoren, falls er für die Originalautoren nützlich ist. 5.15. Aufzeichnen im VCS (standard) Typischerweise wird Git als VCS benutzt, um die     Debian-Paketieraktivitäten mit den nachfolgenden Verzweigungen aufzuzeichnen. * master branch + Record the source tree used for the Debian packaging. + The upstream portion of the source tree is recorded unmodified.     + The upstream modifications for the Debian packaging are recorded in the debian/patches/ directory as the -p1 patches. * upstream branch + Record the upstream source tree untarred from the released upstream tarball. Tip     It’s a good idea to add to the .gitignore file the listing .pc. Tip     Add unapply-patches and abort-on-upstream-changes lines to the debian/source/local-options file to keep the upstream portion unmodified. Tip     You may also track the upstream VCS data with a branch different from the upstream branch to ease cherry-picking of patches. 5.16. Aufzeichnen im VCS (Alternative) You may not wish to keep up with creating the -p1 patch files for     all upstream changes needed. You can record the Debian packaging activity with the following branches. * master branch + Record the source tree used for the Debian packaging. + The upstream portion of the source tree is recorded with     modifications for the Debian packaging. * upstream branch + Record the upstream source tree untarred from the released upstream tarball.     Adding a few extra files in the debian/ directory enables you to do this. $ tar -xvzf .tar.gz $ ln -sf .orig.tar.gz $ cd / … hack...hack…     $ echo "single-debian-patch" >> debian/source/local-options $ cat >debian/source/local-patch-header <=13) while removing Build-Depends to debhelper in debian/control. If there were -dbg packages defined in the debian/control file,     following care is needed for updating the old package after the Stretch 9.0 release. * Drop definition entries of such -dbg packages in the debian/ control file. * Replace “dh_strip --dbg-package=package” with “dh_strip --dbgsym-migration=package” in the debian/rules file to avoid     file conflicts with the (now obsolete) -dbg package. See dh_strip(1). * Remove debian/compat. * Set the Build-Depends to debhelper-compat (>=13) while removing Build-Depends to debhelper in debian/control. 5.20. Bibliothekspaket Die Paketierung von Bibliothekssoftware verlangt von Ihnen     deutlich mehr Arbeit als normal. Es folgen ein paar Erinnerungen zur Paketierung von Bibliothekssoftware: * The library binary package must be named as in Section, “Der Bibliothekspaketname”. * Debian ships shared libraries such as /usr/lib//lib foo-0.1.so.1.0.0 (see Section 5.22, “Multiarch”).     * Debian encourages using versioned symbols in the shared library (see Section 5.20.1, “Bibliothekssymbole”). * Debian doesn’t ship *.la libtool library archive files. * Debian discourages using and shipping *.a static library files.     Before packaging shared library software, see: * Chapter 8 - Shared libraries of the “Debian Policy Manual”     * 10.2 Libraries of the “Debian Policy Manual” * 6.7.2. Libraries of the “Debian Developer’s Reference”     For the historic background study, see: * Escaping the Dependency Hell ^[17] + This encourages having versioned symbols in the shared     library. * Debian Library Packaging guide ^[18] + Please read the discussion thread following its announcement, too. 5.20.1. Bibliothekssymbole The symbols support in dpkg introduced in Debian lenny (5.0, May 2009) helps us to manage the backward ABI compatibility of the     library package with the same package name. The DEBIAN/symbols file in the binary package provides the minimal version associated with each symbol.     An oversimplified method for the library packaging is as follows. * Extract the old DEBIAN/symbols file of the immediate previous binary package with the “dpkg-deb -e” command. + Alternatively, the mc command may be used to extract the DEBIAN/symbols file. * Copy it to the debian/binarypackage.symbols file. + If this is the first package, use an empty content file instead. * Build the binary package.     + If the dpkg-gensymbols command warns about some new symbols: o Extract the updated DEBIAN/symbols file with the “ dpkg-deb -e” command. o Trim the Debian revision such as -1 in it. o Copy it to the debian/binarypackage.symbols file. o Re-build the binary package. + If the dpkg-gensymbols command does not warn about new symbols: o You are done with the library packaging.     For the details, you should read the following primary references. * 8.6.3 The symbols system of the “Debian Policy Manual” * dh_makeshlibs(1)     * dpkg-gensymbols(1) * dpkg-shlibdeps(1) * deb-symbols(5)     Sie sollten auch Folgendes prüfen: * Debian wiki UsingSymbolsFiles * Debian wiki Projects/ImprovedDpkgShlibdeps     * Debian-KDE-Team Working with symbols files * Section 8.11, “Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen)” * Section 8.12, “CMake (multi-binary package)” Tip For C++ libraries and other cases where the tracking of symbols     is problematic, follow 8.6.4 The shlibs system of the “Debian Policy Manual”, instead. Please make sure to erase the empty debian/binarypackage.symbols file generated by the debmake command. For this case, the DEBIAN/shlibs file is used. 5.20.2. Bibliotheksübergänge When you package a new library package version which affects other packages, you must file a transition bug report against the     release.debian.org pseudo package using the reportbug command with the ben file and wait for the approval for its upload from the Release Team.     Release team has the transition tracker. See Transitions. Caution     Please make sure to rename binary packages as in Section, “Der Bibliothekspaketname”. 5.21. Debconf     The debconf package enables us to configure packages during their installation in 2 main ways: * non-interactively from the debian-installer pre-seeding. * interactively from the menu interface (dialog, gnome, kde, …)     + the package installation: invoked by the dpkg command + the installed package: invoked by the dpkg-reconfigure command     All user interactions for the package installation must be handled by this debconf system using the following files. * debian/binarypackage.config + This is the debconf config script used for asking any questions necessary to configure the package. * debian/binarypackage.template     + This is the debconf templates file used for asking any questions necessary to configure the package. * package configuration scripts + debian/Binärpaket.preinst + debian/Binärpaket.prerm + debian/Binärpaket.postinst + debian/Binärpaket.postrm     See dh_installdebconf(1), debconf(7), debconf-devel(7) and 3.9.1 Prompting in maintainer scripts in the “Debian Policy Manual”. 5.22. Multiarch Multiarch support for cross-architecture installation of binary packages (particularly i386 and amd64, but also other     combinations) in the dpkg and apt packages introduced in Debian wheezy (7.0, May 2013), demands that we pay extra attention to packaging.     You should read the following references in detail. * Ubuntu wiki (upstream) + MultiarchSpec     * Debian wiki (Debian situation) + Debian multiarch support + Multiarch/Implementation The multiarch is enabled by using the value such as     i386-linux-gnu and x86_64-linux-gnu in the install path of shared libraries as /usr/lib//, etc.. * The value required internally by debhelper scripts is implicitly set in themselves. The maintainer doesn’t need to worry. * The value used in override_dh_* target scripts must be explicitly set in the debian/rules file by the maintainer. The value is stored in the $(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) variable     in the following debian/rules snippet example: DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH = $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) … override_dh_install: mkdir -p package1/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) cp -dR tmp/lib/. package1/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)     Siehe: * Section 5.6.4, “Variablen für debian/rules”     * dpkg-architecture(1) * Section, “debmake -b” * Section, “Pakettrennungsszenarien und -beispiele” 5.22.1. The multiarch library path Debian policy requires following Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. Its /usr/lib : Libraries for programming and packages states "/     usr/lib includes object files, libraries, and internal binaries that are not intended to be executed directly by users or shell scripts." Debian policy makes an exception to the Filesystem Hierarchy     Standard to use /usr/lib// instead of /usr/lib/ (e.g., /lib32/ and /lib64/) to support a multiarch library. Table 5.1. The multiarch library path options +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |Classic path| i386 multiarch path | amd64 multiarch path | |------------+------------------------+-------------------------|     |/lib/ |/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ |/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | |------------+------------------------+-------------------------| |/usr/lib/ |/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/|/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu| | | |/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ For Autotools based packages under the debhelper package (compat>     =9), this path setting is automatically taken care by the dh_auto_configure command.     For other packages with non-supported build systems, you need to manually adjust the install path as follows. * If “./configure” is used in the override_dh_auto_configure target in debian/rules, make sure to replace it with “     dh_auto_configure --” while re-targeting the install path from /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/. * Replace all occurrences of /usr/lib/ with /usr/lib/*/ in debian/foo.install files. All files installed simultaneously as the multiarch package to     the same file path should have exactly the same file content. You must be careful with differences generated by the data byte order and by the compression algorithm. Note The --libexecdir option of the ./configure command specifies the default path to install executable programs run by other programs rather than by users. Its Autotools default is /usr/libexec/ but its Debian non-multi-arch default is /usr/lib/. If such executables are a part of a "Multi-arch: foreign" package, a path     such as /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/packagename may be more desirable than /usr/lib//, which dh_auto_configure uses. The GNU Coding Standards: 7.2.5 Variables for Installation Directories has a description for libexecdir as "The definition of libexecdir is the same for all packages, so you should install your data in a subdirectory thereof. Most packages install their data under $ (libexecdir)/package-name/ …". (It is always a good idea to follow GNU unless it conflicts with the Debian policy.)     The shared library files in the default path /usr/lib/ and /usr/ lib// are loaded automatically.     For shared library files in another path, the GCC option -l must be set by the pkg-config command to make them load properly. 5.22.2. The multiarch header file path     GCC includes both /usr/include/ and /usr/include// by default on the multiarch Debian system. If the header file is not in those paths, the GCC option -I must     be set by the pkg-config command to make "#include " work properly. Table 5.2. The multiarch header file path options +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Classic path | i386 multiarch path | amd64 multiarch path | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------| |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ | | |i386-linux-gnu/ |x86_64-linux-gnu/ | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------|     |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ |/usr/include/ | |packagename/ |i386-linux-gnu/ |x86_64-linux-gnu/ | | |packagename/ |packagename/ | |--------------+-----------------------+------------------------| | |/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu|/usr/lib/ | | |/packagename/ |x86_64-linux-gnu/ | | | |packagename/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ The use of the /usr/lib//packagename/ path for the     library files allows the upstream maintainer to use the same install script for the multiatch system with /usr/lib/ and the biarch system with /usr/lib/. ^[19] The use of the file path containing packagename enables having     more than 2 development libraries simultaneously installed on a system. 5.22.3. The multiarch *.pc file path The pkg-config program is used to retrieve information about     installed libraries in the system. It stores its configuration parameters in the *.pc file and is used for setting the -I and -l options for GCC. Table 5.3. The *.pc file path options +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |Classic path | i386 multiarch path | amd64 multiarch path |     |-------------+-----------------------+-------------------------| |/usr/lib/ |/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu|/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu| |pkgconfig/ |/pkgconfig/ |/pkgconfig/ | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 5.23. Compiler hardening     The compiler hardening support spreading for Debian jessie (8.0, TBA) demands that we pay extra attention to the packaging.     You should read the following references in detail.     * Debian wiki Hardening * Debian wiki Hardening Walkthrough The debmake command adds template comments to the debian/rules     file as needed for DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS, DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND, and DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND (see Chapter 4, Einfaches Beispiel and dpkg-buildflags(1)). 5.24. Continuous integration DEP-8 defines the debian/tests/control file as the RFC822-style     test metadata file for continuous integration (CI) of the Debian package. It is used after building the binary packages from the source package containing this debian/tests/control file. When the     autopkgtest command is run, the generated binary packages are installed and tested in the virtual environment according to this file. See documents in the /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/ directory and 4.     autopkgtest: Automatic testing for packages of the “Ubuntu Packaging Guide”. Note     Testing of the binary packages during their building time can be accomodated by dh_auto_test.     There are several other CI tools on Debian for you to explore. * The debci package: CI platform on top of the autopkgtest     package * The jenkins package: generic CI platform 5.25. Other new requirements     Debian packaging practices are moving target. Please keep your eyes on DEP - Debian Enhancement Proposals. 5.26. Bootstrapping Debian cares about supporting new ports or flavours. The new ports or flavours require bootstrapping operation for the     cross-build of the initial minimal native-building system. In order to avoid build-dependency loops during bootstrapping, the build-dependency needs to be reduced using the profile builds feature. Tip     If a core package foo build depends on a package bar with deep build dependency chains but bar is only used in the test target in foo, you can safely mark the bar with in the Build-depends of foo to avoid build loops. 5.27. Bug reports     The reportbug command used for the bug report of binarypackage can be customized by the files in usr/share/bug/binarypackage/.     The dh_bugfiles command installs these files from the template files in the debian/ directory. * debian/binarypackage.bug-control → usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/control + This file contains some directions such as redirecting the bug report to another package. * debian/binarypackage.bug-presubj → usr/share/bug/ binarypackage/presubj     + This file is displayed to the user by the reportbug command. * debian/binarypackage.bug-script → usr/share/bug/binarypackage or usr/share/bug/binarypackage/script + The reportbug command runs this script to generate a template file for the bug report.     Siehe dh_bugfiles(1) und reportbug’s Features for Developers Tip     If you always remind the bug reporter of something or ask them about their situation, use these files to automate it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[11] For more than 90% of packages, the package name is equal or     less than 24 characters; the upstream version is equal or less than 10 characters and the Debian revision is equal or less than 3 characters. ^[12] Use of the “debmake -t …” command or “git deborig -f HEAD”     can help this workflow. See Section 6.2, “Schnappschusstarball der Originalautoren (-d, -t)” and dgit-maint-merge(7). ^[13] This simplicity is available since version 7 of the     debhelper package. This guide assumes the use of debhelper version 13 or newer.     ^[14] The debmake command generates a bit more complicated debian /rules file. But this is the core part.     ^[15] If you are using the vim editor, make sure to save this with the “:wq” command. ^[16] The licensecheck command from the devscripts package was     referenced to make this internal checker. Now the licensecheck command is provided in an independent licensecheck package with a lot of improvements.     ^[17] This document was written before the introduction of the symbols file. ^[18] The strong preference is to use the SONAME versioned -dev package names over the single -dev package name in Chapter 6.     Development (-DEV) packages, which does not seem to be shared by the former ftp-master (Steve Langasek). This document was written before the introduction of the multiarch system and the symbols file. ^[19] This path is compliant with the FHS. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard: /usr/lib : Libraries for programming and packages     states "Applications may use a single subdirectory under /usr/lib . If an application uses a subdirectory, all architecture-dependent data exclusively used by the application must be placed within that subdirectory." Chapter 6. Debmake-Optionen     Es gibt einige bemerkenswerte Optionen für den Befehl debmake. 6.1. Abkürzungs-Optionen (-a, -i)     Der Befehl debmake bietet 2 Abkürzungsoptionen.     * -a: öffnen des Tarballs der Originalautoren * -i: Ausführen der Skripte zum Bau des Binärpakets     Das Beispiel in obigem Chapter 4, Einfaches Beispiel kann so einfach wie folgt sein.     $ debmake -a package-1.0.tar.gz -i debuild Tip     Eine URL wie »https://www.example.org/DL/Paket-1.0.tar.gz« kann für die Option -a verwandt werden. Tip     Eine URL wie »https://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/packages/ibus/ 1.5.7/3.fc21/src/ibus-1.5.7-3.fc21.src.rpm« kann auch für die Option -a verwandt werden. 6.1.1. Python-Modul Sie können direkt aus dem als Tarball angebotenen Python-Paket Pythonmodul-1.0.tar.gz ein funktionierendes Debian-Paket mit einem einzelnen Programm und einer vernünftigen Paketbeschreibung     erstellen. Es müssen die Option -b für das Festlegen des Pakettyps python und die Option -s für das Kopieren der Paketbeschreibung aus dem Paket der Originalautoren festgelegt werden.     $ debmake -s -b':python' -a pythonmodule-1.0.tar.gz -i debuild     For other interpreted languages that support the -b option, specify the pertinent type for the -b option. For interpreted languages without the -b option support, specify     the script type instead and add the interpreter package as a dependency of the resulting binary package by adjusting the debian/control file. 6.2. Schnappschusstarball der Originalautoren (-d, -t) This test building scheme is good for the git repository     organized as described in gbp-buildpackage(7) which uses the master, upstream, and pristine-tar branches. The upstream snapshot from the upstream source tree in the VCS     can be made with the -d option if the upstream package supports the “make dist” equivalence.     $ cd /Pfad/zu/Originalautoren-VCS $ debmake -d -i debuild     Alternatively, the same can be made with the -t option if the upstream tarball can be made with the tar command.     $ cd /path/to/upstream-vcs $ debmake -p package -t -i debuild Unless you provide the upstream version with the -u option or     with the debian/changelog file, a snapshot upstream version is generated in the 0~%y%m%d%H%M format, e.g., 0~1403012359, from the UTC date and time.     If the upstream VCS is hosted in the package/ directory instead of the upstream-vcs/ directory, the “-p package” can be skipped. If the upstream source tree in the VCS contains the debian/* files, the debmake command with either the -d option or the -t     option combined with the -i option automates the making of a non-native Debian package from the VCS snapshot while using these debian/* files. $ cp -r /Pfad/zu/Paket-0~1403012359/debian/. /Pfad/zu/Originalautoren-VCS/debian $ dch     … debian/changelog aktualisieren $ git add -A .; git commit -m "VCS mit debian/*" $ debmake -t -p package -i debuild This non-native Debian binary package building scheme without the real upstream tarball using the “debmake -t -i debuild” command     may be considered as the quasi-native Debian package scheme since the packaging situation resembles the native Debian binary package building case using the debuild command without the upstream tarball. Use of a non-native Debian package building scheme helps to ease     communication with the downstream distros such as Ubuntu for bug fixes etc. 6.3. debmake -cc The debmake command with the -cc option can make a summary of the     copyright and license for the entire source tree to standard output. $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz     $ cd package-1.0 $ debmake -cc | less     With the -c option, this provides shorter report. 6.4. debmake -k When updating a package for the new upstream release, the debmake     command can verify the content of the existing debian/copyright file against the copyright and license situation of the entire updated source tree. $ cd package-vcs     $ gbp import-orig --uscan --pristine-tar … Quelle mit der neuen Veröffentlichung der Originalautoren aktualisieren $ debmake -k | less The “debmake -k” command parses the debian/copyright file from the top to the bottom and compares the license of all the     non-binary files in the current package with the license described in the last matching file pattern entry of the debian/ copyright file. When editing the auto-generated debian/copyright file, please     make sure to keep the generic file patterns at the top of the list. Tip     For all new upstream releases, run the “debmake -k” command to ensure that the debian/copyright file is current. 6.5. debmake -j The generation of a functioning multi-binary package always     requires more manual work than that of a functioning single binary package. The test build of the source package is the essential part of it.     For example, let’s package the same package-1.0.tar.gz (see Chapter 4, Einfaches Beispiel) into a multi binary package. * Invoke the debmake command with the -j option for the test building and the report generation. $ debmake -j -a package-1.0.tar.gz * Check the last lines of the package.build-dep.log file to judge build dependencies for Build-Depends. (You do not need to list packages used by debhelper, perl, or fakeroot explicitly in Build-Depends. This technique is useful for the generation of a single binary package, too.) * Check the contents of the package.install.log file to identify the install paths for files to decide how you split them into multiple packages. * Start packaging with the debmake command.     $ rm -rf package-1.0 $ tar -xvzf package-1.0.tar.gz $ cd package-1.0 $ debmake -b"Paket1:Typ1, …" * Update debian/control and debian/binarypackage.install files using the above information. * Update other debian/* files as needed. * Build the Debian package with the debuild command or its equivalent. $ debuild * All binary package entries specified in the debian/ binarypackage.install file are generated as binarypackage_version-revision_arch.deb. Note The -j option for the debmake command invokes dpkg-depcheck(1) to run debian/rules under strace(1) to obtain library dependencies.     Unfortunately, this is very slow. If you know the library package dependencies from other sources such as the SPEC file in the source, you may just run the "debmake …" command without the -j option and run the “debian/rules install” command to check the install paths of the generated files. 6.6. debmake -x     The amount of template files generated by the debmake command depends on the -x[01234] option.     * See Section 8.1, “Cherry-pick templates” for cherry-picking of the template files. Note     None of the existing configuration files are modified by the debmake command. 6.7. debmake -P The debmake command invoked with the -P option pedantically     checks auto-generated files for copyright+license text even if they are with permissive license. This option affects not only the content of the debian/copyright     file generated by normal execution, but also the output by the execution with the -k, -c, -cc, and -ccc options. 6.8. debmake -T The debmake command invoked with the -T option additionally     prints verbose tutorial comment lines. The lines marked with ### in the template files are part of the verbose tutorial comment lines. Chapter 7. Tipps     Es folgen einige merkenswerte Tipps zur Debian-Paketierung.     Debian now enforces the source-only upload when developing packages. So there may be 2 different *.changes files: * 'package_version-revision’_*source.changes* for the normal     source-only upload * package_version-revision_arch.changes for the binary upload 7.1. Debdiff     Sie können die Dateiinhalte in zwei Quellpaketen mit dem Befehl debdiff vergleichen.     $ debdiff old-package.dsc new-package.dsc     Sie können auch Dateilisten in zwei Gruppen von Debian-Binärpekten mit dem Befehl debdiff vergleichen.     $ debdiff old-package.changes new-package.changes Diese sind nützlich, um herauszufinden, was sich in Quellpaketen     geändert hat und zu prüfen, ob unbeabsichtigte Änderungen beim Aktualisieren der Binärpakete erfolgten, wie bespielsweise falsch angeordnete oder entfernte Dateien. 7.2. Dget     Mit dem Befehl dget können Sie eine Gruppe von Dateien für das Debian-Quellpaket herunterladen.     $ dget https://www.example.org/path/to/package_version-rev.dsc 7.3. Debc     Sie sollten erstellte Pakete mit dem Befehl debc lokal installieren, um sie zu testen.     $ debc package_version-rev_arch.changes 7.4. Piuparts     You should install generated packages with the piuparts command to test it automatically.     $ sudo piuparts Paket_Version-Revision_Arch.changes Note     This is a very slow process with remote APT package repository access. 7.5. debsign     After completing the test of the package, you can sign it with the debsign command.     For uploading source-only package (normal):     $ debsign Paket_Version-Revision_source.changes     For uploading binary package:     $ debsign Paket_Version-Revision_Arch.changes 7.6. dput After signing the package with the debsign command, you can     upload the set of files for the Debian source and binary packages with the dput command.     For uploading source-only package (normal):     $ dput Paket_Version-Revision_source.changes     For uploading binary package:     $ dput package_version-rev_arch.changes 7.7. bts After uploading the package, you will receive bug reports. It is     an important duty of a package maintainer to manage these bugs properly as described in 5.8. Handling bugs of the “Debian Developer’s Reference”.     The bts command is a handy tool to manage bugs on the Debian Bug Tracking System.     $ bts severity 123123 wishlist , tags -1 pending 7.8. git-buildpackage     The git-buildpackage package offers many commands to automate packaging activities using the git repository. * gbp import-dsc: import the previous Debian source package to the git repository. * gbp import-orig: import the new upstream tar to the git repository. + The --pristine-tar option for the git import-orig command enables storing the upstream tarball in the same git repository. + The --uscan option as the last argument of the gbp import-orig command enables downloading and committing the new upstream tarball into the git repository. * gbp dch: generate the Debian changelog from the git commit messages. * gbp buildpackage: build the Debian binary package from the git repository.     + The sbuild package can be used as its clean chroot build backend either by configuration or adding --git-builder= 'sbuild -A -s --source-only-changes -v -d unstable' * gbp pull: update the debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches safely from the remote repository. * The gbp pq, git-dpm or quilt (or alias dquilt) commands are used to manage quilt patches. + The dquilt command is the simplest to learn and requires you to commit the resulting files manually with the git command to the master branch. + The “gbp pq” command provides the equivalent functionality of patch set management without using dquilt and eases including upstream git repository changes by cherry-picking. + The “git dpm” command provides more enhanced functionality than that of the ‘gbp pq’' command.     Package history management with the git-buildpackage package is becoming the standard practice for most Debian maintainers.     Siehe: * Building Debian Packages with git-buildpackage * https://wiki.debian.org/GitPackagingWorkflow * https://wiki.debian.org/GitPackagingWorkflow/DebConf11BOF     * https://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/11/18/ 4-tips-to-maintain-a-3-0-quilt-debian-source-package-in-a-vcs / * The systemd packaging practice documentation on Building from source. Tip     Relax. You don’t need to use all the wrapper tools. Use only ones which match your needs. 7.8.1. gbp import-dscs --debsnap For Debian source packages named recorded in the     snapshot.debian.org archive, an initial git repository with all of the Debian version history can be generated as follows.     $ gbp import-dscs --debsnap --pristine-tar '' 7.8.2. Upstream git repository For Debian packaging with the git-buildpackage package, the     upstream branch on the remote repository origin is normally used to track the content of the released upstream tarball. The upstream git repository can also be tracked by naming its remote repository as upstream instead of the default origin. Then     you can easily cherry-pick recent upstream changes into the Debian revision by cherry-picking with the gitk command and using the gbp-pq command. Tip     The “gbp import-orig --upstream-vcs-tag” command can create a nice packaging history by making a merge commit into the upstream branch from the specified tag on the upstream git repository. Caution     The content of the released upstream tarball may not match exactly with the corresponding content of the upstream git repository. It may contain some auto-generated files or miss some files. (Autotools, distutils, …) 7.9. dgit The new dgit package offers commands to automate packaging     activities using the git repository as an alternative to still popular gbp-buildpackage. Please read their guide: * dgit-maint-merge(7) — for dpkg-source "Format: 3.0 (quilt)" package with its changes flowing both ways between the upstream Git repository and the Debian Git repository which are tightly coupled. * dgit-maint-debrebase(7) — for dpkg-source "Format: 3.0     (quilt)" package with its changes flowing mostly one way from the upstream Git repository to the Debian Git repository. * dgit-maint-gbp(7) — for dpkg-source "Format: 3.0 (quilt)" package with its Debian Git repository which is kept usable also for people using gbp-buildpackage(1). * dgit-maint-native(7) — for dpkg-source "Format: 3.0 (native)" package in the Debian Git repository. The dgit(1) command can push the easy-to-trace change history to     the https://browse.dgit.debian.org/ site and can upload Debian package to the Debian repository properly without using dput(1).     * dgit push-source — for uploading source-only package (normal) * dgit push — for uploading binary package If you already use main and upstream branches in the Debian     packaging repository (salsa.debian.org), you can use your local upstream-vcs-main branch to track the main branch of the upstream-vcs repository as:     $ git fetch upstream-vcs main:upstream-vcs-main Cherry picking bug fix commits from latest upstream commits are intuitive operation with dgit-maint-merge(7) and     dgit-maint-debrebase(7). Just right-click those commits interactively on the upstream-vcs-main branch of the gitk(1) GUI dialog. 7.9.1. Snapshot upstream tarball (alternative git deborig approach) For quasi-native Debian binary package scheme situation described in Section 6.2, “Schnappschusstarball der Originalautoren (-d,     -t)” can be addressed using alternative git deborig approach adopting the dgit-maint-merge(7) scheme when debian/changelog contains the non-native version number with revision like 0.16-1. $ cd /Pfad/zu/Originalautoren-git $ git rm -rf debian     $ git tag -s upstream/0.16 $ git reset --hard HEAD^ $ git deborig $ sbuild Here, for source format 3.0 (quilt), removal of files under     debian/ directory in the upstream tarball is non-essential operation to quiet false positive warning from lintian.     For -1 revision, this use of git-deborig(1) as above is how this debmake-doc package generates the upstream tarball.     For -2, -3, … revisions, you need to fetch and use the uploaded upstream tarball instead. For this, origtargz(1) may be handy. 7.10. chroot The chroot for a clean package build environment can be created     and managed using the tools described in Chapter 3, Werkzeugeinrichtung. ^[20]     Here is a quick summary of available package build commands. There are many ways to do the same thing. * dpkg-buildpackage = core of package building tool * debuild = dpkg-buildpackage + lintian (build under the sanitized environment variables)     * schroot = core of the Debian chroot environment tool * sbuild = schroot + dpkg-buildpackage (build in the chroot) * gbp = manage the Debian source under git * gbp buildpackage = sbuild + dpkg-buildpackage + gbp (if configured with sbuild)     A clean unstable distribution chroot environment can be used as follows. * The chroot filesystem creation command for the unstable distribution + sudo sbuild-createchroot --include=auto-apt-proxy unstable /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild http:// deb.debian.org/debian * The master chroot filesystem path for the unstable distribution chroot filesystem + Pfad: /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild     * The package build command for the unstable distribution chroot + sbuild + gbp buildpackage * The command to update the unstable chroot + sudo sbuild-update -udcar u * The command to login to the unstable chroot filesystem to modify it + sudo sbuild-shell u     Here, single "u" is predefined short alias for "unstable".     An arbitrary dist distribution environment can be used as follows. * The chroot filesystem creation command for the dist distribution + sudo sbuild-createchroot --include=auto-apt-proxy dist / srv/chroot/dist-amd64-sbuild http://deb.debian.org/debian * The master chroot filesystem path for the dist distribution chroot + Pfad: /srv/chroot/dist-amd64-sbuild     * The package build command for the dist distribution chroot + sbuild -d dist + gbp buildpackage --git-dist=dist * The command to update the dist chroot + sudo sbuild-update -udcar dist * The command to login to the master chroot (source:dist) of the dist distribution environment to modify it persistently + sudo sbuild-shell dist Tip For building new experimental packages or for debugging buggy     packages without using slow network access, this “sudo sbuild-shell dist” command can be used to pre-loaded some packages. Make sure to retain the backup of the original minimal chroot since changes are persistent and interfere with the normal test package building with the minimal chroot. Tip     If your old chroot filesystem is missing packages such as libeatmydata1, ccache, and lintian, you may want to install these with the “sudo sbuild-shell dist” command. Tip When the orig.tar.gz file needs to be uploaded for a Debian     revision other than 0 or 1 (e.g., for a security upload), add the -sa option to the end of dpkg-buildpackage, debuild, and sbuild commands. For the “gbp buildpackage” command, temporarily modify the builder setting of ~/.gbp.conf. Note The description in this section is too terse to be useful for     most of the prospective maintainers. This is the intentional choice of the author. You are highly encouraged to search and read all the pertinent documents associated with the commands used. Note     When an essential package becomes a non-essential one (e.g., adduser), you need to remove it manually from the existing chroot environment for its use by piuparts. 7.11. New Debian revision Let’s assume that a bug report #bug_number was filed against your package, and it describes a problem that you can solve by editing     the buggy file in the upstream source. Here’s what you need to do to create a new Debian revision of the package with the bugname.patch file recording the fix. New Debian revision with the dquilt command.  $ dquilt push -a $ dquilt new bugname.patch $ dquilt add buggy     $ vim buggy … $ dquilt refresh $ dquilt header -e $ dquilt pop -a $ dch -i Alternatively if the package is managed in the git repository     using the git-buildpackage command with its default configuration: New Debian revision with the gbp-pq command.  $ git checkout master $ gbp pq import $ vim buggy $ git add buggy     $ git commit $ git tag pq/ $ gbp pq export $ gbp pq drop $ git add debian/patches/* $ dch -i $ git commit -a -m "Closes: #" Please make sure to describe concisely the changes that fix     reported bugs and close those bugs by adding “Closes: # ” in the debian/changelog file. Tip     Use a debian/changelog entry with a version string such as 1.0.1-1~rc1 when you experiment. Then, unclutter such changelog entries into a single entry for the official package. 7.12. New upstream release If a package foo is properly packaged in the modern “3.0 (native) ” or “3.0 (quilt)” formats, packaging a new upstream release is     essentially moving the old debian/ directory to the new source. This can be done by running the “tar -xvzf /path/to/ foo_oldversion.debian.tar.gz” command in the new extracted source. ^[21] Of course, you need to do some obvious chores. There are several tools to handle this situation. After updating to the new upstream release with these tools, please make sure to     describe concisely the changes in the new upstream release that fix reported bugs and close those bugs by adding “Closes: # bug_number” in the debian/changelog file. 7.12.1. uupdate + tarball You can automatically update to the new upstream source with the     uupdate command from the devscripts package. It requires having the old Debian source package and the new upstream tarball. $ wget https://example.org/foo/foo-newversion.tar.gz $ cd foo-oldversion $ uupdate -v newversion ../foo-newversion.tar.gz     … $ cd ../foo-newversion $ while dquilt push; do dquilt refresh; done $ dch 7.12.2. uscan You can automatically update to the new upstream source with the     uscan command from the devscripts package. It requires having the old Debian source package and the debian/watch file in it. $ cd foo-oldversion $ uscan     ... $ while dquilt push; do dquilt refresh; done $ dch 7.12.3. gbp You can automatically update to the new upstream source with the     “gbp import-orig --pristine-tar” command from the git-buildpackage package. It requires having the old Debian source in the git repository and the new upstream tarball. $ ln -sf foo-newversion.tar.gz foo_newversion.orig.tar.gz $ cd foo-vcs $ git checkout master $ gbp pq import $ git checkout master $ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar ../foo_newversion.orig.tar.gz     ... $ gbp pq rebase $ git checkout master $ gbp pq export $ gbp pq drop $ git add debian/patches $ dch -v $ git commit -a -m "Refresh patches" Tip     If upstream uses a git repository, please also use the --upstream-vcs-tag option for the gbp import-orig command. 7.12.4. gbp + uscan You can automatically update to the new upstream source with the     “gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --uscan” command from the git-buildpackage package. It requires having the old Debian source in the git repository and the debian/watch file in it. $ cd foo-vcs $ git checkout master $ gbp pq import $ git checkout master $ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --uscan ...     $ gbp pq rebase $ git checkout master $ gbp pq export $ gbp pq drop $ git add debian/patches $ dch -v $ git commit -a -m "Refresh patches" Tip     If upstream uses a git repository, please also use the --upstream-vcs-tag option for the gbp import-orig command. 7.13. 3.0 source format Updating the package style is not a required activity for the     update of a package. However, doing so lets you use the full capabilities of the modern debhelper system and the 3.0 source format. * If you need to recreate deleted template files for any reason, you can run debmake again in the same Debian package source tree. Then edit them appropriately. * If the package has not been updated to use the dh command for the debian/rules file, update it to use it (see Section 5.6.2, “Einfache debian/rules”). Update the debian/ control file accordingly. * If you have a 1.0 source package with the foo.diff.gz file, you can update it to the newer “3.0 (quilt)” source format by creating debian/source/format with “3.0 (quilt)”. The rest of the debian/* files can just be copied. Import the big.diff     file generated by the “filterdiff -z -x /debian/ foo.diff.gz > big.diff” command to your quilt system, if needed. ^[22] * If it was packaged using another patch system such as dpatch, dbs, or cdbs with -p0, -p1, or -p2, convert it to the quilt command using the deb3 script in the quilt package. * If it was packaged with the dh command with the “--with quilt ” option or with the dh_quilt_patch and dh_quilt_unpatch commands, remove these and make it use the newer “3.0 (quilt) ” source format. * If you have a 1.0 source package without the foo.diff.gz file, you can update it to the newer “3.0 (native)” source format by creating debian/source/format with “3.0 (native)”. The rest of the debian/* files can just be copied.     You should check DEP - Debian Enhancement Proposals and adopt ACCEPTED proposals.     See ProjectsDebSrc3.0 to check the support status of the new Debian source formats by the Debian tool chains. 7.14. CDBS The Common Debian Build System (CDBS) is a wrapper system over     the debhelper package. The CDBS is based on the Makefile inclusion mechanism and configured by the DEB_* configuration variables set in the debian/rules file. Before the introduction of the dh command to the debhelper     package at the version 7, the CDBS was the only approach to create a simple and clean debian/rules file. For many simple packages, the dh command alone allows us to make     a simple and clean debian/rules file now. It is desirable to keep the build system simple and clean by not using the superfluous CDBS. Note     Neither “the CDBS magically does the job for me with less typing” nor “I don’t understand the new dh syntax” can be an excuse to keep using the CDBS system. For some complicated packages such as GNOME related ones, the     CDBS is leveraged to automate their uniform packaging by the current maintainers with justification. If this is the case, please do not bother converting from the CDBS to the dh syntax. Note     If you are working with a team of maintainers, please follow the established practice of the team.     When converting packages from the CDBS to the dh syntax, please use the following as your reference:     * CDBS Documentation * The Common Debian Build System (CDBS), FOSDEM 2009 7.15. Build under UTF-8     The default locale of the build environment is C.     Some programs such as the read function of Python3 change their behavior depending on the locale.     Adding the following code to the debian/rules file ensures building the program under the C.UTF-8 locale.     LC_ALL := C.UTF-8 export LC_ALL 7.16. UTF-8 conversion     If upstream documents are encoded in old encoding schemes, converting them to UTF-8 is a good idea.     Use the iconv command in the libc-bin package to convert encodings of plain text files.     $ iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 foo_in.txt > foo_out.txt     Use w3m(1) to convert from HTML files to UTF-8 plain text files. When you do this, make sure to execute it under UTF-8 locale. $ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 w3m -o display_charset=UTF-8 \     -cols 70 -dump -no-graph -T text/html \ < foo_in.html > foo_out.txt     Run these scripts in the override_dh_* target of the debian/rules file. 7.17. Upload orig.tar.gz     When you first upload the package to the archive, you need to include the original orig.tar.gz source, too. If the Debian revision number of the package is either 1 or 0,     this is the default. Otherwise, you must provide the dpkg-buildpackage option -sa to the dpkg-buildpackage command. * dpkg-buildpackage -sa     * debuild -sa * *sbuild * For gbp buildpackage, edit the ~/.gbp.conf file. Tip     On the other hand, the -sd option will force the exclusion of the original orig.tar.gz source. Tip     Security uploads require including the orig.tar.gz file. 7.18. Skipped uploads If you created multiple entries in the debian/changelog while skipping uploads, you must create a proper *_.changes file which     includes all changes since the last upload. This can be done by specifying the dpkg-buildpackage option -v with the last uploaded version, e.g., 1.2. * dpkg-buildpackage -v1.2     * debuild -v1.2 * sbuild --debbuildopts -v1.2 * For gbp buildpackage, edit the ~/.gbp.conf file. 7.19. Advanced packaging     Hints for the following can be found in the debhelper(7) manpage: * differences of the debhelper tool behavior under “compat <= 8” * building several binary packages with several different build conditions + making multiple copies of the upstream source + invoking multiple “dh_auto_configure -S …” commands in the override_dh_auto_configure target + invoking multiple “dh_auto_build -S …” commands in the override_dh_auto_build target     + invoking multiple “dh_auto_install -S …” commands in the override_dh_auto_install target * building udeb packages with “Package-Type: udeb” in debian/ control (see Package-Type) * excluding some packages for the bootstrapping process (see also BuildProfileSpec) + adding the Build-Profiles fields in binary package stanzas in debian/control + building packages with the DEB_BUILD_PROFILES environment variable set to the pertinent profile name     Hints for the following can be found in the dpkg-source(1) manpage: * naming convention for multiple upstream source tarballs + packagename_version.orig.tar.gz     + packagename_version.orig-componentname.tar.gz * recording the Debian changes to the upstream source package + dpkg-source --commit 7.20. Other distros Although the upstream tarball has all the information to build     the Debian package, it is not always easy to figure out which combination of options to use. Also, the upstream package may be more focused on feature     enhancements and may be less eager about backward compatibilities etc., which are an important aspect of Debian packaging practice.     The leveraging of information from other distributions is an option to address the above issues.     If the other distribution of interest is a Debian derivative one, it is trivial to reuse it.     If the other distribution of interest is an RPM based distribution, see Repackage src.rpm.     Downloading and opening of the src.rpm file can be done with the rget command. (Place the rget script in your PATH.) rget script.  #!/bin/sh     FCSRPM=$(basename $1) mkdir ${FCSRPM}; cd ${FCSRPM}/ wget $1 rpm2cpio ${FCSRPM} | cpio -dium Many upstream tarballs contain the SPEC file named as packagename     .spec or packagename.spec.in used by the RPM system. This can be used as the baseline for the Debian package, too. 7.21. Debug     When you face build problems or core dumps of generated binary programs, you need to resolve them yourself. That’s debug.     This is too deep a topic to describe here. So, let me just list few pointers and hints for some typical debug tools. * core dump + “man core” + Update the “/etc/security/limits.conf” file to include the following: * soft core unlimited + “ulimit -c unlimited” in ~/.bashrc + “ulimit -a” to check + Press Ctrl-\ or “kill -ABRT PID” to make a core dump file * gdb - The GNU Debugger + “info gdb” + “Debugging with GDB” in /usr/share/doc/gdb-doc/html/gdb/ index.html * strace - Trace system calls and signals + Use strace-graph script found in /usr/share/doc/strace/     examples/ to make a nice tree view + “man strace” * ltrace - Trace library calls + “man ltrace” * “sh -n script.sh” - Syntax check of a Shell script * “sh -x script.sh” - Trace a Shell script * “python -m py_compile script.py” - Syntax check of a Python script * “python -mtrace --trace script.py” - Trace a Python script * “perl -I ../libpath -c script.pl” - Syntax check of a Perl script * “perl -d:Trace script.pl” - Trace a Perl script + Install the libterm-readline-gnu-perl package or its equivalent to add input line editing capability with history support. * lsof - List open files by processes + “man lsof” Tip     Der Befehl script zeichnet Konsoleausgaben auf. Tip     Die Befehle screen und tmux bieten Ihnen im Zusammenspiel mit ssh eine sichere und robuste Verbindung zu fernen Terminals. Tip     A Python- and Shell-like REPL (=READ + EVAL + PRINT + LOOP) environment for Perl is offered by the reply command from the libreply-perl (new) package and the re.pl command from the libdevel-repl-perl (old) package. Tip     Die Befehle rlwrap und rlfe fügen Eingabebearbeitungsfähigkeiten mit einer Chronik-Unterstützung zu allen interaktiven Befehlen hinzu. Z.B. »rlwrap dash -i«. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[20] The sbuild style chroot organization is deployed here. See     https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild . Be careful since many HOWTOs use different chroot setups. ^[21] If a package foo is packaged in the old 1.0 format, this     can be done by running the “zcat /path/to/foo_oldversion.diff.gz| patch -p1” command in the new extracted source, instead.     ^[22] You can split the big.diff file into many small incremental patch files using the splitdiff command. Chapter 8. Weitere Beispiele     Es gibt ein altes Sprichwort auf Latein: »fabricando fit faber« (»Übung macht den Meister«). Es wird nachdrücklich empfohlen, mit einfachen Paketen zu üben     und mit allen Schritten der Debian-Paketierung zu experimentieren. Dieses Kapitel stellt Ihnen viele Fälle von Originalautoren zur Übung bereit.     Es sollte Ihnen auch mit einführenden Beispielen für viele Programmierthemen dienen. * Programmieren in der POSIX-Shell, Python3 und C * Methode, um ein Desktop-GUI-Programmstarter mit Icon-Graphiken zu erstellen. * Umwandlung eines Befehls aus CLI in GUI.     * Conversion of a program to use gettext for internationalization and localization: POSIX shell, Python3, and C sources. * Überblick über viele Bausysteme: Makefile, Python-Distutils, Autotools und CMake.     Bitte beachten Sie, dass Debian ein paar Dinge sehr Ernst nimmt: * Freie Software (auch als Libre Software bekannt) * Stabilität und Sicherheit des Betriebssystems * Universelles Betriebssystem mittels:     + freier Wahl der Quellen der Originalautoren + freier Wahl der CPU-Architektur und + freier Wahl der Sprachen für Oberflächen.     Das in Chapter 4, Einfaches Beispiel dargestellte Beispiel ist die Voraussetzung für dieses Kapitel. Some details are intentionally left vague in the following     sections. Please try to read the pertinent documentation and practice yourself to find them out. Tip     The best source of a packaging example is the current Debian archive itself. Please use the “Debian Code Search” service to find pertinent examples. 8.1. Cherry-pick templates     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a zero content source on an empty directory.     This is a good platform to get all the template files without making a mess in the upstream source tree you are working on.     Let’s assume this empty directory to be debhello-0.1. $ mkdir debhello-0.1 $ tree     . └── debhello-0.1 1 directory, 0 files     Let’s generate the maximum amount of template files by specifying the -x4 option.     Let’s also use the “-p debhello -t -u 0.1 -r 1” options to make the missing upstream tarball. $ debmake -t -p debhello -u 0.1 -r 1 -x4 I: set parameters I: ================================================================= … I: sanity check of parameters W: -p "debhello" != auto set value "" W: -u "0.1" != auto set value "0~2107020726" W: -r "1" != auto set value "" …     I: debmake -x "4" … I: creating => debian/control I: creating => debian/copyright I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra0/changelog … I: creating => debian/license-examples/GPL-3.0+ I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra4/LGPL-2.1+ I: creating => debian/license-examples/LGPL-2.1+ I: substituting => /usr/share/debmake/extra4/LGPL-3.0+ I: creating => debian/license-examples/LGPL-3.0+ I: $ wrap-and-sort     Lassen Sie uns die erstellten Vorlagendateien anschauen. $ cd .. $ tree . ├── debhello-0.1 │   └── debian │   ├── README.Debian │   ├── changelog │   ├── clean │   ├── compat.ex │   ├── control │   ├── copyright │   ├── debhello.bug-control.ex │   ├── debhello.bug-presubj.ex │   ├── debhello.bug-script.ex │   ├── debhello.conffiles.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.d.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.daily.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.hourly.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.monthly.ex │   ├── debhello.cron.weekly.ex │   ├── debhello.default.ex │   ├── debhello.dirs.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-install.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-remove.ex │   ├── debhello.emacsen-startup.ex │   ├── debhello.init.ex │   ├── debhello.lintian-overrides.ex │   ├── debhello.service.ex │   ├── debhello.tmpfile.ex │   ├── debhello.upstart.ex │   ├── install │   ├── license-examples │   │   ├── Apache-2.0     │   │   ├── Artistic-1.0 │   │   ├── BSD-3-Clause │   │   ├── Expat │   │   ├── GPL-2.0+ │   │   ├── GPL-3.0+ │   │   ├── LGPL-2.1+ │   │   └── LGPL-3.0+ │   ├── links │   ├── manpage.1.ex │   ├── manpage.asciidoc.ex │   ├── manpage.sgml.ex │   ├── manpage.xml.ex │   ├── patches │   │   └── series │   ├── postinst │   ├── postrm │   ├── preinst │   ├── prerm │   ├── rules │   ├── source │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── format │   │   ├── local-options │   │   ├── options │   │   └── patch-header │   ├── source.lintian-overrides.ex │   ├── tests │   │   └── control │   ├── upstream │   │   └── metadata │   └── watch ├── debhello-0.1.tar.gz └── debhello_0.1.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.1.tar.gz 7 directories, 56 files Now you can copy any of these generated template files in the     debhello-0.1/debian/ directory to your package as needed while renaming them as needed. Tip     The generated template files can be made more verbose by invoking the debmake command with the -T option (tutorial mode). 8.2. Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a POSIX shell CLI program without its build system.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-0.2.tar.gz.     This type of source has no automated means and files must be installed manually.     Zum Beispiel: $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.2.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-0.2 $ sudo cp scripts/hello /bin/hello …     Let’s get this source as tar file from a remote site and make it the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-0.2.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-0.2.tar.gz ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-0.2.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-0.2 │   ├── LICENSE     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-0.2.tar.gz 4 directories, 6 files     Here, the POSIX shell script hello is a very simple one. hello (v=0.2).  $ cat debhello-0.2/scripts/hello     #!/bin/sh -e echo "Hello from the shell!" echo "" echo -n "Type Enter to exit this program: " read X     Here, hello.desktop supports the Desktop Entry Specification. hello.desktop (v=0.2).  $ cat debhello-0.2/data/hello.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Hello Name[fr]=Bonjour     Comment=Greetings Comment[fr]=Salutations Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=true Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     Here, hello.png is the icon graphics file. Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the -b':sh'     option is used to specify that the generated binary package is a shell script. $ cd debhello-0.2 $ debmake -b':sh' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="0.2", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-0.2". *** I: provide debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-0.2.tar.gz debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-0.2" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Unknown I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = desktop …     Let’s inspect notable template files generated. The source tree after the basic debmake execution. (v=0.2).  $ cd .. $ tree . ├── debhello-0.2 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── debian │   │   ├── README.Debian │   │   ├── changelog │   │   ├── control │   │   ├── copyright │   │   ├── patches │   │   │   └── series │   │   ├── rules     │   │   ├── source │   │   │   ├── control │   │   │   ├── format │   │   │   ├── local-options │   │   │   ├── options │   │   │   └── patch-header │   │   ├── tests │   │   │   └── control │   │   ├── upstream │   │   │   └── metadata │   │   └── watch │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello ├── debhello-0.2.tar.gz └── debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.2.tar.gz 9 directories, 21 files debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=0.2):  $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f     # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ This is essentially the standard debian/rules file with the dh     command. Since this is the script package, this template debian/ rules file has no build flag related contents. debian/control (Vorlagendatei, v=0.2):  $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: "Firstname Lastname" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.5.1     Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Since this is the shell script package, the debmake command sets     “Architecture: all” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also, it sets required substvar parameters as “Depends: ${misc:Depends}”. These are explained in Chapter 5, Grundlagen. Since this upstream source lacks the upstream Makefile, that functionality needs to be provided by the maintainer. This upstream source contains only a script file and data files and no     C source files; the build process can be skipped but the install process needs to be implemented. For this case, this is achieved cleanly by adding the debian/install and debian/manpages files without complicating the debian/rules file.     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=0.2):  $ vim debhello-0.2/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, …     $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=0.2):  $ vim debhello-0.2/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Warning     If you leave “Section: unknown” in the template debian/control file unchanged, the lintian error may cause a build failure. debian/install (Betreuerversion, v=0.2):  $ vim debhello-0.2/debian/install     … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/install data/hello.desktop usr/share/applications data/hello.png usr/share/pixmaps scripts/hello usr/bin debian/manpages (Betreuerversion, v=0.2):      $ vim debhello-0.2/debian/manpages … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-0.2/debian/manpages man/hello.1     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=0.2):  $ tree debhello-0.2/debian debhello-0.2/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── install ├── manpages ├── patches │   └── series     ├── rules ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 16 files You can create a non-native Debian package using the debuild     command (or its equivalents) in this source tree. The command output is very verbose and explains what it does as follows. $ cd debhello-0.2 $ debuild dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i -i … debian/rules clean dh clean … debian/rules binary dh binary     dh_update_autotools_config dh_autoreconf create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp dh_prep rm -f -- debian/debhello.substvars rm -fr -- debian/.debhelper/generated/debhello/ debian/debhello/ debi... dh_install install -d debian/debhello/usr/bin cp --reflink=auto -a ./scripts/hello debian/debhello/usr/bin/ …     Lassen Sie uns die Ergebnisse anschauen. The generated files of debhello version 0.2 by the debuild command:  $ cd .. $ tree -FL 1 . ├── debhello-0.2/ ├── debhello-0.2.tar.gz     ├── debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz ├── debhello_0.2-1.dsc ├── debhello_0.2-1_all.deb ├── debhello_0.2-1_amd64.build ├── debhello_0.2-1_amd64.buildinfo ├── debhello_0.2-1_amd64.changes └── debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz -> debhello-0.2.tar.gz 1 directory, 8 files     You see all the generated files. * The debhello_0.2.orig.tar.gz file is a symlink to the upstream tarball. * The debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz file contains the maintainer generated contents. * The debhello_0.2-1.dsc file is the meta data file for the     Debian source package. * Die Datei debhello_0.2-1_all.deb ist das Debian-Binärpaket. * The debhello_0.2-1_amd64.build file is the build log file. * The debhello_0.2-1_amd64.buildinfo file is the meta data file generated by dpkg-genbuildinfo(1). * The debhello_0.2-1_amd64.changes file is the meta data file for the Debian binary package.     The debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz file contains the Debian changes to the upstream source as follows. The compressed archive contents of debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz:  $ tar -tzf debhello-0.2.tar.gz debhello-0.2/ debhello-0.2/data/ debhello-0.2/data/hello.desktop debhello-0.2/data/hello.png debhello-0.2/man/ debhello-0.2/man/hello.1 debhello-0.2/scripts/ debhello-0.2/scripts/hello debhello-0.2/LICENSE $ tar --xz -tf debhello_0.2-1.debian.tar.xz debian/ debian/README.Debian debian/changelog     debian/control debian/copyright debian/install debian/manpages debian/patches/ debian/patches/series debian/rules debian/source/ debian/source/control debian/source/format debian/source/options debian/source/patch-header debian/tests/ debian/tests/control debian/upstream/ debian/upstream/metadata debian/watch     The debhello_0.2-1_amd64.deb file contains the files to be installed as follows. The binary package contents of debhello_0.2-1_all.deb:  $ dpkg -c debhello_0.2-1_all.deb drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/bin/hello drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/applications/     -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/applications/hello.desktop drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/doc/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/ -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/README.Debian -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/changelog.Debian.gz -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/doc/debhello/copyright drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/man/ drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/man/man1/ -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/man/man1/hello.1.gz drwxr-xr-x root/root … ./usr/share/pixmaps/ -rw-r--r-- root/root … ./usr/share/pixmaps/hello.png     Dies ist die erstellte Abhängigkeitsliste von debhello_0.2-1_all.deb. The generated dependency list of debhello_0.2-1_all.deb:      $ dpkg -f debhello_0.2-1_all.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts br…     (No extra dependency packages required since this is a POSIX shell program.) Note If you wish to replace upstream provided PNG file data/hello.png     with maintainer provided one debian/hello.png, editing debian/ install isn’t enough. When you add debian/hello.png, you need to add a line "include-binaries" to debian/source/options since PNG is a binary file. See dpkg-source(1). 8.3. Makefile (Shell, CLI)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a POSIX shell CLI program using the Makefile as its build system.     Let’s assume its upstream tarball to be debhello-1.0.tar.gz.     Diese Art der Quellen soll als Nichtsystemdatei wie folgt instaliert werden: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.0.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-1.0 $ make install Die Debian-Paketierung ändert diesen »make install«-Prozess in     die Installation von Dateien an den Ort im Zielsystemabbild statt des normalen Ortes unterhalb von /usr/local.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.0.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.0.tar.gz ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.0 │   ├── LICENSE     │   ├── Makefile │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-1.0.tar.gz 4 directories, 7 files Here, the Makefile uses $(DESTDIR) and $(prefix) properly. All     other files are the same as in Section 8.2, “Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI)” and most of the packaging activities are the same. Makefile (v=1.0).  $ cat debhello-1.0/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: : # do nothing install: install -D scripts/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \     $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: : # do nothing distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the -b':sh'     option is used to specify that the generated binary package is a shell script. $ cd debhello-1.0 $ debmake -b':sh' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.0". *** I: provide debhello_1.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.0.tar.gz debhello_1.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.0" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = desktop …     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=1.0):  $ cat debhello-1.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1     %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_install: # dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.pyc -X.pyo     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.0):  $ vim debhello-1.0/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f     export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install -- prefix=/usr Since this upstream source has the proper upstream Makefile,     there is no need to create debian/install and debian/manpages files.     The debian/control file is exactly the same as the one in Section 8.2, “Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI)”.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=1.0):  $ tree debhello-1.0/debian debhello-1.0/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── patches │   └── series ├── rules     ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 14 files     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as the ones in Section 8.2, “Kein Makefile (Shell, CLI)”. 8.4. setup.py (Python3, CLI) Many interesting upstream Python program packages are packaged using the setuptools based setup.py. Usually, these source packages are built into Python specific binary distribution     format wheel and wheel packages are distributed to end users. Then, end users find these from package listing sites such as the Python Package Index (PyPI) and install these wheel packages using pip to the user’s environment. In order to make Debian package of these Python programs, you must start with their source packages. The current Debian packaging practice of such Python programs uses dh_python3(1) and     pybuild(1) from dh_python package. Although setuptools isn’t mentioned in pybuild(1), you can treat these as if these are packaged using the distutils based setup.py since setuptools is an enhanced extension of distutils. ^[23]     Nehmen wir an, dass der Tarball der Originalautoren debhello-1.1.tar.gz ist. "Installing Python Modules (Legacy version)" explains how to     install source to the system using distutils. Essentially, the source is installed using distutils as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.1.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-1.1 $ python3 setup.py install Debian packaging requires changing the last line to “python3     setup.py install --install-layout=deb” to install files into the target system image location. This is automatically addressed when using the dh command for Debian packaging. Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     Python3 CLI program using the setuptools based setup.py as its build system.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.1.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.1.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.1.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.1 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── MANIFEST.in │   ├── README.md │   ├── data     │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── manpages │   │   └── hello.1 │   ├── pyproject.toml │   ├── setup.cfg │   ├── setup.py │   └── src │   └── debhello │   ├── __init__.py │   └── __main__.py └── debhello-1.1.tar.gz 5 directories, 12 files     Here, the content of this debhello source tree as follows. setup.py (v=1.1) — a boilar plate setup.py for the backward compatibility.      $ cat debhello-1.1/setup.py # coding: utf-8 import setuptools setuptools.setup() setup.cfg (v=1.1) — modern static metadata.  $ cat debhello-1.1/setup.cfg [metadata] name = debhello version = attr: debhello.__version__ description = Hello Python (CLI) long_description = file: README.md classifiers = Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 author = Osamu Aoki     author_email = osamu@debian.org maintainer = Osamu Aoki maintainer_email = osamu@debian.org url = https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc project_urls = Documentation = https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc keywords = debhello license = MIT [options] package_dir = = src packages = find: python_requires = >=3.4 setup_requires = setuptools >= 42 [options.packages.find] where = src [options.entry_points] console_scripts = hello = debhello.__main__:main pyproject.toml (v=1.1) — PEP 517 configuration.  $ cat debhello-1.1/pyproject.toml [build-system]     requires = [ "setuptools>=42", "wheel" ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" MANIFEST.in (v=1.1) — for distutils to make sdist.      $ cat debhello-1.1/MANIFEST.in include data/* include manpages/* src/debhello/__init__.py (v=1.1) — program version definition.      $ cat debhello-1.1/src/debhello/__init__.py __version__ = '1.1.0' src/debhello/__main__.py (v=1.1) — command entry point.  $ cat debhello-1.1/src/debhello/__main__.py """ debhello command line entry (enable python -m debhello syntax) """ import sys import debhello     def main(): # needed for console script print(' ========== Hello Python3 ==========') print('argv = {}'.format(sys.argv)) print('version = {}'.format(debhello.__version__)) return if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the -b':py3'     option is used to specify the generated binary package containing Python3 script and module files. $ cd debhello-1.1 $ debmake -b':py3' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.1", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.1". *** I: provide debhello_1.1.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.1.tar.gz debhello_1.1.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.1" I: parse binary package settings: :py3 I: binary package=debhello Type=python3 / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree W: unknown python version. check setup.py. I: build_type = I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions …     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=1.1):  $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f     # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 %: dh $@ --with python3     This is essentially the standard debian/rules file with the dh command. The use of the “--with python3” option invokes dh_python3 to     calculate Python dependencies, add maintainer scripts to byte compiled files, etc. See dh_python3(1). The use of the “--buildsystem=pybuild” option invokes various     build systems for requested Python versions in order to build modules and extensions. See pybuild(1). debian/control (Vorlagendatei, v=1.1):  $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-python, python3-all Standards-Version: 4.5.1     Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package. Since this is the Python3 package, the debmake command sets “     Architecture: all” and “Multi-Arch: foreign”. Also, it sets required substvar parameters as “Depends: ${python3:Depends}, $ {misc:Depends}”. These are explained in Chapter 5, Grundlagen.     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.1):  $ vim debhello-1.1/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=debhello export PYBUILD_VERBOSE=1 export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=1.1):  $ vim debhello-1.1/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-python, python3-all, python3-setuptools     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Rules-Requires-Root: no Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc.git Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Package: debhello Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This is an example package to demonstrate Debian packaging using the debmake command. . The generated Debian package uses the dh command offered by the debhelper package and the dpkg source format `3.0 (quilt)'.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. This debhello command comes with the upstream-provided manpage     and desktop file but the upstream setup.cfg doesn’t install them. So you need to update debian/install and debian/manpages as follows: debian/install (Betreuerversion, v=1.1):  $ vim debhello-1.1/debian/install     … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/install data/hello.desktop usr/share/applications data/hello.png usr/share/pixmaps debian/manpages (Betreuerversion, v=1.1):      $ vim debhello-1.1/debian/manpages … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.1/debian/manpages manpages/hello.1     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as the ones in Section 8.3, “Makefile (Shell, CLI)”. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=1.1):  $ tree debhello-1.1/debian debhello-1.1/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── install ├── manpages ├── patches │   └── series     ├── rules ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 16 files     Hier ist die erstellte Abhängigkeitsliste von debhello_1.1-1_all.deb. The generated dependency list of debhello_1.1-1_all.deb:      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.1-1_all.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts br… Depends: python3:any 8.5. Makefile (Shell, GUI)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a POSIX shell GUI program using the Makefile as its build system.     This upstream is based on Section 8.3, “Makefile (Shell, CLI)” with enhanced GUI support.     Let’s assume its upstream tarball to be debhello-1.2.tar.gz.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.2.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.2.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.2.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.2 │   ├── LICENSE     │   ├── Makefile │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── scripts │   └── hello └── debhello-1.2.tar.gz 4 directories, 7 files     Here, the hello has been re-written to use the zenity command to make this a GTK+ GUI program. hello (v=1.2).      $ cat debhello-1.2/scripts/hello #!/bin/sh -e zenity --info --title "hello" --text "Hello from the shell!"     Here, the desktop file is updated to be Terminal=false as a GUI program. hello.desktop (v=1.2).  $ cat debhello-1.2/data/hello.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Hello Name[fr]=Bonjour     Comment=Greetings Comment[fr]=Salutations Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=false Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     Alle anderen Dateien sind identisch zu Section 8.3, “Makefile (Shell, CLI)”. Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the -b':sh'     option is used to specify that the generated binary package is a shell script. $ cd debhello-1.2 $ debmake -b':sh' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.2", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.2". *** I: provide debhello_1.2.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.2.tar.gz debhello_1.2.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.2" I: parse binary package settings: :sh I: binary package=debhello Type=script / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 33 %, ext = desktop …     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/control (Vorlagendatei, v=1.2):  $ cat debhello-1.2/debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.5.1     Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package.     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=1.2):  $ vim debhello-1.2/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.2/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: zenity, ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     Please note the manually added zenity dependency.     The debian/rules file is exactly the same as the one in Section 8.3, “Makefile (Shell, CLI)”.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Template files under debian/. (v=1.2):  $ tree debhello-1.2/debian debhello-1.2/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── patches │   └── series ├── rules     ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 14 files     Die restlichen Paketieraktivitäten sind praktisch die gleichen wie in Section 8.3, “Makefile (Shell, CLI)”.     Hier ist die erstellte Abhängigkeitsliste von debhello_1.2-1_all.deb. The generated dependency list of debhello_1.2-1_all.deb:      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.2-1_all.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts br... Depends: zenity 8.6. setup.py (Python3, GUI) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     Python3 GUI program using the setuptools based setup.py as its build system.     This upstream is based on Section 8.4, “setup.py (Python3, CLI)” with enhanced GUI, desktop icon, and manpage support.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-1.3.tar.gz.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Download debhello-1.3.tar.gz.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.3.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.3.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.3 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── MANIFEST.in │   ├── README.md │   ├── data     │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── manpages │   │   └── hello.1 │   ├── pyproject.toml │   ├── setup.cfg │   ├── setup.py │   └── src │   └── debhello │   ├── __init__.py │   └── __main__.py └── debhello-1.3.tar.gz 5 directories, 12 files     Here, the content of this debhello source tree as follows. setup.py (v=1.3) — a boilar plate setup.py for the backward compatibility.      $ cat debhello-1.3/setup.py import setuptools setuptools.setup() setup.cfg (v=1.3) — modern static metadata.  $ cat debhello-1.3/setup.cfg [metadata] name = debhello version = attr: debhello.__version__ description = Hello Python (GUI) long_description = file: README.md classifiers = Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Intended Audience :: Developers Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 author = Osamu Aoki     author_email = osamu@debian.org maintainer = Osamu Aoki maintainer_email = osamu@debian.org url = https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc project_urls = Documentation = https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc keywords = debhello license = MIT [options] package_dir = = src packages = find: python_requires = >=3.4 setup_requires = setuptools >= 42 [options.packages.find] where = src [options.entry_points] console_scripts = hello = debhello.__main__:main pyproject.toml (v=1.3) — PEP 517-Konfiguration.  $ cat debhello-1.3/pyproject.toml [build-system]     requires = [ "setuptools>=42", "wheel" ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" MANIFEST.in (v=1.3) — for distutils to make sdist.      $ cat debhello-1.3/MANIFEST.in include data/* include manpages/* src/debhello/__init__.py (v=1.3) — program version definition.      $ cat debhello-1.3/src/debhello/__init__.py __version__ = '1.3.0' src/debhello/__main__.py (v=1.3) — command entry point.  $ cat debhello-1.3/src/debhello/__main__.py #!/usr/bin/python3 from gi.repository import Gtk class TopWindow(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.title = "Hello World!" self.counter = 0 self.border_width = 10 self.set_default_size(400, 100) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) self.button = Gtk.Button(label="Click me!")     self.button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked) self.add(self.button) self.connect("delete-event", self.on_window_destroy) def on_window_destroy(self, *args): Gtk.main_quit(*args) def on_button_clicked(self, widget): self.counter += 1 widget.set_label("Hello, World!\nClick count = %i" % self.counter) def main(): window = TopWindow() window.show_all() Gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main() Let’s package this with the debmake command. Here, the -b':py3'     option is used to specify that the generated binary package contains Python3 script and module files. $ cd debhello-1.3 $ debmake -b':py3' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.3", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.3". *** I: provide debhello_1.3.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.3.tar.gz debhello_1.3.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.3" I: parse binary package settings: :py3 I: binary package=debhello Type=python3 / Arch=all M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree W: unknown python version. check setup.py. I: build_type = I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions …     The result is practically the same as in Section 8.4, “setup.py (Python3, CLI)”.     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.3):  $ vim debhello-1.3/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.3/debian/rules     #!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=debhello export PYBUILD_VERBOSE=1 export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=1.3):  $ vim debhello-1.3/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.3/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-python, python3-all     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0, python3-gi, ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     Please note the manually added python3-gi and gir1.2-gtk-3.0 dependencies.     Die restlichen Paketieraktivitäten sind praktisch die gleichen wie in Section 8.4, “setup.py (Python3, CLI)”.     Hier ist die erstellte Abhängigkeitsliste von debhello_1.3-1_all.deb. The generated dependency list of debhello_1.3-1_all.deb:      $ dpkg -f debhello_1.3-1_all.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts br… Depends: gir1.2-gtk-3.0, python3-gi, python3:any 8.7. Makefile (Paket mit einem Programm)     Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a simple C source program using the Makefile as its build system. This is an enhanced upstream source example for Chapter 4,     Einfaches Beispiel. This comes with the manpage, the desktop file, and the desktop icon. This also links to an external library libm to be a more practical example.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-1.4.tar.gz.     Diese Art der Quellen soll als Nichtsystemdatei wie folgt instaliert werden: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.4.tar.gz     $ cd debhello-1.4 $ make $ make install Debian packaging requires changing this “make install” process to     install files into the target system image location instead of the normal location under /usr/local.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.4.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.4.tar.gz ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.4.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.4 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── config.h │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.4.tar.gz 4 directories, 8 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=1.4):  $ cat debhello-1.4/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); return 0; } src/config.h (v=1.4):      $ cat debhello-1.4/src/config.h #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki" Makefile (v=1.4):  $ cat debhello-1.4/Makefile prefix = /usr/local all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lm install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop     install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall     Please note that this Makefile has the proper install target for the manpage, the desktop file, and the desktop icon.     Let’s package this with the debmake command. $ cd debhello-1.4 $ debmake -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.4", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.4". *** I: provide debhello_1.4.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.4.tar.gz debhello_1.4.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.4" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = make I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 40 %, ext = c …     The result is practically the same as in Section 4.6, “Schritt 2: Mit Debmake erstellte Vorlagendateien”. Let’s make this Debian package, which is practically the same as     in Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien”, better as the maintainer. If the DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS environment variable is not     exported in debian/rules, lintian warns "W: debhello: hardening-no-relro usr/bin/hello" for the linking of libm. The debian/control file makes it exactly the same as the one in     Section 4.7, “Schritt 3: Anpassung der Vorlagendateien”, since the libm library is always available as a part of libc6 (Priority: required).     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=1.4):  $ tree debhello-1.4/debian debhello-1.4/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── patches │   └── series ├── rules     ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 14 files     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as the one in Section 4.8, “Schritt 4: Paketbau mit debuild”.     Here is the generated dependency list of all binary packages. Die erstellte Abhängigkeitsliste aller Binärpakete (v=1.4):      $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_1.4-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends con... Depends: debhello (= 1.4-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_1.4-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts ... Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4) 8.8. Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     simple C source program using Makefile.in and configure as its build system. This is an enhanced upstream source example for Section 8.7, “Makefile (Paket mit einem Programm)”. This also links to an     external library, libm, and this source is configurable using arguments to the configure script, which generates the Makefile and src/config.h files.     Nehmen wir an, dass der Tarball der Originalautoren debhello-1.5.tar.gz ist.     This type of source is meant to be installed as a non-system file, for example, as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.5.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.5     $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.5.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.5.tar.gz ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.5.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.5 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile.in     │   ├── configure │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.5.tar.gz 4 directories, 8 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=1.5):  $ cat debhello-1.5/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; } Makefile.in (v=1.5):  $ cat debhello-1.5/Makefile.in prefix = @prefix@ all: src/hello src/hello: src/hello.c $(CC) @VERBOSE@ \ $(CPPFLAGS) \ $(CFLAGS) \ $(LDFLAGS) \ -o $@ $^ \ @LINKLIB@ install: src/hello install -D src/hello \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello     install -m 644 -D data/hello.desktop \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop install -m 644 -D data/hello.png \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png install -m 644 -D man/hello.1 \ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 clean: -rm -f src/hello distclean: clean uninstall: -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/hello -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/applications/hello.desktop -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/pixmaps/hello.png -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/hello.1 .PHONY: all install clean distclean uninstall configure (v=1.5):  $ cat debhello-1.5/configure #!/bin/sh -e # default values PREFIX="/usr/local" VERBOSE="" WITH_MATH="0" LINKLIB="" PACKAGE_AUTHOR="John Doe" # parse arguments while [ "${1}" != "" ]; do VAR="${1%=*}" # Drop suffix =* VAL="${1#*=}" # Drop prefix *= case "${VAR}" in --prefix) PREFIX="${VAL}" ;; --verbose|-v) VERBOSE="-v" ;;     --with-math) WITH_MATH="1" LINKLIB="-lm" ;; --author) PACKAGE_AUTHOR="${VAL}" ;; *) echo "W: Unknown argument: ${1}" esac shift done # setup configured Makefile and src/config.h sed -e "s,@prefix@,${PREFIX}," \ -e "s,@VERBOSE@,${VERBOSE}," \ -e "s,@LINKLIB@,${LINKLIB}," \ Makefile if [ "${WITH_MATH}" = 1 ]; then echo "#define WITH_MATH" >src/config.h else echo "/* not defined: WITH_MATH */" >src/config.h fi echo "#define PACKAGE_AUTHOR \"${PACKAGE_AUTHOR}\"" >>src/config.h     Please note that the configure command replaces strings with @…@ in Makefile.in to produce Makefile and creates src/config.h.     Let’s package this with the debmake command. $ cd debhello-1.5 $ debmake -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.5", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.5". *** I: provide debhello_1.5.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.5.tar.gz debhello_1.5.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.5" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = configure I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 20 %, ext = in …     Das Ergebnis ist ähnlich zu Section 4.6, “Schritt 2: Mit Debmake erstellte Vorlagendateien”, aber nicht exakt identisch.     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=1.5):  $ cat debhello-1.5/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package.     #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.5):  $ vim debhello-1.5/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.5/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ --with-math \ --author="Osamu Aoki"     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden.     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as the one in Section 4.8, “Schritt 4: Paketbau mit debuild”. 8.9. Autotools (Paket mit einem Programm) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     simple C source program using Autotools = Autoconf and Automake ( Makefile.am and configure.ac) as its build system. See Section 5.18.1, “Autotools”. This source usually comes with the upstream auto-generated Makefile.in and configure files, too. This source can be packaged     using these files as in Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)” with the help of the autotools-dev package. The better alternative is to regenerate these files using the latest Autoconf and Automake packages if the upstream provided     Makefile.am and configure.ac are compatible with the latest version. This is advantageous for porting to new CPU architectures, etc. This can be automated by using the “--with autoreconf” option for the dh command.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-1.6.tar.gz.     This type of source is meant to be installed as a non-system file, for example, as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.6.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.6     $ autoreconf -ivf # optional $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Laden Sie debhello-1.6.tar.gz herunter.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.6.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.6.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.6 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile.am │   ├── configure.ac     │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   ├── Makefile.am │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── Makefile.am │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.6.tar.gz 4 directories, 10 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=1.6):  $ cat debhello-1.6/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; } Makefile.am (v=1.6):  $ cat debhello-1.6/Makefile.am SUBDIRS = src man     $ cat debhello-1.6/man/Makefile.am dist_man_MANS = hello.1 $ cat debhello-1.6/src/Makefile.am bin_PROGRAMS = hello hello_SOURCES = hello.c configure.ac (v=1.6):  $ cat debhello-1.6/configure.ac # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.1],[foo@example.org]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) echo "Add --with-math option functionality to ./configure" AC_ARG_WITH([math], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-math], [compile with math library @<:@default=yes@:>@])], [], [with_math="yes"] )     echo "==== withval := \"$withval\"" echo "==== with_math := \"$with_math\"" # m4sh if-else construct AS_IF([test "x$with_math" != "xno"],[ echo "==== Check include: math.h" AC_CHECK_HEADER(math.h,[],[ AC_MSG_ERROR([Couldn't find math.h.] ) ]) echo "==== Check library: libm" AC_SEARCH_LIBS(atan, [m]) #AC_CHECK_LIB(m, atan) echo "==== Build with LIBS := \"$LIBS\"" AC_DEFINE(WITH_MATH, [1], [Build with the math library]) ],[ echo "==== Skip building with math.h." AH_TEMPLATE(WITH_MATH, [Build without the math library]) ]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT Tip     Without “foreign” strictness level specified in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE () as above, automake defaults to “gnu” strictness level requiring several files in the top-level directory. See “3.2 Strictness” in the automake document.     Let’s package this with the debmake command. $ cd debhello-1.6 $ debmake -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.6", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.6". *** I: provide debhello_1.6.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.6.tar.gz debhello_1.6.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.6" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Autotools with autoreconf I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 38 %, ext = am …     The result is similar to Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)” but not exactly the same.     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=1.6):  $ cat debhello-1.6/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.la -X.pyc -X.pyo     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.6):  $ vim debhello-1.6/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.6/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ --with-math     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden.     The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as the one in Section 4.8, “Schritt 4: Paketbau mit debuild”. 8.10. CMake (Paket mit einem Programm) Here is an example of creating a simple Debian package from a     simple C source program using CMake (CMakeLists.txt and some files such as config.h.in) as its build system. See Section 5.18.2, “CMake”. The cmake command generates the Makefile file based on the     CMakeLists.txt file and its -D option. It also configures the file as specified in its configure_file(…) by replacing strings with @…@ and changing the #cmakedefine … line.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-1.7.tar.gz.     This type of source is meant to be installed as a non-system file, for example, as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.7.tar.gz $ cd debhello-1.7 $ mkdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu # for out-of-tree build     $ cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu $ cmake .. $ make $ make install     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Download debhello-1.7.tar.gz.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-1.7.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-1.7.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-1.7 │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── data     │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── man │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── config.h.in │   └── hello.c └── debhello-1.7.tar.gz 4 directories, 10 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=1.7):  $ cat debhello-1.7/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_MATH # include #endif #include int     main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); #ifdef WITH_MATH printf("4.0 * atan(1.0) = %10f8\n", 4.0*atan(1.0)); #else printf("I can't do MATH!\n"); #endif return 0; } src/config.h.in (v=1.7):  $ cat debhello-1.7/src/config.h.in     /* name of the package author */ #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "@PACKAGE_AUTHOR@" /* math library support */ #cmakedefine WITH_MATH CMakeLists.txt (v=1.7):  $ cat debhello-1.7/CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(debhello) set(PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki") add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(man) $ cat debhello-1.7/man/CMakeLists.txt install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hello.1 DESTINATION share/man/man1 ) $ cat debhello-1.7/src/CMakeLists.txt     # Always define HAVE_CONFIG_H add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) # Interactively define WITH_MATH option(WITH_MATH "Build with math support" OFF) #variable_watch(WITH_MATH) # Generate config.h from config.h.in configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") add_executable(hello hello.c) install(TARGETS hello RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )     Let’s package this with the debmake command. $ cd debhello-1.7 $ debmake -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu Aoki' I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="1.7", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-1.7". *** I: provide debhello_1.7.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-1.7.tar.gz debhello_1.7.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-1.7" I: parse binary package settings: I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Cmake I: scan source for copyright+license text and file extensions I: 38 %, ext = text …     The result is similar to Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)” but not exactly the same.     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=1.7):  $ cat debhello-1.7/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_configure: # dh_auto_configure -- \ # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)" debian/control (template file, v=1.7):  $ cat debhello-1.7/debian/control Source: debhello Section: unknown Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.5.1     Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: auto-generated package by debmake This Debian binary package was auto-generated by the debmake(1) command provided by the debmake package.     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=1.7):  $ vim debhello-1.7/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.7/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- -DWITH-MATH=1 debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=1.7):  $ vim debhello-1.7/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-1.7/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13)     Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only)     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as     the one in Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)”. 8.11. Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen) Here is an example of creating a set of Debian binary packages including the executable package, the shared library package, the     development file package, and the debug symbol package from a simple C source program using Autotools = Autoconf and Automake (which use Makefile.am and configure.ac as their input files) as its build system. See Section 5.18.1, “Autotools”.     Let’s package this in the same way as in Section 8.9, “Autotools (Paket mit einem Programm)”.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-2.0.tar.gz.     This type of source is meant to be installed as a non-system file, for example, as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ cd debhello-2.0     $ autoreconf -ivf # optional $ ./configure --with-math $ make $ make install     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Download debhello-2.0.tar.gz.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-2.0.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile.am │   ├── configure.ac │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop     │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── lib │   │   ├── Makefile.am │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── Makefile.am │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── Makefile.am │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.0.tar.gz 5 directories, 13 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=2.0):  $ cat debhello-2.0/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); sharedlib(); return 0; } lib/sharedlib.h und lib/sharedlib.c (v=1.6):  $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/sharedlib.h int sharedlib(); $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/sharedlib.c     #include int sharedlib() { printf("This is a shared library!\n"); return 0; } Makefile.am (v=2.0):  $ cat debhello-2.0/Makefile.am # recursively process `Makefile.am` in SUBDIRS SUBDIRS = lib src man $ cat debhello-2.0/man/Makefile.am # manpages (distributed in the source package) dist_man_MANS = hello.1 $ cat debhello-2.0/lib/Makefile.am # libtool librares to be produced lib_LTLIBRARIES = libsharedlib.la # source files used for lib_LTLIBRARIES libsharedlib_la_SOURCES = sharedlib.c # C pre-processor flags used for lib_LTLIBRARIES #libsharedlib_la_CPPFLAGS =     # Headers files to be installed in /include include_HEADERS = sharedlib.h # Versioning Libtool Libraries with version triplets libsharedlib_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0 $ cat debhello-2.0/src/Makefile.am # program executables to be produced bin_PROGRAMS = hello # source files used for bin_PROGRAMS hello_SOURCES = hello.c # C pre-processor flags used for bin_PROGRAMS AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/lib # Extra options for the linker for hello # hello_LDFLAGS = # Libraries the `hello` binary to be linked hello_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libsharedlib.la configure.ac (v=2.0):  $ cat debhello-2.0/configure.ac # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.2],[foo@example.org]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Set default to --enable-shared --disable-static LT_INIT([shared disable-static])     # find the libltdl sources in the libltdl sub-directory LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR([libltdl]) # choose one LTDL_INIT([recursive]) #LTDL_INIT([subproject]) #LTDL_INIT([nonrecursive]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # only for the recursive case AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile lib/Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT     Let’s package this with the debmake command into multiple packages: * debhello: type = bin     * libsharedlib1: type = lib * libsharedlib-dev: type = dev     Here, the -b',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' option is used to specify the generated binary packages. $ cd debhello-2.0 $ debmake -b',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu … I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="2.0", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-2.0". *** I: provide debhello_2.0.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-2.0.tar.gz debhello_2.0.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-2.0" I: parse binary package settings: ,libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: binary package=libsharedlib1 Type=lib / Arch=any M-A=same I: binary package=libsharedlib-dev Type=dev / Arch=any M-A=same I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Autotools with autoreconf …     The result is similar to Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)” but with more template files.     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=2.0):  $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf #override_dh_install: # dh_install --list-missing -X.la -X.pyc -X.pyo     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=2.0):  $ vim debhello-2.0/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1     export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ --with autoreconf override_dh_missing: dh_missing -X.la debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=2.0):  $ vim debhello-2.0/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-autoreconf Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}     Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the compiled binary executable. . This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Package: libsharedlib1 Section: libs Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the shared library. Package: libsharedlib-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the development files. debian/*.install (Betreuerversion, v=2.0):  $ vim debhello-2.0/debian/debhello.install … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/debhello.install usr/bin/* usr/share/* $ vim debhello-2.0/debian/libsharedlib1.install     … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/libsharedlib1.install usr/lib/*/*.so.* $ vim debhello-2.0/debian/libsharedlib-dev.install … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.0/debian/libsharedlib-dev.install ###usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*.pc usr/include usr/lib/*/*.so Since this upstream source creates the proper auto-generated     Makefile, there is no need to create debian/install and debian/ manpages files.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=2.0):  $ tree debhello-2.0/debian debhello-2.0/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── debhello.install ├── libsharedlib-dev.install ├── libsharedlib1.install ├── libsharedlib1.symbols ├── patches     │   └── series ├── rules ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 18 files The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as     the one in Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)”.     Here are the generated dependency list of all binary packages. The generated dependency list of all binary packages (v=2.0):  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends con... Depends: debhello (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts ...     Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1), libc6 (>= 2.2.5) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib-dev_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends co... Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1-dbgsym_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommend... Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.0-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1_2.0-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends confl... Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5) 8.12. CMake (multi-binary package) Here is an example of creating a set of Debian binary packages including the executable package, the shared library package, the     development file package, and the debug symbol package from a simple C source program using CMake (CMakeLists.txt and some files such as config.h.in) as its build system. See Section 5.18.2, “CMake”.     Let’s assume this upstream tarball to be debhello-2.1.tar.gz.     This type of source is meant to be installed as a non-system file, for example, as: $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.1.tar.gz $ cd debhello-2.1 $ mkdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu     $ cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu $ cmake .. $ make $ make install     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Download debhello-2.1.tar.gz.  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-2.1.tar.gz ... $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.1.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.1 │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop │   │   └── hello.png     │   ├── lib │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── config.h.in │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.1.tar.gz 5 directories, 13 files     Here, the contents of this source are as follows. src/hello.c (v=2.1):  $ cat debhello-2.1/src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     int main() { printf("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n"); sharedlib(); return 0; } src/config.h.in (v=2.1):      $ cat debhello-2.1/src/config.h.in /* name of the package author */ #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR "@PACKAGE_AUTHOR@" lib/sharedlib.c und lib/sharedlib.h (v=2.1):  $ cat debhello-2.1/lib/sharedlib.h int sharedlib(); $ cat debhello-2.1/lib/sharedlib.c     #include int sharedlib() { printf("This is a shared library!\n"); return 0; } CMakeLists.txt (v=2.1):  $ cat debhello-2.1/CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(debhello) set(PACKAGE_AUTHOR "Osamu Aoki") add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(man) $ cat debhello-2.1/man/CMakeLists.txt install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hello.1 DESTINATION share/man/man1 )     $ cat debhello-2.1/src/CMakeLists.txt # Always define HAVE_CONFIG_H add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) # Generate config.h from config.h.in configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") include_directories("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib") add_executable(hello hello.c) target_link_libraries(hello sharedlib) install(TARGETS hello RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )     Let’s package this with the debmake command. $ cd debhello-2.1 $ debmake -b',libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev' -e osamu@debian.org -f 'Osamu … I: set parameters … I: sanity check of parameters I: pkg="debhello", ver="2.1", rev="1" I: *** start packaging in "debhello-2.1". *** I: provide debhello_2.1.orig.tar.gz for non-native Debian package     I: pwd = "/path/to" I: $ ln -sf debhello-2.1.tar.gz debhello_2.1.orig.tar.gz I: pwd = "/path/to/debhello-2.1" I: parse binary package settings: ,libsharedlib1,libsharedlib-dev I: binary package=debhello Type=bin / Arch=any M-A=foreign I: binary package=libsharedlib1 Type=lib / Arch=any M-A=same I: binary package=libsharedlib-dev Type=dev / Arch=any M-A=same I: analyze the source tree I: build_type = Cmake …     The result is similar to Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)” but not exactly the same.     Let’s inspect the notable template files generated. debian/rules (Vorlagendatei, v=2.1):  $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f # You must remove unused comment lines for the released package. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     #export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed %: dh $@ #override_dh_auto_configure: # dh_auto_configure -- \ # -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)"     Let’s make this Debian package better as the maintainer. debian/rules (Betreuerversion, v=2.1):  $ vim debhello-2.1/debian/rules … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/rules #!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all     export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wall -pedantic export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--as-needed DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE="$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)" debian/control (Betreuerversion, v=2.1):  $ vim debhello-2.1/debian/control … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/control Source: debhello Section: devel Priority: optional Maintainer: Osamu Aoki Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper-compat (= 13) Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmake-doc Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: debhello Architecture: any Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}     Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the compiled binary executable. . This Debian binary package is an example package. (This is an example only) Package: libsharedlib1 Section: libs Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the shared library. Package: libsharedlib-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: libsharedlib1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Description: Simple packaging example for debmake This package contains the development files. debian/*.install (Betreuerversion, v=2.1):  $ vim debhello-2.1/debian/debhello.install … hack, hack, hack, …n $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/debhello.install usr/bin/* usr/share/*     $ vim debhello-2.1/debian/libsharedlib1.install … hack, hack, hack, …n $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/libsharedlib1.install usr/lib/*/*.so.* $ vim debhello-2.1/debian/libsharedlib-dev.install … hack, hack, hack, …n $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/libsharedlib-dev.install ###usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/*.pc usr/include usr/lib/*/*.so     This upstream CMakeList.txt needs to be patched to cope with the multiarch path. debian/patches/* (Betreuerversion, v=2.1):      … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat debhello-2.1/debian/libsharedlib1.symbols libsharedlib.so.1 libsharedlib1 #MINVER# sharedlib@Base 2.1 Since this upstream source creates the proper auto-generated     Makefile, there is no need to create debian/install and debian/ manpages files.     Es gibt eine Reihe von weiteren Vorlagendateien unter dem Verzeichnis debian/. Diese müssen auch aktualisiert werden. Vorlagendateien unter debian/. (v=2.1):  $ tree debhello-2.1/debian debhello-2.1/debian ├── README.Debian ├── changelog ├── control ├── copyright ├── debhello.install ├── libsharedlib-dev.install ├── libsharedlib1.install ├── libsharedlib1.symbols ├── patches │   ├── 000-cmake-multiarch.patch     │   └── series ├── rules ├── source │   ├── control │   ├── format │   ├── local-options │   ├── options │   └── patch-header ├── tests │   └── control ├── upstream │   └── metadata └── watch 4 directories, 19 files The rest of the packaging activities are practically the same as     the one in Section 8.8, “Makefile.in + configure (Paket mit einem Programm)”.     Here are the generated dependency list of all binary packages. The generated dependency list of all binary packages (v=2.1):  $ dpkg -f debhello-dbgsym_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends con... Depends: debhello (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f debhello_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends conflicts ...     Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1), libc6 (>= 2.2.5) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib-dev_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends co... Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1-dbgsym_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommend... Depends: libsharedlib1 (= 2.1-1) $ dpkg -f libsharedlib1_2.1-1_amd64.deb pre-depends depends recommends confl... Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5) 8.13. Internationalization Here is an example of updating the simple upstream C source     debhello-2.0.tar.gz presented in Section 8.11, “Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen)” for internationalization (i18n) and creating the updated upstream C source debhello-2.0.tar.gz. In the real situation, the package should already be     internationalized. So this example is educational for you to understand how this internationalization is implemented. Tip     The routine maintainer activity for the i18n is simply to add translation po files reported to you via the Bug Tracking System (BTS) to the po/ directory and to update the language list in the po/LINGUAS file.     Let’s get the source and make the Debian package. Download debhello-2.0.tar.gz (i18n).  $ wget http://www.example.org/download/debhello-2.0.tar.gz … $ tar -xzmf debhello-2.0.tar.gz $ tree . ├── debhello-2.0 │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile.am │   ├── configure.ac │   ├── data │   │   ├── hello.desktop     │   │   └── hello.png │   ├── lib │   │   ├── Makefile.am │   │   ├── sharedlib.c │   │   └── sharedlib.h │   ├── man │   │   ├── Makefile.am │   │   └── hello.1 │   └── src │   ├── Makefile.am │   └── hello.c └── debhello-2.0.tar.gz 5 directories, 13 files     Internationalize this source tree with the gettextize command and remove files auto-generated by Autotools. run gettextize (i18n):  $ cd debhello-2.0 $ gettextize Creating po/ subdirectory Creating build-aux/ subdirectory Copying file ABOUT-NLS Copying file build-aux/config.rpath Not copying intl/ directory. Copying file po/Makefile.in.in Copying file po/Makevars.template Copying file po/Rules-quot Copying file po/boldquot.sed Copying file po/en@boldquot.header Copying file po/en@quot.header Copying file po/insert-header.sin Copying file po/quot.sed Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin Creating initial po/POTFILES.in Creating po/ChangeLog Creating directory m4 Copying file m4/gettext.m4 Copying file m4/iconv.m4 Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4 Copying file m4/lib-link.m4 Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4 Copying file m4/nls.m4 Copying file m4/po.m4 Copying file m4/progtest.m4     Creating m4/ChangeLog Updating Makefile.am (backup is in Makefile.am~) Updating configure.ac (backup is in configure.ac~) Creating ChangeLog Please use AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) in order to cause autoconfiguration to look for an external libintl. Please create po/Makevars from the template in po/Makevars.template. You can then remove po/Makevars.template. Please fill po/POTFILES.in as described in the documentation. Please run 'aclocal' to regenerate the aclocal.m4 file. You need aclocal from GNU automake 1.9 (or newer) to do this. Then run 'autoconf' to regenerate the configure file. You will also need config.guess and config.sub, which you can get from the CV... of the 'config' project at http://savannah.gnu.org/. The commands to fetch th... are $ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/conf... $ wget 'http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/conf... You might also want to copy the convenience header file gettext.h from the /usr/share/gettext directory into your package. It is a wrapper around that implements the configure --disable-nl... option. Press Return to acknowledge the previous 6 paragraphs. $ rm -rf m4 build-aux *~     Let’s check generated files under the po/ directory. Dateien in po (i18n):  $ ls -l po insgesamt 60 -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 494 Jul 2 16:28 ChangeLog -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 17577 Jul 2 16:28 Makefile.in.in -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 3376 Jul 2 16:28 Makevars.template     -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 59 Jul 2 16:28 POTFILES.in -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 2203 Jul 2 16:28 Rules-quot -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 217 Jul 2 16:28 boldquot.sed -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 1337 Jul 2 16:28 en@boldquot.header -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 1203 Jul 2 16:28 en@quot.header -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 672 Jul 2 16:28 insert-header.sin -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 153 Jul 2 16:28 quot.sed -rw-rw-r-- 1 osamu osamu 432 Jul 2 16:28 remove-potcdate.sin     Let’s update the configure.ac by adding “AM_GNU_GETTEXT ([external])”, etc.. configure.ac (i18n):  $ vim configure.ac … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat configure.ac # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.2],[foo@example.org]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Set default to --enable-shared --disable-static LT_INIT([shared disable-static]) # find the libltdl sources in the libltdl sub-directory LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR([libltdl]) # choose one LTDL_INIT([recursive]) #LTDL_INIT([subproject]) #LTDL_INIT([nonrecursive]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # desktop file support required AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([0.19.3]) AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) # only for the recursive case AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile po/Makefile.in lib/Makefile man/Makefile     src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT $ vim configure.ac … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat configure.ac # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([debhello],[2.2],[foo@example.org]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/hello.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) echo "Standard customization chores" AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign]) # Set default to --enable-shared --disable-static LT_INIT([shared disable-static]) # find the libltdl sources in the libltdl sub-directory LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR([libltdl]) # choose one LTDL_INIT([recursive]) #LTDL_INIT([subproject]) #LTDL_INIT([nonrecursive]) # Add #define PACKAGE_AUTHOR ... in config.h with a comment AC_DEFINE(PACKAGE_AUTHOR, ["Osamu Aoki"], [Define PACKAGE_AUTHOR]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # desktop file support required AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([0.19.3]) AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) # only for the recursive case AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile po/Makefile.in lib/Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT     Let’s create the po/Makevars file from the po/Makevars.template file. po/Makevars (i18n):  … hack, hack, hack, … $ diff -u po/Makevars.template po/Makevars --- po/Makevars.template 2021-07-02 16:28:02.711724581 +0900 +++ po/Makevars 2021-07-02 16:28:02.767725251 +0900 @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ # or entity, or to disclaim their copyright. The empty string stands for # the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim # their copyright. -COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc.     +COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Osamu Aoki # This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package # name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file. # Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty. If it is empty, try to # detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for # "GNU packagename" string. -PACKAGE_GNU = +PACKAGE_GNU = no # This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report # bugs in the untranslated strings: $ rm po/Makevars.template     Let’s update C sources for the i18n version by wrapping strings with _(…). src/hello.c (I18n):  … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat src/hello.c #include "config.h" #include #include     #define _(string) gettext (string) int main() { printf(_("Hello, I am " PACKAGE_AUTHOR "!\n")); sharedlib(); return 0; } lib/sharedlib.c (I18n):  … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat lib/sharedlib.c #include     #define _(string) gettext (string) int sharedlib() { printf(_("This is a shared library!\n")); return 0; }     The new gettext (v=0.19) can handle the i18n version of the desktop file directly. data/hello.desktop.in (I18n):  $ fgrep -v '[ja]=' data/hello.desktop > data/hello.desktop.in $ rm data/hello.desktop $ cat data/hello.desktop.in [Desktop Entry]     Name=Hello Comment=Greetings Type=Application Keywords=hello Exec=hello Terminal=true Icon=hello.png Categories=Utility;     Let’s list the input files to extract translatable strings in po/ POTFILES.in. po/POTFILES.in (I18n):  … hack, hack, hack, …     $ cat po/POTFILES.in src/hello.c lib/sharedlib.c data/hello.desktop.in     Here is the updated root Makefile.am with po added to the SUBDIRS environment variable. Makefile.am (I18n):  $ cat Makefile.am # recursively process `Makefile.am` in SUBDIRS     SUBDIRS = po lib src man ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 EXTRA_DIST = build-aux/config.rpath m4/ChangeLog     Let’s make a translation template file, debhello.pot. po/debhello.pot (I18n):  $ xgettext -f po/POTFILES.in -d debhello -o po/debhello.pot -k_ $ cat po/debhello.pot # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-02 16:28+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"     "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: src/hello.c:8 #, c-format msgid "Hello, I am " msgstr "" #: lib/sharedlib.c:6 #, c-format msgid "This is a shared library!\n" msgstr "" #: data/hello.desktop.in:3 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" #: data/hello.desktop.in:4 msgid "Greetings" msgstr "" #: data/hello.desktop.in:6 msgid "hello" msgstr ""     Lassen Sie uns eine französische Übersetzung hinzufügen. po/LINGUAS und po/fr.po (I18n):  $ echo 'fr' > po/LINGUAS $ cp po/debhello.pot po/fr.po $ vim po/fr.po … hack, hack, hack, … $ cat po/fr.po # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # This file is put in the public domain. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: debhello 2.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: foo@example.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-01 20:22+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-21 23:18+0900\n" "Last-Translator: Osamu Aoki \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"     #: src/hello.c:34 #, c-format msgid "Hello, my name is %s!\n" msgstr "Bonjour, je m'appelle %s!\n" #: lib/sharedlib.c:29 #, c-format msgid "This is a shared library!\n" msgstr "Ceci est une bibliothèque partagée!\n" #: data/hello.desktop.in:3 msgid "Hello" msgstr "" #: data/hello.desktop.in:4 msgid "Greetings" msgstr "Salutations" #: data/hello.desktop.in:6 msgid "hello" msgstr "" #: data/hello.desktop.in:9 msgid "hello.png" msgstr ""     The packaging activities are practically the same as the one in Section 8.11, “Autotools (Paket mit mehreren Programmen)”.     You can find more i18n examples by following Section 8.14, “Details”. 8.14. Details     Actual details of the examples presented and their variants can be obtained by the following. Wie Sie die Details erhalten.      $ apt-get source debmake-doc $ cd debmake-doc* $ cd examples $ view examples/README.md     Follow the exact instruction in examples/README.md. $ cd examples     $ sudo apt-get install devscripts build-essentials ... $ make     Now, each directory named as examples/debhello-?.?_build-? contains the Debian packaging example. * emulated console command line activity log: the .log file * emulated console command line activity log (short): the .slog file * snapshot source tree image after the debmake command: the     debmake directory * snapshot source tree image after proper packaging: the packge directory * snapshot source tree image after the debuild command: the test directory     Notable examples are: * das Python3-Skript mit reinen Distutils (v=1.8) * das POSIX-Shell-Skript mit Makefile mit i18n (v=3.0),     * das Python3-Skript mit Setuptools mit i18n (v=3.1) * die C-Quelle mit Makefile.in + configure mit i18n (v=3.2), * die C-Quelle mit Autotools mit i18n (v=3.3) und * die C-Quelle mith CMake mit i18n (v=3.4). --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[23] If the source package is lacks setup.py but still based on     setuptools, you need to add a boiler plate setup.py. If the source package is based on other build systems such as flit, you need to use respective plugins. Appendix A. debmake(1)-Handbuchseite A.1. BEZEICHNUNG     debmake - Programm zur Erstellung eines Debian-Quellpakets A.2. ÜBERSICHT debmake [-h] [-c | -k] [-n | -a Paketversion.orig.tar.gz | -d | -t ] [-p Paket] [-u Version] [-r Revision] [-z Erweiterung] [-b "     Binärpaket, …]" [-e foo@example.org] [-f "Vorname Nachname"] [-i "Bauwerkzeug" | -j] [-l Lizenzdatei] [-m] [-o file] [-q] [-s] [-v ] [-w "Erweiterung, …"] [-x [01234]] [-y] [-L] [-P] [-T] A.3. BESCHREIBUNG     debmake hilft beim Bau eines Debian-Pakets aus den Originalquellen. Normalerweise erfolgt dies wie folgt: * Der Tarball der Originalautoren wird als Datei Paket-Version .tar.gz heruntergeladen. * Sie wird mit Tar entpackt, um viele Dateien unterhalb des Verzeichnisses Paket-Version/ zu erstellen. * Debmake wird mit dem Verzeichnis Paket-Version/,     möglicherweise ohne Argumente, aufgerufen: * Dateien im Verzeichnis Paket-Version/debian/ werden manuell angepasst. * dpkg-buildpackage (normalerweise in seinem Wrapper debuild oder sbuild) wird mit dem Verzeichnis Paket-Version/ aufgerufen, um Debian-Pakete zu erstellen.     Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Argumente -b, -f, -l und -w durch Maskieren vor dem Einfluss der Shell geschützt sind. A.3.1. Optionale Argumente: -h, --help zeigt diese Hilfe und beendet das Programm. -c, --copyright überprüft die Quellen auf Urheberrechte und Lizenztexte und beendet das Programm. o -c: einfacher Ausgabestil o -cc: normaler Ausgabestil (ähnlich der Datei debian/ copyright) o -ccc: Fehlersuchausgabestil -k, --kludge vergleicht die Datei debian/copyright mit den Quellen und beendet das Programm. Die Datei debian/copyright muss so organisiert sein, dass die allgemeinen Dateimuster vor den besonderen Ausnahmen aufgeführt sind. o -k: grundlegender Ausgabestil o -kk: ausführlicher Ausgabestil -n, --native make a native Debian source package without .orig.tar.gz. This makes a “3.0 (native)” format package. If you are thinking of packaging a Debian-specific source tree with debian/* in it into a native Debian package, please think otherwise. You can use the “debmake -d -i debuild” or “ debmake -t -i debuild” commands to make a “3.0 (quilt)” format non-native Debian package. The only difference is that the debian/changelog file must use the non-native version scheme: version-revision. The non-native package is more friendly to downstream distributions. -a Paketversion.tar.gz, --archive Paketversion.tar.gz use the upstream source tarball directly. (-p, -u, -z: overridden) The upstream tarball may be specified as package_version .orig.tar.gz and tar.gz. For other cases, it may be tar.bz2, or tar.xz. If the specified upstream tarball name contains uppercase letters, the Debian package name is generated by converting them to lowercase letters. If the specified argument is the URL (http://, https://, or ftp://) to the upstream tarball, the upstream tarball is downloaded from the URL using wget or curl. -d, --dist run the “make dist” command equivalents first to generate the upstream tarball and use it. The “debmake -d” command is designed to run in the package/ directory hosting the upstream VCS with the build system supporting the “make dist” command equivalents. (automake/ autoconf, Python distutils, …) -t, --tar run the “tar” command to generate the upstream tarball and use it. The “debmake -t” command is designed to run in the package/ directory hosting the upstream VCS. Unless you provide the upstream version with the -u option or with the debian/ changelog file, a snapshot upstream version is generated in the 0~%y%m%d%H%M format, e.g., 0~1403012359, from the UTC date and time. The generated tarball excludes the debian/ directory found in the upstream VCS. (It also excludes typical VCS directories: .git/ .hg/ .svn/ .CVS/.) -p Pakete, --package Paket setzt den Debian-Paketnamen. -u Version, --upstreamversion Version setzt die Paketversion der Originalautoren. -r Revision, --revision Revision setzt die Debian-Paketrevision. -z extension, --targz extension set the tarball type, extension=(tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.xz). (alias: z, b, x) -b "binarypackage[:type],…", --binaryspec "binarypackage[:type],… " set the binary package specs by a comma separated list of     binarypackage:type pairs, e.g., in the full form “ foo:bin,foo-doc:doc,libfoo1:lib,libfoo-dev:dev” or in the short form, “-doc,libfoo1,libfoo-dev”. Here, binarypackage is the binary package name, and the optional type is chosen from the following type values: o bin: C/C++ compiled ELF binary code package (any, foreign) (default, alias: "", i.e., null-string) o data: Data (fonts, graphics, …) package (all, foreign) (alias: da) o dev: Library development package (any, same) (alias: de) o doc: Documentation package (all, foreign) (alias: do) o lib: Library package (any, same) (alias: l) o perl: Perl script package (all, foreign) (alias: pl) o python3: Python (version 3) script package (all, foreign) (alias: py3) o ruby: Ruby script package (all, foreign) (alias: rb) o nodejs: Node.js based JavaScript package (all, foreign) (alias: js) o script: Shell script package (all, foreign) (alias: sh) The pair values in the parentheses, such as (any, foreign), are the Architecture and Multi-Arch stanza values set in the debian/control file. In many cases, the debmake command makes good guesses for type from binarypackage. If type is not obvious, type is set to bin. For example, libfoo sets type to lib, and font-bar sets type to data, … If the source tree contents do not match settings for type, the debmake command warns you. -e foo@example.org, --email foo@example.org set e-mail address. The default is taken from the value of the environment variable $DEBEMAIL. -f "Vorname Nachname", --fullname "Vorname Nachname" set the fullname. The default is taken from the value of the environment variable $DEBFULLNAME. -i "buildtool", --invoke "buildtool" invoke "buildtool" at the end of execution. buildtool may be “dpkg-buildpackage”, “debuild”, “sbuild”, etc. The default is not to execute any program. Setting this option automatically sets the --local option. -j, --judge run dpkg-depcheck to judge build dependencies and identify file paths. Log files are in the parent directory. o package.build-dep.log: Log file for dpkg-depcheck. o package.install.log: Log file recording files in the debian/tmp directory. -l "license_file,…", --license "license_file,…" add formatted license text to the end of the debian/copyright file holding license scan results. The default is to add COPYING and LICENSE, and license_file needs to list only the additional file names all separated by “,”. -m, --monoarch force packages to be non-multiarch. -o Datei, --option Datei read optional parameters from file. (This is not for everyday use.) The content of file is sourced as the Python code at the end of para.py. For example, the package description can be specified by the following file. para['desc'] = 'program short description' para['desc_long'] = '''\ program long description which you wish to include. . Empty line is space + . You keep going on ... ''' -q, --quitearly quit early before creating files in the debian/ directory. -s, --spec use upstream spec (setup.py for Python, etc.) for the package description. -v, --version show version information. -w "addon,…", --with "addon,…" add extra arguments to the --with option of the dh(1) command as addon in debian/rules. The addon values are listed all separated by “,”, e.g., “-w "python3,autoreconf"”. For Autotools based packages, autoreconf as addon to run “ autoreconf -i -v -f” for every package building is default behavior of the dh(1) command. For Autotools based packages, if they install Python (version 3) programs, setting python3 as addon to the debmake command argument is needed since this is non-obvious. But for setup.py based packages, setting python3 as addon to the debmake command argument is not needed since this is obvious and the debmake command automatically set it to the dh(1) command. -x n, --extra n generate configuration files as templates. (Please note debian/changelog, debian/control, debian/copyright, and     debian/rules are bare minimum configuration files to build a Debian binary package.) The number n determines which configuration templates are generated. o -x0: bare minimum configuration files. (default option if any of bare minimum configuration files already exist) o -x1: all -x0 files + desirable configuration files for the single binary package. (default option for the single binary package if none of bare minimum configuration files exist) o -x2: all -x1 files + desirable configuration files for the multi binary package. (default option for the multi binary package if none of bare minimum configuration files exist) o -x3: all -x2 files + unusual configuration template files. Unsual configuration template files are generated with the extra .ex suffix to ease their removal. To use these as configuration files, rename their file names to ones without the .ex suffix. o -x4: all -x3 files + copyright file examples. -y, --yes “force yes” for all prompts. (without option: “ask [Y/n]”; doubled option: “force no”) -L, --local generate configuration files for the local package to fool lintian(1) checks. -P, --pedantic pedantically check auto-generated files. -T, --tutorial output tutorial comment lines in template files. A.4. BEISPIELE For a well behaving source, you can build a good-for-local-use installable single Debian binary package easily with one command. Test install of such a package generated in this way offers a good alternative to the traditional “make install” command     installing into the /usr/local directory since the Debian package can be removed cleanly by the “dpkg -P …” command. Here are some examples of how to build such test packages. (These should work in most cases. If the -d option does not work, try the -t option instead.)     Für ein typischen, mit Autoconf/Automake paketierten C-Programmquellbaum:     * debmake -d -i debuild     Für einen typischen Python-(Version 3-)Modulquellbaum:     * debmake -s -d -b":python3" -i debuild     Für ein typisches Python-(Version 3-)Modul im Archiv Paket-Version.tar.gz:     * debmake -s -a Paket-Version.tar.gz -b":python3" -i debuild     Für ein typisches Perl-Modul im Archiv Paket-Version.tar.gz:     * debmake -a Paket-Version.tar.gz -b":perl" -i debuild A.5. HELFERPAKETE     Die Paketierung könnte die Installation einiger zusätzlicher, spezialisierter Helferpakete benötigen. * Python-(Version 3-)Programme könnten das Paket dh-python benötigen. * The Autotools (Autoconf + Automake) build system may require autotools-dev or dh-autoreconf package. * Ruby-Programme könnten das Paket gem2deb benötigen.     * Node.js based JavaScript programs may require the pkg-js-tools package. * Java-Programme könnten das Paket javahelper benötigen. * Gnome-Programme könnten das Paket gobject-introspection benötigen. * usw. A.6. CAVEAT debmake is meant to provide template files for the package     maintainer to work on. Comment lines started by # contain the tutorial text. You must remove or edit such comment lines before uploading to the Debian archive. The license extraction and assignment process involves a lot of     heuristics; it may fail in some cases. It is highly recommended to use other tools such as licensecheck from the devscripts package in conjunction with debmake. There are some limitations for what characters may be used as a     part of the Debian package. The most notable limitation is the prohibition of uppercase letters in the package name. Here is a summary as a set of regular expressions: * Upstream package name (-p): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,}     * Binary package name (-b): [-+.a-z0-9]{2,} * Upstream version (-u): [0-9][-+.:~a-z0-9A-Z]* * Debian revision (-r): [0-9][+.~a-z0-9A-Z]*     See the exact definition in Chapter 5 - Control files and their fields in the “Debian Policy Manual”. debmake assumes relatively simple packaging cases. So all     programs related to the interpreter are assumed to be " Architecture: all". This is not always true. A.7. DEBUG     Bitte berichten Sie Fehler (auf Englisch) mittels des Befehls reportbug gegen das Paket debmake.     The character set in the environment variable $DEBUG determines the logging output level. * i: print information * p: list all global parameters * d: list parsed parameters for all binary packages * f: input filename for the copyright scan * y: year/name split of copyright line * s: line scanner for format_state     * b: content_state scan loop: begin-loop * m: content_state scan loop: after regex match * e: content_state scan loop: end-loop * c: print copyright section text * l: print license section text * a: print author/translator section text * k: sort key for debian/copyright stanza * n: scan result of debian/copyright (“debmake -k”)     Use this as:     $ DEBUG=pdfbmeclak debmake ...     Siehe README.developer in den Quellen für weiteres. A.8. AUTOR     Copyright © 2014-2021 Osamu Aoki A.9. LIZENZ     Expat-Lizenz A.10. SIEHE AUCH Das Paket debmake-doc stellt die »Anleitung für Debian-Betreuer«     in einfachem Text, HTML und PDF-Format im Verzeichnis /usr/share/ doc/debmake-doc/ zur Verfügung. Siehe auch die Handbuchseiten dpkg-source(1), deb-control(5),     debhelper(7), dh(1), dpkg-buildpackage(1), debuild(1), quilt(1), dpkg-depcheck(1), sbuild(1), gbp-buildpackage(1), and gbp-pq(1) manpages.