Notes de llançament per Debian 11 (bullseye), ARMv7 (EABI hard-float ABI) --------------------------------------------------------------------- El projecte de documentació de Debian ( Aquest document és programari lliure, el podeu redistribuir i/o     modificar sota els termes de la Llicència Pública General de GNU versió 2 de la llicència, tal com la publica la Free Software Foundation. Aquest programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que serà útil,     però sense cap garantia, fins i tot sense la garantia implícita de COMERCIALITZACIÓ o IDONEÏTAT PER A UN PROPÒSIT PARTICULAR. Consulteu la llicència general pública de GNU per a més detalls. Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la llicència pública general     GNU amb este programa; si no, escriviu a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Podeu també trobar el text amb la llicència a     /licenses/gpl-2.0.html ( gpl-2.0.html) i a /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 en els sistemes Debian. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sumari 1. Introducció 1.1. Informar d'errors d'este document 1.2. Col·laborar amb informes d'actualització 1.3. Font d'este document 2. Què hi ha de nou a Debian 11 2.1. Arquitectures suportades 2.2. Què hi ha de nou a la distribució? 2.2.1. Desktops and well known packages 2.2.2. Driverless scanning and printing 2.2.3. New generic open command 2.2.4. Control groups v2 2.2.5. Persistent systemd journal 2.2.6. New Fcitx 5 Input Method 2.2.7. Notícies de Debian Med Blend 2.2.8. Kernel support for exFAT 2.2.9. Improved man page translations 2.2.10. Improved support for alternative init systems 2.2.11. Initial availability of the Bazel build system 3. El sistema d'instal·lació 3.1. Què hi ha de nou al sistema d'instal·lació? 3.1.1. Help with installation of firmware 3.1.2. Instal·lació automatitzada 3.2. Container and Virtual Machine images 4. Upgrades from Debian 10 (buster) 4.1. Preparació de l'actualització 4.1.1. Back up any data or configuration information 4.1.2. Inform users in advance 4.1.3. Prepare for downtime on services 4.1.4. Prepare for recovery 4.1.5. Prepare a safe environment for the upgrade 4.2. Start from «pure» Debian 4.2.1. Upgrade to Debian 10 (buster) 4.2.2. Remove non-Debian packages 4.2.3. Upgrade to latest point release 4.2.4. Prepare the package database 4.2.5. Remove obsolete packages 4.2.6. Clean up leftover configuration files 4.2.7. The security section 4.2.8. The proposed-updates section 4.2.9. Unofficial sources 4.2.10. Disabling APT pinning 4.2.11. Check package status 4.3. Preparing APT source-list files 4.3.1. Adding APT Internet sources 4.3.2. Adding APT sources for a local mirror 4.3.3. Adding APT sources from optical media 4.4. Upgrading packages 4.4.1. Recording the session 4.4.2. Updating the package list 4.4.3. Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade 4.4.4. Minimal system upgrade 4.4.5. Upgrading the system 4.5. Possible issues during upgrade 4.5.1. Dist-upgrade fails with «Could not perform immediate configuration» 4.5.2. Expected removals 4.5.3. Conflicts or Pre-Depends loops 4.5.4. File conflicts 4.5.5. Configuration changes 4.5.6. Change of session to console 4.6. Upgrading your kernel and related packages 4.6.1. Installing a kernel metapackage 4.7. Preparing for the next release 4.7.1. Purging removed packages 4.8. Paquets obsolets 4.8.1. Transitional dummy packages 5. Problemes a tenir en compte a bullseye 5.1. Actualització d'elements específics per bullseye 5.1.1. The XFS file system no longer supports barrier/ nobarrier option 5.1.2. Changed security archive layout 5.1.3. Password hashing uses yescrypt by default 5.1.4. NSS NIS and NIS+ support require new packages 5.1.5. Config file fragment handling in unbound 5.1.6. rsync parameter deprecation 5.1.7. Vim addons handling 5.1.8. OpenStack and cgroups v1 5.1.9. OpenStack API policy files 5.1.10. sendmail downtime during upgrade 5.1.11. FUSE 3 5.1.12. GnuPG options file 5.1.13. Linux enables user namespaces by default 5.1.14. Linux disables unprivileged calls to bpf() by default 5.1.15. redmine missing in bullseye 5.1.16. Exim 4.94 5.1.17. SCSI device probing is non-deterministic 5.1.18. rdiff-backup require lockstep upgrade of server and client 5.1.19. Intel CPU microcode issues 5.1.20. Upgrades involving libgc1c2 need two runs 5.1.21. fail2ban can't send e-mail using mail from bsd-mailx 5.1.22. No new SSH connections possible during upgrade 5.1.23. Open vSwitch upgrade requires interfaces(5) change 5.1.24. Coses a fer després de reinicialitzar 5.2. Items not limited to the upgrade process 5.2.1. Limitacions en el suport de seguretat 5.2.2. Accedir a la configuració de GNOME sense ratolí 5.2.3. The rescue boot option is unusable without a root password 5.2.4. 32-bit Xen PV guests are not supported 5.3. Obsolescence and deprecation 5.3.1. Paquets notables obsolets 5.3.2. Components desfasats a bullseye 5.4. Known severe bugs 6. Més informació sobre Debian 6.1. Llegir més 6.2. Trobar ajuda 6.2.1. Llistes de correu 6.2.2. Internet Relay Chat 6.3. Informes d'error 6.4. Col·laborar amb Debian A. Gestió del vostre sistema buster abans de l'actualització A.1. Actualització del vostre sistema buster A.2. Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT A.3. Eliminar fitxers de configuració obsolets B. Contribuïdors de les notes de llançament Índex alfabètic glossari Capítol 1. Introducció     Este document informa als usuaris de la distribució Debian dels principals canvis a la versió 11 (nom en clau bullseye). Les notes de llançament ofereixen informació sobre com     actualitzar de forma segura des de la versió 10 (nom en clau buster) a la versió actual, i informen als usuaris de problemes potencials coneguts que es poden trobar durant eixe procés. You can get the most recent version of this document from https:/     / (https:// . Atenció     Tingueu en compte que és impossible fer una llista amb tots els problemes coneguts i per tant ha calgut fer una selecció basada en una combinació de l'abast i l'impacte dels problemes. Tingueu en compte també, que tan sols es suporta i documenta l'actualització des de la versió anterior de Debian (en este cas,     l'actualització des de 10). Si necessiteu actualitzar des de versions més antigues, us suggerim que llegiu primer les edicions anteriors de les notes de llançament i actualitzeu primer a 10. 1.1. Informar d'errors d'este document S'ha intentat fer comprovacions dels diversos passos del procés     d'actualització que es descriuen en este document, intentant també anticipar possibles problemes que els nostres usuaris puguen trobar. No obstant això, si creieu que heu trobat un error en aquesta documentació (informació incorrecta o manca d'informació), envieu un informe d'error al sistema de seguiment d'errors (https:// , al paquet release-notes. Reviseu primer si hi     ha cap informe d'error existent ( release-notes) en cas de que ja s'haja informat del problema. No dubteu a afegir qualsevol informació addicional als informes d'error ja existents si creieu que podeu contribuir contingut a aquest document. Apreciem, i animem, a proporcionar informes amb fitxers de     diferències de les fonts del document. Trobareu més informació que descriu com obtenir les fonts d'aquest document en Secció 1.3, «Font d'este document». 1.2. Col·laborar amb informes d'actualització Qualsevol informació dels usuaris relacionada amb actualitzacions des de buster a bullseye és benvinguda. Si voleu compartir alguna     informació, envieu un informe d'error amb els vostres resultats al sistema de seguiment d'errors ( , al paquet upgrade-reports. Us demanem que comprimiu qualsevol adjunt que envieu (fent ús del gzip).     Quan envieu l'informe d'actualització, assegureu-vos d'incloure la informació següent: * L'estat de la vostra base de dades de paquets abans de l'actualització: La base de dades d'estat de dpkg que trobareu a /var/lib/dpkg/status i la informació d'estat d' apt que trobareu a /var/lib/apt/extended_states. Hauríeu d'haver fet un còpia de seguretat abans d'actualitzar com es descriu a Secció 4.1.1, «Back up any data or configuration     information», però també podeu trobar còpies de seguretat de /var/lib/dpkg/status a /var/backups. * Els registres de sessió creats amb script, tal i com es descriu a Secció 4.4.1, «Recording the session» . * Els registres d'apt els podeu trobar a /var/log/apt/term.log, i els registres d'aptitude els trobareu a /var/log/aptitude. Nota     Hauríeu de dedicar un cert temps a revisar i esborrar qualsevol informació sensible i/o confidencial als fitxers de registre abans d'incloure'ls a l'informe d'error, ja que la informació es publicarà a una base de dades pública. 1.3. Font d'este document El codi font d'este document està en format DocBook XML. La versió HTML es genera utilitzant docbook-xsl i xsltproc. La versió en PDF es genera utilitzant dblatex o bé xmlroff. El codi font de les notes de llançament està en el dipòsit Git del     Projecte de documentació de Debian. Podeu utilitzar la interfície web ( per accedir individualment als seus fitxers des de la web i veure els canvis. Per a més informació de com accedir a Git, consulteu les pàgines d'informació de VCS del projecte de documentació de Debian ( . Capítol 2. Què hi ha de nou a Debian 11     Al Viqui ( trobareu més informació d'este tema. 2.1. Arquitectures suportades     Les arquitectures suportades oficialment a Debian bullseye són les següents: * PC de 32 bits (i386) i PC de 64 bits (amd64) * ARM de 64 bits (arm64) * ARM EABI (armel) * ARMv7 (EABI hard-float ABI, armhf)     * little-endian MIPS (mipsel) * MIPS de 64 bits little-endian (mips64el) * PowerPC de 64 bits little-endian (ppc64el) * IBM System z (s390x) Podeu llegir més de l'estat dels ports, i informació específica     del port de la vostra arquitectura a les pàgines web dels ports de Debian ( . 2.2. Què hi ha de nou a la distribució? Este nou llançament de Debian ve altra vegada amb molt més programari que el seu predecessor buster, la distribució inclou més de 11294 nous paquets, d'un total de 59551 paquets. S'ha actualitzat la major part del programari de la distribució: més     de 42821 paquets de programes (açò suposa el 72% de tots els paquets de buster). També, un nombre significatiu de paquets (uns 9519, un 16% dels paquets de buster) s'han esborrat de la distribució per motius diversos. No voreu cap actualització per aquests paquets i es marcaran com a «obsolete» als entorns de gestió de paquets. 2.2.1. Desktops and well known packages Debian again ships with several desktop applications and     environments. Among others it now includes the desktop environments GNOME 3.38, KDE Plasma 5.20, LXDE 11, LXQt 0.16, MATE 1.24, and Xfce 4.16.     Les aplicacions de productivitat també han sigut actualitzades, incloent la suite d'oficina: * LibreOffice is upgraded to version 7.0;     * Calligra is upgraded to 3.2. * GNUcash is upgraded to 4.4;     Entre altres, este llançament també inclou les actualitzacions de programari següents: +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Paquet | Versió a 10 | Versió a 11 | | | (buster) | (bullseye) | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Apache |2.4.38 |2.4.48 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |BIND servidor de DNS |9.11 |9.16 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Cryptsetup |2.1 |2.3 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Dovecot MTA |2.3.4 |2.3.13 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Emacs |26.1 |27.1 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Exim servidor de correu per |4.92 |4.94 | |defecte | | | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |GNU Compiler Collection com a |8.3 |10.2 | |compilador per defecte | | | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |GIMP |2.10.8 |2.10.22 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |GnuPG |2.2.12 |2.2.27 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Inkscape |0.92.4 |1.0.2 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |la biblioteca C de GNU |2.28 |2.31 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |lighttpd |1.4.53 |1.4.59 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------|     |Imatge del nucli Linux |sèrie 4.19 |5.10 series | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| | |6.0.1 i 7.0.1 |9.0.1 and | |LLVM/Clang toolchain |(per defecte) |11.0.1 | | | |(default) | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |MariaDB |10.3 |10.5 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Nginx |1.14 |1.18 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |OpenJDK |11 |11 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |OpenSSH |7.4p1 |8.4p1 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Perl |5.28 |5.32 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |PHP |7.3 |7.4 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Postfix MTA |3.4 |3.5 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |PostgreSQL |11 |13 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Python 3 |3.7.3 |3.9.1 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Rustc |1.41 (1.34 for |1.48 | | |armel) | | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Samba |4.9 |4.13 | |------------------------------+----------------+---------------| |Vim |8.1 |8.2 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 2.2.2. Driverless scanning and printing Both printing with CUPS and scanning with SANE are increasingly     likely to be possible without the need for any driver (often non-free) specific to the model of the hardware, especially in the case of devices marketed in the past five years or so. CUPS and driverless printing Modern printers connected by ethernet or wireless can already use driverless printing ( CUPSQuickPrintQueues) , implemented via CUPS and cups-filters, as was described in the Release Notes for buster (https:// ch-whats-new.html#driverless-printing) . Debian 11 «bullseye»     brings the new package ipp-usb, which is recommended by cups-daemon and uses the vendor-neutral IPP-over-USB (https:// protocol supported by many modern printers. This allows a USB device to be treated as a network device, extending driverless printing to include USB-connected printers. The specifics are outlined on the wiki ( . The systemd service file included in the ipp-usb package starts the ipp-usb daemon when a USB-connected printer is plugged in,     thus making it available to print to. By default cups-browsed should configure it automatically, or it can be manually set up with a local driverless print queue ( SystemPrinting) . SANE and driverless scanning The official SANE driverless backend is provided by sane-escl in libsane1. An independently developed driverless backend is sane-airscan. Both backends understand the eSCL protocol (https:/     / but sane-airscan can also use the WSD ( protocol. Users should consider having both backends on their systems. eSCL and WSD are network protocols. Consequently they will operate over a USB connection if the device is an IPP-over-USB     device (see above). Note that libsane1 has ipp-usb as a recommended package. This leads to a suitable device being automatically set up to use a driverless backend driver when it is connected to a USB port. 2.2.3. New generic open command A new open command is available as a convenience alias to xdg-open (by default) or run-mailcap, managed by the update-alternatives(1) (     dpkg/update-alternatives.1.html) system. It is intended for interactive use at the command line, to open files with their default application, which can be a graphical program when available. 2.2.4. Control groups v2 In bullseye, systemd defaults to using control groups v2 (cgroupv2), which provides a unified resource-control hierarchy.     Kernel commandline parameters are available to re-enable the legacy cgroups if necessary; see the notes for OpenStack in Secció 5.1.8, «OpenStack and cgroups v1» section. 2.2.5. Persistent systemd journal Systemd in bullseye activates its persistent journal functionality by default, storing its files in /var/log/journal/.     See systemd-journald.service(8) ( bullseye/systemd/systemd-journald.service.8.html) for details; note that on Debian the journal is readable for members of adm, in addition to the default systemd-journal group. This should not interfere with any existing traditional logging     daemon such as rsyslog, but users who are not relying on special features of such a daemon may wish to uninstall it and switch over to using only the journal. 2.2.6. New Fcitx 5 Input Method Fcitx 5 is an input method for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and many other languages. It is the successor of the popular Fcitx 4 in     buster. The new version supports Wayland and has better addon support. More information including the migration guide can be found on the wiki ( . 2.2.7. Notícies de Debian Med Blend The Debian Med team has been taking part in the fight against COVID-19 by packaging software for researching the virus on the     sequence level and for fighting the pandemic with the tools used in epidemiology. The effort will be continued in the next release cycle with focus on machine learning tools that are used in both fields. Besides the addition of new packages in the field of life     sciences and medicine, more and more existing packages have gained Continuous Integration support. A range of performance critical applications now benefit from SIMD Everywhere ( . This library allows packages to be available on more hardware     platforms supported by Debian (notably on arm64) while maintaining the performance benefit brought by processors supporting vector extensions, such as AVX on amd64, or NEON on arm64. To install packages maintained by the Debian Med team, install the metapackages named med-*, which are at version 3.6.x for     Debian bullseye. Feel free to visit the Debian Med tasks pages ( to see the full range of biological and medical software available in Debian. 2.2.8. Kernel support for exFAT bullseye is the first release providing a Linux kernel which has support for the exFAT filesystem, and defaults to using it for mounting exFAT filesystems. Consequently it's no longer required     to use the filesystem-in-userspace implementation provided via the exfat-fuse package. If you would like to continue to use the filesystem-in-userspace implementation, you need to invoke the mount.exfat-fuse helper directly when mounting an exFAT filesystem. Tools for creating and checking an exFAT filesystem are provided in the exfatprogs package by the authors of the Linux kernel exFAT implementation. The independent implementation of those     tools provided via the existing exfat-utils package is still available, but cannot be co-installed with the new implementation. It's recommended to migrate to the exfatprogs package, though you must take care of command options, which are most likely incompatible. 2.2.9. Improved man page translations The manual pages for several projects such as systemd, util-linux, OpenSSH, and Mutt in a number of languages, including     French, Spanish, and Macedonian, have been substantially improved. To benefit from this, please install manpages-xx (where xx is the code for your preferred natural language). During the lifetime of the bullseye release, backports of further     translation improvements will be provided via the backports archive. 2.2.10. Improved support for alternative init systems The default init system in Debian is systemd. In bullseye, a number of alternative init systems are supported (such as System-V-style init and OpenRC), and most desktop environments     now work well on systems running alternative inits. Details on how to switch init system (and where to get help with issues related to running inits other than systemd) are available on the Debian wiki ( . 2.2.11. Initial availability of the Bazel build system The Bazel build system ( is available in Debian starting with this release. This is a bootstrap variant that doesn't include local versions of the extended Bazel ecosystem. However, the current package does provide identical     functionality to core upstream Bazel, with the advantage of convenient Debian package management for the installation. While building Debian packages is not currently recommended yet, any software that supports Bazel builds should build normally using the bazel-bootstrap package. This includes build-time downloads of required dependencies. The Debian Bazel Team ( is working to package an extensible version of Bazel for future Debian releases. This extensible version will allow additional     components of the Bazel ecosystem to be included as native Debian packages. More importantly, this version will allow Debian packages to be built using Bazel. Contributions to the team are welcome! Capítol 3. El sistema d'instal·lació El sistema d'instal·lació oficial a Debian és el Debian     Installer. Ens proporciona diversos mètodes d'instal·lació. Els mètodes dels que disposeu per instal·lar el vostre sistema dependran de la vostra arquitectura. Les imatges de l'instal·lador de bullseye es poden trobar junt a     la guia d'instal·lació a la web de Debian ( /releases/bullseye/debian-installer/) .     La guia d'instal·lació també està inclosa al primer suport dels conjunts de DVD de Debian (CD/blu-ray), a:     /doc/install/manual/ca/index.html Pot ser també voldreu comprovar les errates (https:// del debian-installer per obtenir la llista de problemes coneguts. 3.1. Què hi ha de nou al sistema d'instal·lació? S'ha fet molt desenvolupament a l'instal·lador de Debian des de     el seu anterior llançament oficial a Debian 10 amb el resultat que s'han aconseguit millores tant al suport de maquinari com noves i excitants característiques. Si teniu interès en un visió general dels canvis detallats produïts des de buster, comproveu els anuncis de llançament de la     beta de bullseye i els llançaments RC que trobareu a l'historial de notícies ( de l'instal·lador de Debian. 3.1.1. Help with installation of firmware More and more, peripheral devices require firmware to be loaded as part of the hardware initialization. To help deal with this     problem, the installer has a new feature. If some of the installed hardware requires firmware files to be installed, the installer will try to add them to the system, based on a mapping from hardware ID to firmware file names. This new functionality is restricted to the unofficial installer images with firmware included (see releases/bullseye/debian-installer/#firmware_nonfree (https:// firmware_nonfree) ). The firmware is usually not DFSG compliant, so it is not possible to distribute it in Debian's main repository. If you experience problems related to (missing) firmware, please     read the dedicated chapter of the installation-guide (https:// completing-installed-system) . 3.1.2. Instal·lació automatitzada Some changes also imply changes in the support in the installer for automated installation using preconfiguration files. This     means that if you have existing preconfiguration files that worked with the buster installer, you cannot expect these to work with the new installer without modification. La guia d'instal·lació (     installmanual) té un apèndix separat amb una extensa documentació de com utilitzar la configuració prèvia. 3.2. Container and Virtual Machine images Multi-architecture Debian bullseye container images are available     on Docker Hub ( . In addition to the standard images, a «slim» variant is available that reduces disk usage.     Virtual machine images for the Hashicorp Vagrant VM manager are published to Vagrant Cloud ( . Capítol 4. Upgrades from Debian 10 (buster) 4.1. Preparació de l'actualització We suggest that before upgrading you also read the information in Capítol 5, Problemes a tenir en compte a bullseye. That chapter     covers potential issues which are not directly related to the upgrade process but could still be important to know about before you begin. 4.1.1. Back up any data or configuration information Before upgrading your system, it is strongly recommended that you make a full backup, or at least back up any data or configuration     information you can't afford to lose. The upgrade tools and process are quite reliable, but a hardware failure in the middle of an upgrade could result in a severely damaged system. The main things you'll want to back up are the contents of /etc, /var/lib/dpkg, /var/lib/apt/extended_states and the output of     dpkg --get-selections "*" (the quotes are important). If you use aptitude to manage packages on your system, you will also want to back up /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates. The upgrade process itself does not modify anything in the /home directory. However, some applications (e.g. parts of the Mozilla suite, and the GNOME and KDE desktop environments) are known to overwrite existing user settings with new defaults when a new     version of the application is first started by a user. As a precaution, you may want to make a backup of the hidden files and directories («dotfiles») in users' home directories. This backup may help to restore or recreate the old settings. You may also want to inform users about this. Any package installation operation must be run with superuser     privileges, so either log in as root or use su or sudo to gain the necessary access rights.     The upgrade has a few preconditions; you should check them before actually executing the upgrade. 4.1.2. Inform users in advance It's wise to inform all users in advance of any upgrades you're     planning, although users accessing your system via an ssh connection should notice little during the upgrade, and should be able to continue working.     If you wish to take extra precautions, back up or unmount the / home partition before upgrading. You will have to do a kernel upgrade when upgrading to bullseye,     so a reboot will be necessary. Typically, this will be done after the upgrade is finished. 4.1.3. Prepare for downtime on services There might be services that are offered by the system which are associated with packages that will be included in the upgrade. If     this is the case, please note that, during the upgrade, these services will be stopped while their associated packages are being replaced and configured. During this time, these services will not be available. The precise downtime for these services will vary depending on the number of packages being upgraded in the system, and it also includes the time the system administrator spends answering any     configuration questions from package upgrades. Notice that if the upgrade process is left unattended and the system requests input during the upgrade there is a high possibility of services being unavailable^[1] for a significant period of time. If the system being upgraded provides critical services for your users or the network^[2], you can reduce the downtime if you do a minimal system upgrade, as described in Secció 4.4.4, «Minimal system upgrade», followed by a kernel upgrade and reboot, and     then upgrade the packages associated with your critical services. Upgrade these packages prior to doing the full upgrade described in Secció 4.4.5, «Upgrading the system». This way you can ensure that these critical services are running and available through the full upgrade process, and their downtime is reduced. 4.1.4. Prepare for recovery Although Debian tries to ensure that your system stays bootable at all times, there is always a chance that you may experience     problems rebooting your system after the upgrade. Known potential issues are documented in this and the next chapters of these Release Notes. For this reason it makes sense to ensure that you will be able to     recover if your system should fail to reboot or, for remotely managed systems, fail to bring up networking. If you are upgrading remotely via an ssh link it is recommended that you take the necessary precautions to be able to access the server through a remote serial terminal. There is a chance that,     after upgrading the kernel and rebooting, you will have to fix the system configuration through a local console. Also, if the system is rebooted accidentally in the middle of an upgrade there is a chance you will need to recover using a local console. For emergency recovery we generally recommend using the rescue mode of the bullseye Debian Installer. The advantage of using the installer is that you can choose between its many methods to find     one that best suits your situation. For more information, please consult the section «Recovering a Broken System» in chapter 8 of the Installation Guide ( installmanual) and the Debian Installer FAQ (https:// . If that fails, you will need an alternative way to boot your system so you can access and repair it. One option is to use a     special rescue or live install ( image. After booting from that, you should be able to mount your root file system and chroot into it to investigate and fix the problem. Debug shell during boot using initrd The initramfs-tools package includes a debug shell^[3] in the initrds it generates. If for example the initrd is unable to     mount your root file system, you will be dropped into this debug shell which has basic commands available to help trace the problem and possibly fix it. Basic things to check are: presence of correct device files in / dev; what modules are loaded (cat /proc/modules); output of dmesg     for errors loading drivers. The output of dmesg will also show what device files have been assigned to which disks; you should check that against the output of echo $ROOT to make sure that the root file system is on the expected device. If you do manage to fix the problem, typing exit will quit the     debug shell and continue the boot process at the point it failed. Of course you will also need to fix the underlying problem and regenerate the initrd so the next boot won't fail again. Debug shell during boot using systemd If the boot fails under systemd, it is possible to obtain a debug     root shell by changing the kernel command line. If the basic boot succeeds, but some services fail to start, it may be useful to add to the kernel parameters. Otherwise, the kernel parameter will provide you with a root shell at the earliest possible     point. However, this is done before mounting the root file system with read-write permissions. You will have to do that manually with:     # mount -o remount,rw / More information on debugging a broken boot under systemd can be     found in the Diagnosing Boot Problems ( wiki/Software/systemd/Debugging/) article. 4.1.5. Prepare a safe environment for the upgrade Important     If you are using some VPN services (such as tinc) consider that they might not be available throughout the upgrade process. Please see Secció 4.1.3, «Prepare for downtime on services». In order to gain extra safety margin when upgrading remotely, we suggest that you run upgrade processes in the virtual console     provided by the screen program, which enables safe reconnection and ensures the upgrade process is not interrupted even if the remote connection process temporarily fails. 4.2. Start from «pure» Debian The upgrade process described in this chapter has been designed for «pure» Debian stable systems. APT controls what is installed on your system. If your APT configuration mentions additional     sources besides buster, or if you have installed packages from other releases or from third parties, then to ensure a reliable upgrade process you may wish to begin by removing these complicating factors. The main configuration file that APT uses to decide what sources it should download packages from is /etc/apt/sources.list, but it can also use files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory -     for details see sources.list(5) ( bullseye/apt/sources.list.5.html) . If your system is using multiple source-list files then you will need to ensure they stay consistent. 4.2.1. Upgrade to Debian 10 (buster) Direct upgrades from Debian releases older than 10 (buster) are not supported. Display your Debian version with: $ cat /etc/debian_version     Please follow the instructions in the Release Notes for Debian 10 ( to upgrade to Debian 10 first. 4.2.2. Remove non-Debian packages Below there are two methods for finding installed packages that did not come from Debian, using either aptitude or apt-forktracer . Please note that neither of them are 100% accurate (e.g. the aptitude example will list packages that were once provided by     Debian but no longer are, such as old kernel packages). $ aptitude search '?narrow(?installed, ?not(?origin(Debian)))' $ apt-forktracer | sort 4.2.3. Upgrade to latest point release This procedure assumes your system has been updated to the latest     point release of buster. If you have not done this or are unsure, follow the instructions in Secció A.1, «Actualització del vostre sistema buster». 4.2.4. Prepare the package database You should make sure the package database is ready before proceeding with the upgrade. If you are a user of another package manager like aptitude or synaptic, review any pending actions. A     package scheduled for installation or removal might interfere with the upgrade procedure. Note that correcting this is only possible if your APT source-list files still point to buster and not to stable or bullseye; see Secció A.2, «Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT». 4.2.5. Remove obsolete packages It is a good idea to remove obsolete packages from your system     before upgrading. They may introduce complications during the upgrade process, and can present security risks as they are no longer maintained. 4.2.6. Clean up leftover configuration files A previous upgrade may have left unused copies of configuration files; old versions of configuration files, versions supplied by     the package maintainers, etc. Removing leftover files from previous upgrades can avoid confusion. Find such leftover files with:     # find /etc -name '*.dpkg-*' -o -name '*.ucf-*' -o -name '*.merge-error' 4.2.7. The security section For APT source lines referencing the security archive, the format     has changed slightly along with the release name, going from buster/updates to bullseye-security; see Secció 5.1.2, «Changed security archive layout». 4.2.8. The proposed-updates section If you have listed the proposed-updates section in your APT     source-list files, you should remove it before attempting to upgrade your system. This is a precaution to reduce the likelihood of conflicts. 4.2.9. Unofficial sources If you have any non-Debian packages on your system, you should be aware that these may be removed during the upgrade because of conflicting dependencies. If these packages were installed by     adding an extra package archive in your APT source-list files, you should check if that archive also offers packages compiled for bullseye and change the source item accordingly at the same time as your source items for Debian packages. Some users may have unofficial backported «newer» versions of packages that are in Debian installed on their buster system.     Such packages are most likely to cause problems during an upgrade as they may result in file conflicts^[4]. Secció 4.5, «Possible issues during upgrade» has some information on how to deal with file conflicts if they should occur. 4.2.10. Disabling APT pinning If you have configured APT to install certain packages from a distribution other than stable (e.g. from testing), you may have to change your APT pinning configuration (stored in /etc/apt/     preferences and /etc/apt/preferences.d/) to allow the upgrade of packages to the versions in the new stable release. Further information on APT pinning can be found in apt_preferences(5) ( apt_preferences.5.en.html) . 4.2.11. Check package status Regardless of the method used for upgrading, it is recommended that you check the status of all packages first, and verify that     all packages are in an upgradable state. The following command will show any packages which have a status of Half-Installed or Failed-Config, and those with any error status.     # dpkg --audit     You could also inspect the state of all packages on your system using aptitude or with commands such as     # dpkg -l | pager     o     # dpkg --get-selections "*" > ~/pkts-actuals.txt It is desirable to remove any holds before upgrading. If any     package that is essential for the upgrade is on hold, the upgrade will fail. Note that aptitude uses a different method for registering     packages that are on hold than apt and dselect. You can identify packages on hold for aptitude with     # aptitude search "~ahold"     If you want to check which packages you had on hold for apt, you should use     # dpkg --get-selections | grep 'hold$' If you changed and recompiled a package locally, and didn't     rename it or put an epoch in the version, you must put it on hold to prevent it from being upgraded.     The «hold» package state for apt can be changed using:     # echo nom_de_paquet hold | dpkg --set-selections     Replace hold with install to unset the «hold» state. If there is anything you need to fix, it is best to make sure     your APT source-list files still refer to buster as explained in Secció A.2, «Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT». 4.3. Preparing APT source-list files Before starting the upgrade you must reconfigure APT source-list     files (/etc/apt/sources.list and files under /etc/apt/ sources.list.d/) to add sources for bullseye and typically to remove sources for buster. APT will consider all packages that can be found via any configured archive, and install the package with the highest     version number, giving priority to the first entry in the files. Thus, if you have multiple mirror locations, list first the ones on local hard disks, then CD-ROMs, and then remote mirrors. A release can often be referred to both by its codename (e.g. buster, bullseye) and by its status name (i.e. oldstable, stable, testing, unstable). Referring to a release by its codename has the advantage that you will never be surprised by a new release     and for this reason is the approach taken here. It does of course mean that you will have to watch out for release announcements yourself. If you use the status name instead, you will just see loads of updates for packages available as soon as a release has happened. Debian provides two announcement mailing lists to help you stay up to date on relevant information related to Debian releases: * By subscribing to the Debian announcement mailing list ( , you will     receive a notification every time Debian makes a new release. Such as when bullseye changes from e.g. testing to stable. * By subscribing to the Debian security announcement mailing list ( , you will receive a notification every time Debian publishes a security announcement. 4.3.1. Adding APT Internet sources On new installations the default is for APT to be set up to use the Debian APT CDN service, which should ensure that packages are automatically downloaded from a server near you in network terms.     As this is a relatively new service, older installations may have configuration that still points to one of the main Debian Internet servers or one of the mirrors. If you haven't done so yet, it is recommended to switch over to the use of the CDN service in your APT configuration.     To make use of the CDN service, add a line like this to your APT source configuration (assuming you are using main and contrib):     deb bullseye main contrib     After adding your new sources, disable the previously existing « deb» lines by placing a hash sign (#) in front of them.     However, if you get better results using a specific mirror that is close to you in network terms, this option is still available. Debian mirror addresses can be found at     distrib/ftplist ( (look at the «list of Debian mirrors» section). For example, suppose your closest Debian mirror is http:// If you inspect that mirror with a web browser, you will notice that the main directories are organized like this:     To configure APT to use a given mirror, add a line like this (again, assuming you are using main and contrib):     deb bullseye main contrib Note that the «dists» is added implicitly, and the arguments     after the release name are used to expand the path into multiple directories.     Again, after adding your new sources, disable the previously existing archive entries. 4.3.2. Adding APT sources for a local mirror Instead of using remote package mirrors, you may wish to modify     the APT source-list files to use a mirror on a local disk (possibly mounted over NFS).     For example, your package mirror may be under /var/local/debian/, and have main directories like this: /var/local/debian/dists/bullseye/main/binary-armhf/...     /var/local/debian/dists/bullseye/contrib/binary-armhf/...     To use this with apt, add this line to your sources.list file:     deb file:/var/local/debian bullseye main contrib Note that the «dists» is added implicitly, and the arguments     after the release name are used to expand the path into multiple directories. After adding your new sources, disable the previously existing     archive entries in the APT source-list files by placing a hash sign (#) in front of them. 4.3.3. Adding APT sources from optical media If you want to use only DVDs (or CDs or Blu-ray Discs), comment     out the existing entries in all the APT source-list files by placing a hash sign (#) in front of them. Make sure there is a line in /etc/fstab that enables mounting     your CD-ROM drive at the /media/cdrom mount point. For example, if /dev/sr0 is your CD-ROM drive, /etc/fstab should contain a line like:     /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom auto noauto,ro 0 0     Note that there must be no spaces between the words noauto,ro in the fourth field.     To verify it works, insert a CD and try running # mount /media/cdrom # this will mount the CD to the mount point     # ls -alF /media/cdrom # this should show the CD's root directory # umount /media/cdrom # this will unmount the CD     Next, run:     # apt-cdrom add     for each Debian Binary CD-ROM you have, to add the data about each CD to APT's database. 4.4. Upgrading packages     The recommended way to upgrade from previous Debian releases is to use the package management tool apt. Nota     apt is meant for interactive use, and should not be used in scripts. In scripts one should use apt-get, which has a stable output better suitable for parsing.     Don't forget to mount all needed partitions (notably the root and /usr partitions) read-write, with a command like:     # mount -o remount,rw /punt_de_muntatge Next you should double-check that the APT source entries (in /etc /apt/sources.list and files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) refer either to «bullseye» or to «stable». There should not be any sources entries pointing to buster.     +--------------------------------------------------+ |Nota | | | |Source lines for a CD-ROM might sometimes refer to| |«unstable»; although this may be confusing, you | |should not change it. | +--------------------------------------------------+ 4.4.1. Recording the session It is strongly recommended that you use the /usr/bin/script program to record a transcript of the upgrade session. Then if a     problem occurs, you will have a log of what happened, and if needed, can provide exact information in a bug report. To start the recording, type:     # script -t 2>~/upgrade-bullseyestep.time -a ~/upgrade-bullseyestep.script or similar. If you have to rerun the typescript (e.g. if you have to reboot the system) use different step values to indicate which     step of the upgrade you are logging. Do not put the typescript file in a temporary directory such as /tmp or /var/tmp (files in those directories may be deleted during the upgrade or during any restart). The typescript will also allow you to review information that has     scrolled off-screen. If you are at the system's console, just switch to VT2 (using Alt+F2) and, after logging in, use less -R ~root/upgrade-bullseye.script to view the file.     After you have completed the upgrade, you can stop script by typing exit at the prompt. apt will also log the changed package states in /var/log/apt/ history.log and the terminal output in /var/log/apt/term.log.     dpkg will, in addition, log all package state changes in /var/log /dpkg.log. If you use aptitude, it will also log state changes in /var/log/aptitude.     If you have used the -t switch for script you can use the scriptreplay program to replay the whole session:     # scriptreplay ~/upgrade-bullseyestep.time ~/upgrade-bullseyestep.script 4.4.2. Updating the package list     First the list of available packages for the new release needs to be fetched. This is done by executing:     # apt update Nota     Users of apt-secure may find issues when using aptitude or apt-get. For apt-get, you can use apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change. 4.4.3. Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade You have to make sure before upgrading your system that you will have sufficient hard disk space when you start the full system upgrade described in Secció 4.4.5, «Upgrading the system». First, any package needed for installation that is fetched from the network is stored in /var/cache/apt/archives (and the partial/ subdirectory, during download), so you must make sure you have     enough space on the file system partition that holds /var/ to temporarily download the packages that will be installed in your system. After the download, you will probably need more space in other file system partitions in order to both install upgraded packages (which might contain bigger binaries or more data) and new packages that will be pulled in for the upgrade. If your system does not have sufficient space you might end up with an incomplete upgrade that is difficult to recover from. apt can show you detailed information about the disk space needed     for the installation. Before executing the upgrade, you can see this estimate by running: # apt -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true full-upgrade [ ... ]     XXX upgraded, XXX newly installed, XXX to remove and XXX not upgraded. Need to get xx.xMB of archives. After this operation, AAAMB of additional disk space will be used. Nota Running this command at the beginning of the upgrade process may     give an error, for the reasons described in the next sections. In that case you will need to wait until you've done the minimal system upgrade as in Secció 4.4.4, «Minimal system upgrade» before running this command to estimate the disk space.     If you do not have enough space for the upgrade, apt will warn you with a message like this:     E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.     In this situation, make sure you free up space beforehand. You can: * Remove packages that have been previously downloaded for installation (at /var/cache/apt/archives). Cleaning up the package cache by running apt clean will remove all previously downloaded package files. * Remove forgotten packages. If you have used aptitude or apt to manually install packages in buster it will have kept track of those packages you manually installed, and will be able to mark as redundant those packages pulled in by dependencies alone which are no longer needed due to a package being removed. They will not mark for removal packages that you manually installed. To remove automatically installed packages that are no longer used, run: # apt autoremove You can also use deborphan, debfoster, or cruft to find redundant packages. Do not blindly remove the packages these tools present, especially if you are using aggressive non-default options that are prone to false positives. It is highly recommended that you manually review the packages suggested for removal (i.e. their contents, sizes, and descriptions) before you remove them. * Remove packages that take up too much space and are not currently needed (you can always reinstall them after the upgrade). If you have popularity-contest installed, you can use popcon-largest-unused to list the packages you do not use that occupy the most space. You can find the packages that just take up the most disk space with dpigs (available in the debian-goodies package) or with wajig (running wajig size). They can also be found with aptitude. Start aptitude in full-terminal mode, select Views → New Flat Package List, press l and enter ~i, then press S and enter ~installsize. This will give you a handy list to work with. * Remove translations and localization files from the system if they are not needed. You can install the localepurge package and configure it so that only a few selected locales are kept in the system. This will reduce the disk space consumed at /usr/share/ locale. * Temporarily move to another system, or permanently remove, system logs residing under /var/log/.     * Use a temporary /var/cache/apt/archives: You can use a temporary cache directory from another filesystem (USB storage device, temporary hard disk, filesystem already in use, ...). +-----------------------------------------------------+ |Nota | | | |Do not use an NFS mount as the network connection | |could be interrupted during the upgrade. | +-----------------------------------------------------+ For example, if you have a USB drive mounted on /media/usbkey: 1. remove the packages that have been previously downloaded for installation: # apt clean 2. copy the directory /var/cache/apt/archives to the USB drive: # cp -ax /var/cache/apt/archives /media/usbkey/ 3. mount the temporary cache directory on the current one: # mount --bind /media/usbkey/archives /var/cache/apt/archives 4. after the upgrade, restore the original /var/cache/apt/ archives directory: # umount /var/cache/apt/archives 5. remove the remaining /media/usbkey/archives. You can create the temporary cache directory on whatever filesystem is mounted on your system. * Do a minimal upgrade of the system (see Secció 4.4.4, «Minimal system upgrade») or partial upgrades of the system followed by a full upgrade. This will make it possible to upgrade the system partially, and allow you to clean the package cache before the full upgrade. Note that in order to safely remove packages, it is advisable to     switch your APT source-list files back to buster as described in Secció A.2, «Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT». 4.4.4. Minimal system upgrade Important     If you are upgrading remotely, be aware of Secció 5.1.22, «No new SSH connections possible during upgrade». In some cases, doing the full upgrade (as described below) directly might remove large numbers of packages that you will     want to keep. We therefore recommend a two-part upgrade process: first a minimal upgrade to overcome these conflicts, then a full upgrade as described in Secció 4.4.5, «Upgrading the system».     To do this, first run:     # apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs This has the effect of upgrading those packages which can be     upgraded without requiring any other packages to be removed or installed. The minimal system upgrade can also be useful when the system is     tight on space and a full upgrade cannot be run due to space constraints. If the apt-listchanges package is installed, it will (in its     default configuration) show important information about upgraded packages in a pager after downloading the packages. Press q after reading to exit the pager and continue the upgrade. 4.4.5. Upgrading the system     Once you have taken the previous steps, you are now ready to continue with the main part of the upgrade. Execute:     # apt full-upgrade This will perform a complete upgrade of the system, installing the newest available versions of all packages, and resolving all     possible dependency changes between packages in different releases. If necessary, it will install some new packages (usually new library versions, or renamed packages), and remove any conflicting obsoleted packages. When upgrading from a set of CDs/DVDs/BDs, you will probably be asked to insert specific discs at several points during the     upgrade. You might have to insert the same disc multiple times; this is due to inter-related packages that have been spread out over the discs. New versions of currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install status of another package     will be left at their current version (displayed as «held back»). This can be resolved by either using aptitude to choose these packages for installation or by trying apt install package. 4.5. Possible issues during upgrade     The following sections describe known issues that might appear during an upgrade to bullseye. 4.5.1. Dist-upgrade fails with «Could not perform immediate configuration» In some cases the apt full-upgrade step can fail after downloading packages with:     E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'package'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. If that happens, running apt full-upgrade -o     APT::Immediate-Configure=0 instead should allow the upgrade to proceed. Another possible workaround for this problem is to temporarily     add both buster and bullseye sources to your APT source-list files and run apt update. 4.5.2. Expected removals The upgrade process to bullseye might ask for the removal of packages on the system. The precise list of packages will vary depending on the set of packages that you have installed. These     release notes give general advice on these removals, but if in doubt, it is recommended that you examine the package removals proposed by each method before proceeding. For more information about packages obsoleted in bullseye, see Secció 4.8, «Paquets obsolets». 4.5.3. Conflicts or Pre-Depends loops Sometimes it's necessary to enable the APT::Force-LoopBreak option in APT to be able to temporarily remove an essential     package due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. apt will alert you of this and abort the upgrade. You can work around this by specifying the option -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1 on the apt command line. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can be so     corrupt as to require manual intervention. Usually this means using apt or     # dpkg --remove nom_del_paquet     to eliminate some of the offending packages, or # apt -f install     # dpkg --configure --pending     In extreme cases you might have to force re-installation with a command like     # dpkg --install /camí/a/nom_del_paquet.deb 4.5.4. File conflicts File conflicts should not occur if you upgrade from a «pure»     buster system, but can occur if you have unofficial backports installed. A file conflict will result in an error like: Unpacking (from ) ... dpkg: error processing (--install): trying to overwrite `',     which is also in package dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) Errors were encountered while processing:     You can try to solve a file conflict by forcibly removing the package mentioned on the last line of the error message:     # dpkg -r --force-depends package_name     After fixing things up, you should be able to resume the upgrade by repeating the previously described apt commands. 4.5.5. Configuration changes During the upgrade, you will be asked questions regarding the configuration or re-configuration of several packages. When you are asked if any file in the /etc/init.d directory, or the /etc/     manpath.config file should be replaced by the package maintainer's version, it's usually necessary to answer «yes» to ensure system consistency. You can always revert to the old versions, since they will be saved with a .dpkg-old extension. If you're not sure what to do, write down the name of the package     or file and sort things out at a later time. You can search in the typescript file to review the information that was on the screen during the upgrade. 4.5.6. Change of session to console If you are running the upgrade using the system's local console you might find that at some points during the upgrade the console     is shifted over to a different view and you lose visibility of the upgrade process. For example, this may happen in systems with a graphical interface when the display manager is restarted. To recover the console where the upgrade was running you will have to use Ctrl+Alt+F1 (if in the graphical startup screen) or Alt+F1 (if in the local text-mode console) to switch back to the     virtual terminal 1. Replace F1 with the function key with the same number as the virtual terminal the upgrade was running in. You can also use Alt+Left Arrow or Alt+Right Arrow to switch between the different text-mode terminals. 4.6. Upgrading your kernel and related packages This section explains how to upgrade your kernel and identifies     potential issues related to this upgrade. You can either install one of the linux-image-* packages provided by Debian, or compile a customized kernel from source. Note that a lot of information in this section is based on the assumption that you will be using one of the modular Debian     kernels, together with initramfs-tools and udev. If you choose to use a custom kernel that does not require an initrd or if you use a different initrd generator, some of the information may not be relevant for you. 4.6.1. Installing a kernel metapackage When you full-upgrade from buster to bullseye, it is strongly recommended that you install a linux-image-* metapackage, if you     have not done so before. These metapackages will automatically pull in a newer version of the kernel during upgrades. You can verify whether you have one installed by running:     # dpkg -l "linux-image*" | grep ^ii | grep -i meta If you do not see any output, then you will either need to     install a new linux-image package by hand or install a linux-image metapackage. To see a list of available linux-image metapackages, run:     # apt-cache search linux-image- | grep -i meta | grep -v transition If you are unsure about which package to select, run uname -r and look for a package with a similar name. For example, if you see «     4.9.0-8-amd64», it is recommended that you install linux-image-amd64. You may also use apt to see a long description of each package in order to help choose the best one available. For example:     # apt show linux-image-amd64 You should then use apt install to install it. Once this new kernel is installed you should reboot at the next available     opportunity to get the benefits provided by the new kernel version. However, please have a look at Secció 5.1.24, «Coses a fer després de reinicialitzar» before performing the first reboot after the upgrade. For the more adventurous there is an easy way to compile your own custom kernel on Debian. Install the kernel sources, provided in the linux-source package. You can make use of the deb-pkg target     available in the sources' makefile for building a binary package. More information can be found in the Debian Linux Kernel Handbook ( , which can also be found as the debian-kernel-handbook package. If possible, it is to your advantage to upgrade the kernel package separately from the main full-upgrade to reduce the     chances of a temporarily non-bootable system. Note that this should only be done after the minimal upgrade process described in Secció 4.4.4, «Minimal system upgrade». 4.7. Preparing for the next release     After the upgrade there are several things you can do to prepare for the next release. * Remove newly redundant or obsolete packages as described in Secció 4.4.3, «Make sure you have sufficient space for the     upgrade» and Secció 4.8, «Paquets obsolets». You should review which configuration files they use and consider purging the packages to remove their configuration files. See also Secció 4.7.1, «Purging removed packages». 4.7.1. Purging removed packages It is generally advisable to purge removed packages. This is especially true if these have been removed in an earlier release     upgrade (e.g. from the upgrade to buster) or they were provided by third-party vendors. In particular, old init.d scripts have been known to cause issues. Atenció     Purging a package will generally also purge its log files, so you might want to back them up first.     The following command displays a list of all removed packages that may have configuration files left on the system (if any):     # dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }' The packages can be removed by using apt purge. Assuming you want     to purge all of them in one go, you can use the following command:     # apt purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }')     If you use aptitude, you can also use the following alternative to the commands above: # aptitude search '~c'     # aptitude purge '~c' 4.8. Paquets obsolets Introducing lots of new packages, bullseye also retires and omits quite a few old packages that were in buster. It provides no upgrade path for these obsolete packages. While nothing prevents     you from continuing to use an obsolete package where desired, the Debian project will usually discontinue security support for it a year after bullseye's release^[5], and will not normally provide other support in the meantime. Replacing them with available alternatives, if any, is recommended. There are many reasons why packages might have been removed from the distribution: they are no longer maintained upstream; there is no longer a Debian Developer interested in maintaining the     packages; the functionality they provide has been superseded by different software (or a new version); or they are no longer considered suitable for bullseye due to bugs in them. In the latter case, packages might still be present in the «unstable» distribution. Some package management front-ends provide easy ways of finding installed packages that are no longer available from any known     repository. The aptitude textual user interface lists them in the category «Obsolete and Locally Created Packages», and they can be listed and purged from the commandline with: # aptitude search '~o'     # aptitude purge '~o' The Debian Bug Tracking System ( often provides additional information on why the package was removed.     You should review both the archived bug reports for the package itself and the archived bug reports for the pseudo-package ( .     For a list of obsolete packages for Bullseye, please refer to Secció 5.3.1, «Paquets notables obsolets». 4.8.1. Transitional dummy packages Some packages from buster may have been replaced in bullseye by transitional dummy packages, which are empty placeholders designed to simplify upgrades. If for instance an application     that was formerly a single package has been split into several, a transitional package may be provided with the same name as the old package and with appropriate dependencies to cause the new ones to be installed. After this has happened the redundant dummy package can be safely removed. The package descriptions for transitional dummy packages usually indicate their purpose. However, they are not uniform; in particular, some «dummy» packages are designed to be kept     installed, in order to pull in a full software suite, or track the current latest version of some program. You might also find deborphan with the --guess-* options (e.g. --guess-dummy) useful to detect transitional dummy packages on your system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[1] If the debconf priority is set to a very high level you     might prevent configuration prompts, but services that rely on default answers that are not applicable to your system will fail to start. ^[2] For example: DNS or DHCP services, especially when there is     no redundancy or failover. In the DHCP case end-users might be disconnected from the network if the lease time is lower than the time it takes for the upgrade process to complete.     ^[3] This feature can be disabled by adding the parameter panic=0 to your boot parameters. ^[4] Debian's package management system normally does not allow a     package to remove or replace a file owned by another package unless it has been defined to replace that package. ^[5] Or for as long as there is not another release in that time     frame. Typically only two stable releases are supported at any given time. Capítol 5. Problemes a tenir en compte a bullseye De vegades, els canvis introduïts en un nou llançament poden tenir efectes col·laterals que no podem evitar raonablement, o     exposen errors en un altre lloc. Aquesta secció documenta els problemes dels tenim coneixement. Llegiu també l'errata, la documentació dels paquets, els informes d'error i altra informació que s'esmenta a Secció 6.1, «Llegir més». 5.1. Actualització d'elements específics per bullseye     Aquesta secció inclou elements relacionats amb l'actualització de buster a bullseye. 5.1.1. The XFS file system no longer supports barrier/nobarrier option Support for the barrier and nobarrier mount options has been     removed from the XFS file system. It is recommended to check /etc /fstab for the presence of either keyword and remove it. Partitions using these options will fail to mount. 5.1.2. Changed security archive layout For bullseye, the security suite is now named bullseye-security     instead of codename/updates and users should adapt their APT source-list files accordingly when upgrading. The security line in your APT configuration may look like:     deb bullseye-security main contrib If your APT configuration also involves pinning or APT::Default-Release, it is likely to require adjustments as the codename of the security archive no longer matches that of the regular archive. An example of a working APT::Default-Release     line for bullseye looks like: APT::Default-Release "/^bullseye(|-security|-updates)$/"; which takes advantage of APT's support for regular expressions (inside /). 5.1.3. Password hashing uses yescrypt by default The default password hash for local system accounts has been changed ( accepted-pam-140-3-source-into-unstable/) from SHA-512 to     yescrypt ( (see crypt(5) ( ). This is expected to provide improved security against dictionary-based password guessing attacks, in terms of both the space and time complexity of the attack.     To take advantage of this improved security, change local passwords; for example use the passwd command.     Old passwords will continue to work using whatever password hash was used to create them. Yescrypt is not supported by Debian 10 (buster). As a result, shadow password files (/etc/shadow) cannot be copied from a     bullseye system back to a buster system. If these files are copied, passwords that have been changed on the bullseye system will not work on the buster system. Similarly, password hashes cannot be cut&pasted from a bullseye to a buster system. If compatibility is required for password hashes between bullseye and buster, modify /etc/pam.d/common-password. Find the line that looks like:     password [success=1 default=ignore] obscure yescrypt and replace yescrypt with sha512. 5.1.4. NSS NIS and NIS+ support require new packages NSS NIS and NIS+ support has been moved to separate packages     called libnss-nis and libnss-nisplus. Unfortunately, glibc can't depend on those packages, so they are now only recommended. On systems using NIS or NIS+, it is therefore recommended to     check that those packages are correctly installed after the upgrade. 5.1.5. Config file fragment handling in unbound The DNS resolver unbound has changed the way it handles configuration file fragments. If you are relying on an include:     directive to merge several fragments into a valid configuration, you should read the NEWS file ( unbound/bullseye/debian/NEWS/) . 5.1.6. rsync parameter deprecation The rsync parameter --noatime has been renamed --open-noatime. The old form is no longer supported; if you are using it you should see the NEWS file ( bullseye/debian/rsync.NEWS/) . Transfer processes between systems running different Debian releases may require the buster side to     be upgraded to a version of rsync from the backports (https:// repository. The version of rsync in the initial release of bullseye also deprecated --copy-devices in favor of --write-devices, but version 3.2.3-4+deb11u1 (included in bullseye point release 11.1) reverts this deprecation and supports both options. 5.1.7. Vim addons handling The addons for vim historically provided by vim-scripts are now managed by Vim's native «package» functionality rather than by     vim-addon-manager. Vim users should prepare before upgrading by following the instructions in the NEWS file (https:// . 5.1.8. OpenStack and cgroups v1 OpenStack Victoria (released in bullseye) requires cgroup v1 for block device QoS. Since bullseye also changes to using cgroupv2 by default (see Secció 2.2.4, «Control groups v2»), the sysfs tree in /sys/fs/cgroup will not include cgroup v1 features such as /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio, and as a result cgcreate -g blkio:foo     will fail. For OpenStack nodes running nova-compute or cinder-volume, it is strongly advised to add the parameters systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=false and systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=false to the kernel command line in order to override the default and restore the old cgroup hierarchy. 5.1.9. OpenStack API policy files Following upstream's recommendations, OpenStack Victoria as released in bullseye switches the OpenStack API to use the new YAML format. As a result, most OpenStack services, including     Nova, Glance, and Keystone, appear broken with all of the API policies written explicitly in the policy.json files. Therefore, packages now come with a folder /etc/PROJECT/policy.d containing a file 00_default_policy.yaml, with all of the policies commented out by default. To avoid the old policy.json file staying active, the Debian OpenStack packages now rename that file as     disabled.policy.json.old. In some cases where nothing better could be done in time for the release the policy.json is even simply deleted. So before upgrading, it is strongly advised to back up the policy.json files of your deployments. More details are available in the upstream documentation (https:/     / migrate-policy-format-from-json-to-yaml.html) . 5.1.10. sendmail downtime during upgrade In contrast to normal upgrades of sendmail, during the upgrade of     buster to bullseye the sendmail service will be stopped, causing more downtime than usual. For generic advice on reducing downtime see Secció 4.1.3, «Prepare for downtime on services». 5.1.11. FUSE 3 Some packages including gvfs-fuse, kio-fuse, and sshfs have     switched to FUSE 3. During upgrades, this will cause fuse3 to be installed and fuse to be removed. In some exceptional circumstances, e.g., when performing the upgrade by only running apt-get dist-upgrade instead of the recommended upgrade steps from Capítol 4, Upgrades from Debian 10     (buster), packages depending on fuse3 might be kept back during upgrades. Running the steps discussed in Secció 4.4.5, «Upgrading the system» again with bullseye's apt or upgrading them manually will resolve the situation. 5.1.12. GnuPG options file Starting with version 2.2.27-1, per-user configuration of the     GnuPG suite has completely moved to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf, and ~ /.gnupg/options is no longer in use. Please rename the file if necessary, or move its contents to the new location. 5.1.13. Linux enables user namespaces by default From Linux 5.10, all users are allowed to create user namespaces by default. This will allow programs such as web browsers and     container managers to create more restricted sandboxes for untrusted or less-trusted code, without the need to run as root or to use a setuid-root helper. The previous Debian default was to restrict this feature to processes running as root, because it exposed more security     issues in the kernel. However, as the implementation of this feature has matured, we are now confident that the risk of enabling it is outweighed by the security benefits it provides.     If you prefer to keep this feature restricted, set the sysctl:     user.max_user_namespaces = 0 Note that various desktop and container features will not work     with this restriction in place, including web browsers, WebKitGTK, Flatpak and GNOME thumbnailing.     The Debian-specific sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=0 has a similar effect, but is deprecated. 5.1.14. Linux disables unprivileged calls to bpf() by default From Linux 5.10, Debian disables unprivileged calls to bpf() by     default. However, an admin can still change this setting later on, if needed, by writing 0 or 1 to the kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled sysctl.     If you prefer to keep unprivileged calls to bpf() enabled, set the sysctl:     kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled = 0     For background on the change as default in Debian see bug 990411 ( for the change request. 5.1.15. redmine missing in bullseye The package redmine is not provided in bullseye, as it was too late migrating over from the old version of rails which is at the end of upstream support (receiving fixes for severe security bugs only) to the version which is in bullseye. The Ruby Extras     Maintainers are following upstream closely and will be releasing a version via backports ( as soon as it is released and they have working packages. If you can't wait for this to happen before upgrading, you can use a VM or container running buster to isolate this specific application. 5.1.16. Exim 4.94 Please consider the version of Exim in bullseye a major Exim upgrade. It introduces the concept of tainted data read from     untrusted sources, like e.g. message sender or recipient. This tainted data (e.g. $local_part or $domain) cannot be used among other things as a file or directory name or command name. This will break configurations which are not updated accordingly.     Old Debian Exim configuration files also will not work unmodified; the new configuration needs to be installed with local modifications merged in.     Typical nonworking examples include: * Delivery to /var/mail/$local_part. Use $local_part_data in combination with check_local_user. * Using     data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/some/path/$domain/aliases}} instead of data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/some/path/$domain_data/aliases}} for a virtual domain alias file. The basic strategy for dealing with this change is to use the     result of a lookup in further processing instead of the original (remote provided) value. To ease upgrading there is a new main configuration option to     temporarily downgrade taint errors to warnings, letting the old configuration work with the newer Exim. To make use of this feature add .ifdef _OPT_MAIN_ALLOW_INSECURE_TAINTED_DATA     allow_insecure_tainted_data = yes .endif to the Exim configuration (e.g. to /etc/exim4/     exim4.conf.localmacros) before upgrading and check the logfile for taint warnings. This is a temporary workaround which is already marked for removal on introduction. 5.1.17. SCSI device probing is non-deterministic Due to changes in the Linux kernel, the probing of SCSI devices is no longer deterministic. This could be an issue for     installations that rely on the disk probing order. Two possible alternatives using links in /dev/disk/by-path or a udev rule are suggested in this mailing list post ( / . 5.1.18. rdiff-backup require lockstep upgrade of server and client The network protocol of versions 1 and 2 of rdiff-backup are incompatible. This means that you must be running the same version (either 1 or 2) of rdiff-backup locally and remotely.     Since buster ships version 1.2.8 and bullseye ships version 2.0.5, upgrading only the local system or only the remote system from buster to bullseye will break rdiff-backup runs between the two. Version 2.0.5 of rdiff-backup is available in the buster-backports archive, see backports (https:// . This enables users to first upgrade only the rdiff-backup package on their buster systems, and then independently upgrade systems to bullseye at their convenience. 5.1.19. Intel CPU microcode issues The intel-microcode package currently in bullseye and buster-security (see DSA-4934-1 ( 2021/dsa-4934) ) is known to contain two significant bugs. For some CoffeeLake CPUs this update may break network interfaces     ( Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files/issues/56) that use firmware-iwlwifi, and for some Skylake R0/D0 CPUs on systems using a very outdated firmware/BIOS, the system may hang on boot ( Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files/issues/31) . If you held back the update from DSA-4934-1 due to either of these issues, or do not have the security archive enabled, be aware that upgrading to the intel-microcode package in bullseye     may cause your system to hang on boot or break iwlwifi. In that case, you can recover by disabling microcode loading on boot; see the instructions in the DSA, which are also in the intel-microcode README.Debian. 5.1.20. Upgrades involving libgc1c2 need two runs Packages that depend on libgc1c2 in buster (e.g. guile-2.2-libs) may be held back during the first full upgrade run to bullseye.     Doing a second upgrade normally solves the issue. The background of the issue can be found in bug #988963 ( /988963) . 5.1.21. fail2ban can't send e-mail using mail from bsd-mailx The fail2ban package can be configured to send out e-mail notifications. It does that using mail, which is provided by multiple packages in Debian. A security update (needed on systems that use mail from mailutils) just before the release of bullseye broke this functionality for systems that have mail provided by     bsd-mailx. Users of fail2ban in combination with bsd-mailx who wish fail2ban to send out e-mail should either switch to a different provider for mail or manually unapply the upstream commit ( 410a6ce5c80dd981c22752da034f2529b5eee844) (which inserted the string "-E 'set escape'" in multiple places under /etc/fail2ban/ action.d/). 5.1.22. No new SSH connections possible during upgrade Although existing Secure Shell (SSH) connections should continue to work through the upgrade as usual, due to unfortunate circumstances the period when new SSH connections cannot be     established is longer than usual. If the upgrade is being carried out over an SSH connection which might be interrupted, it's recommended to upgrade openssh-server before upgrading the full system. 5.1.23. Open vSwitch upgrade requires interfaces(5) change The openvswitch upgrade may fail to recover bridges after boot. The workaround is:     sed -i s/^allow-ovs/auto/ /etc/network/interfaces     For more info, see bug #989720 ( . 5.1.24. Coses a fer després de reinicialitzar Quan apt full-upgrade ha acabat, el procés «formal»     d'actualització s'ha completat. Per l'actualització a bullseye, no hi ha accions especials a fer abans de reinicialitzar el sistema. 5.2. Items not limited to the upgrade process 5.2.1. Limitacions en el suport de seguretat Hi ha alguns paquets pels quals Debian no pot prometre proveir     els requisits mínims de seguretat via backports. Aquests paquets s'esmenten a les subseccions següents. Nota     El paquet debian-security-support ajuda a fer seguiment de l'estat del suport de seguretat dels paquets instal·lats. Estat de seguretat als navegadors web i els seus motors de renderització Debian 11 includes several browser engines which are affected by a steady stream of security vulnerabilities. The high rate of vulnerabilities and partial lack of upstream support in the form of long term branches make it very difficult to support these browsers and engines with backported security fixes.     Additionally, library interdependencies make it extremely difficult to update to newer upstream releases. Therefore, browsers built upon e.g. the webkit and khtml engines^[6] are included in bullseye, but not covered by security support. These browsers should not be used against untrusted websites. The webkit2gtk and wpewebkit engines are covered by security support. Per l'ús generalitzat del navegador web recomanem Firefox o     Chromium. Aquests s'actualitzaran re-construint els llançaments ESR actuals per al llançament estable. La mateixa estratègia serà aplicada a Thunderbird. OpenJDK 17 Debian bullseye comes with an early access version of OpenJDK 17 (the next expected OpenJDK LTS version after OpenJDK 11), to avoid the rather tedious bootstrap process. The plan is for     OpenJDK 17 to receive an update in bullseye to the final upstream release announced for October 2021, followed by security updates on a best effort basis, but users should not expect to see updates for every quarterly upstream security update. Go-based packages The Debian infrastructure currently has problems with rebuilding packages of types that systematically use static linking. Before     buster this wasn't a problem in practice, but with the growth of the Go ecosystem it means that Go-based packages will be covered by limited security support until the infrastructure is improved to deal with them maintainably. If updates are warranted for Go development libraries, they can     only come via regular point releases, which may be slow in arriving. 5.2.2. Accedir a la configuració de GNOME sense ratolí Sense un dispositiu de punter, no hi ha manera directa de canviar la configuració de l'aplicació de configuració de GNOME proveïda pel paquet gnome-control-center. Com a sol·lució temporal, podeu navegar amb la barra lateral al contingut principal pressionant     la tecla Right Arrow dues vegades. Per tornar a la barra lateral, podeu començar una cerca amb Ctrl+F, teclegeu alguna cosa, aleshores premeu Esc per a cancel·lar la cerca. Ara podeu utilitzar les tecles Up Arrow i Down Arrow per a navegar la barra lateral. No és possible seleccionar els resultats de la cerca amb el teclat. 5.2.3. The rescue boot option is unusable without a root password With the implementation of sulogin used since buster, booting with the rescue option always requires the root password. If one     has not been set, this makes the rescue mode effectively unusable. However it is still possible to boot using the kernel parameter init=/sbin/sulogin --force To configure systemd to do the equivalent of this whenever it boots into rescue mode (also known as single mode: see systemd(1)     ( ), run sudo systemctl edit rescue.service and create a file saying just: [Service]     Environment=SYSTEMD_SULOGIN_FORCE=1 It might also (or instead) be useful to do this for the emergency.service unit, which is started automatically in the     case of certain errors (see systemd.special(7) (https:// ), or if emergency is added to the kernel command line (e.g. if the system can't be recovered by using the rescue mode).     For background and a discussion on the security implications see #802211 ( . 5.2.4. 32-bit Xen PV guests are not supported The Linux kernel (from version 5.9) no longer supports 32-bit xen     virtual machines using PV mode ( Virtualization_Spectrum) . Such virtual machines need to be converted to the 64-bit PC architecture. You can check which mode a Xen guest is running (inside the virtual machine): $ cat /sys/hypervisor/guest_type     PV Virtual machines that return, for example, PVH or HVM are not affected. 5.3. Obsolescence and deprecation 5.3.1. Paquets notables obsolets La següent llista de paquets notablement coneguts han sigut     descatalogats (vegeu Secció 4.8, «Paquets obsolets» per a una descripció). La llista de paquets obsolets inclou: * The lilo package has been removed from bullseye. The successor of lilo as boot loader is grub2. * The Mailman mailing list manager suite version 3 is the only available version of Mailman in this release. Mailman has been split up into various components; the core is available in the package mailman3 and the full suite can be obtained via the mailman3-full metapackage. The legacy Mailman version 2.1 is no longer available (this used to be the package mailman). This branch depends on Python 2 which is no longer available in Debian. For upgrading instructions, please see the project's migration documentation. ( /migration.html) * The Linux kernel no longer provides isdn4linux (i4l) support. Consequently, the related userland packages isdnutils, isdnactivecards, drdsl and ibod have been removed from the archives. * The deprecated libappindicator libraries are no longer provided. As a result, the related packages libappindicator1, libappindicator3-1 and libappindicator-dev are no longer available. This is expected to cause dependency errors for third-party software that still depends on libappindicator to provide system tray and indicator support. Debian is using libayatana-appindicator as the successor of     libappindicator. For technical background see this announcement ( msg00506.html) . * Debian no longer provides chef. If you use Chef for configuration management, the best upgrade path is probably to switch to using the packages provided by Chef Inc (https:/ / . For background on the removal, see the removal request ( . * Python 2 is already beyond its End Of Life, and will receive no security updates. It is not supported for running applications, and packages relying on it have either been switched to Python 3 or removed. However, Debian bullseye does still include a version of Python 2.7, as well as a small number of Python 2 build tools such as python-setuptools. These are present only because they are required for a few application build processes that have not yet been converted to Python 3. * The aufs-dkms package is not part of bullseye. Most aufs-dkms users should be able to switch to overlayfs, which provides similar functionality with kernel support. However, it's possible to have a Debian installation on a filesystem that is not compatible with overlayfs, e.g. xfs without d_type. Users of aufs-dkms are advised to migrate away from aufs-dkms before upgrading to bullseye. * The network connection manager wicd will no longer be available after the upgrade, so to avoid the danger of losing connectivity users are recommended to switch before the upgrade to an alternative such as network-manager or connman. 5.3.2. Components desfasats a bullseye Al proper llançament de Debian 12 (anomenada bookworm) algunes de     les funcionalitats quedaran desfasades. Els usuaris hauran de migrar a altres alternatives per tal d'evitar problemes a l'hora d'actualitzar a Debian 12.     Això inclou les funcionalitats següents: * The historical justifications for the filesystem layout with /bin, /sbin, and /lib directories separate from their equivalents under /usr no longer apply today; see the summary ( Software/systemd/TheCaseForTheUsrMerge) . Debian bullseye will be the last Debian release that supports the non-merged-usr layout; for systems with a legacy layout that have been upgraded without a reinstall, the usrmerge package exists to do the conversion if desired. * bullseye is the final Debian release to ship apt-key. Keys should be managed by dropping files into /etc/apt/ trusted.gpg.d instead, in binary format as created by gpg --export with a .gpg extension, or ASCII armored with a .asc extension. A replacement for apt-key list to manually investigate the keyring is planned, but work has not started yet.     * The slapd database backends slapd-bdb(5) (https:// , slapd-hdb(5) ( slapd-hdb.5.html) , and slapd-shell(5) (https:// are being retired and will not be included in Debian 12. LDAP databases using the bdb or hdb backends should be migrated to the slapd-mdb(5) ( /slapd-mdb.5.html) backend. Additionally, the slapd-perl(5) ( /bullseye/slapd/slapd-perl.5.html) and slapd-sql(5) (https:// backends are deprecated and may be removed in a future release. The OpenLDAP Project does not support retired or deprecated backends. Support for these backends in Debian 11 is on a best effort basis. 5.4. Known severe bugs Although Debian releases when it's ready, that unfortunately doesn't mean there are no known bugs. As part of the release process all the bugs of severity serious or higher are actively tracked by the Release Team, so an overview of those bugs (https:     //;tag=bullseye-can-defer) that were tagged to be ignored in the last part of releasing bullseye can be found in the Debian Bug Tracking System (https:// . The following bugs were affecting bullseye at the time of the release and worth mentioning in this document: +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bug number | Package (source or binary) | Description | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |922981 (https:/| |ca-certificates-java: /etc/| |/ |ca-certificates-java |ca-certificates/update.d/ | || |jks-keystore doesn't update| |/922981) | |/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts| |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |990026 (https:/| | | |/ |cron |cron: Reduced charset in | || |MAILTO causes breakage | |/990026) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991081 (https:/| | | |/ |gir1.2-diodon-1.0 |gir1.2-diodon-1.0 lacks | || |dependencies | |/991081) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |990318 (https:/| |python-pkg-resources: | |/ |python-pkg-resources |please add Breaks against | || |the unversioned python | |/990318) | |packages | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991449 (https:/| |fix for CVE-2021-32749 | |/ |fail2ban |breaks systems with mail | || |from bsd-mailx | |/991449) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |982794 (https:/| | | |/ |firefox-esr |firefox-esr/armhf: fails on| || |non-NEON systems | |/982794) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |990708 (https:/| |mariadb-server-10.5: | |/ |mariadb-server-10.5,galera-4|upgrade problems due to | || |galera-3 -> galera-4 switch| |/990708) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |980429 (https:/| |g++-10: spurious c++17 mode| |/ |src:gcc-10 |segmentation fault in | || |append_to_statement_list_1 | |/980429) | |(tree-iterator.c:65) | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |980609 (https:/| | | |/ |src:gcc-10 |missing i386-cpuinfo.h | || | | |/980609) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |984574 (https:/| | | |/ |gcc-10-base |gcc-10-base: please add | || |Breaks: gcc-8-base (<< 8.4)| |/984574) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| | | |git-el,elpa-magit: fails to| |984931 (https:/| |install: /usr/lib/ | |/ | |emacsen-common/packages/ | ||git-el |install/git emacs failed at| |/984931) | |/usr/lib/emacsen-common/ | | | | line 19, | | | |line 7. | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |987264 (https:/| | | |/ |git-el |git-el: fails to install | || |with xemacs21 | |/987264) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991082 (https:/| | | |/ |gir1.2-gtd-1.0 |gir1.2-gtd-1.0 has empty | || |Depends | |/991082) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |948739 (https:/| | | |/ |gparted |gparted should not mask | || |.mount units | |/948739) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |984714 (https:/| |gparted should suggest | |/ |gparted |exfatprogs and backport the| || |commit that rejects | |/984714) | |exfat-utils | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |968368 (https:/| |ifenslave: Option | |/ |ifenslave |bond-master fails to add | || |interface to bond | |/968368) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |990428 (https:/| |ifenslave: Bonding not |     |/ |ifenslave |working on bullseye (using | || |bond-slaves config) | |/990428) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991113 (https:/| |libpam-chroot installs | |/ |libpam-chroot | into the | || |wrong directory | |/991113) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| | | |libgl1-mesa-dri: | |989545 (https:/| |si_texture.c:1727 | |/ |src:llvm-toolchain-11 |si_texture_transfer_map - | || |failed to create temporary | |/989545) | |texture to hold untiled | | | |copy | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |982459 (https:/| |mdadm --examine in chroot | |/ |mdadm |without /proc,/dev,/sys | || |mounted corrupts host's | |/982459) | |filesystem | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |981054 (https:/| | | |/ |openipmi |openipmi: Missing | || |dependency on kmod | |/981054) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |948318 (https:/| |openssh-server: Unable to | |/ |openssh-server |restart sshd restart after | || |upgrade to version 8.1p1-2 | |/948318) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991151 (https:/| |procps: dropped the reload | |/ |procps |option from the init | || |script, breaking corekeeper| |/991151) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |989103 (https:/| | | |/ |pulseaudio |pulseaudio regressed on | || |control=Wave configuration | |/989103) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |984580 (https:/| | | |/ |libpython3.9-dev |libpython3.9-dev: missing | || |dependency on zlib1g-dev | |/984580) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |990417 (https:/| |openjdk-11-jre-headless: | |/ | |running java in qemu s390 | ||src:qemu |gives a SIGILL at C | |/990417) | |[] | | | |__kernel_getcpu+0x8 | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |859926 (https:/| |breaks with pulse-audio as | |/ |speech-dispatcher |output when spawned by | || |speechd-up from init system| |/859926) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |932501 (https:/| |squid-deb-proxy: daemon | |/ |src:squid-deb-proxy |does not start due to the | || |conf file not being allowed| |/932501) | |by apparmor | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991588 (https:/| |tpm2-abrmd should not use | |/ |tpm2-abrmd |Requires= | || |systemd-udev-settle.service| |/991588) | |in its unit | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| | | |libjs-bootstrap4: broken | |991939 (https:/| |symlinks: /usr/share/ | |/ |libjs-bootstrap4 |javascript/bootstrap4/css/ | || |bootstrap* -> ../..| |/991939) | |/../nodejs/bootstrap/dist/ | | | |css/bootstrap* | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991822 (https:/| |src:wine: dh_auto_clean | |/ |src:wine |deletes unrelated files | || |outside of package source | |/991822) | | | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |988477 (https:/| |xen-hypervisor-4.14-amd64: | |/ |src:xen |xen dmesg shows (XEN) | || |AMD-Vi: IO_PAGE_FAULT on | |/988477) | |sata pci device | |---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------| |991788 (https:/| |xfce4-settings: black | |/ |xfce4-settings |screen after suspend when | || |laptop lid is closed and | |/991788) | |re-opened | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^[6] These engines are shipped in a number of different source packages and the concern applies to all packages shipping them.     The concern also extends to web rendering engines not explicitly mentioned here, with the exception of webkit2gtk and the new wpewebkit. Capítol 6. Més informació sobre Debian 6.1. Llegir més Més enllà d'estes notes de llançament i de la guia d'instal·lació, hi ha més documentació de Debian a la vostra disposició al Projecte de Documentació de Debian (DDP), que té com a objectiu crear documentació de gran qualitat pels usuaris i     desenvolupadors de Debian. Esta documentació inclou la guia de referència de Debian, la guia del nou mantenidor, les PMF de Debian i molt més. Per obtenir informació detallada dels recursos al vostre abast, visiteu el lloc web del projecte de documentació de Debian ( i el lloc Viqui de Debian ( . Trobareu informació de cada paquet instal·lada a /usr/share/doc/     paquet. Esta pot incloure informació dels drets d'autor, detalls específics de Debian i la documentació del desenvolupament principal. 6.2. Trobar ajuda Hi ha moltes fonts d'ajuda, consells i suport pels usuaris de Debian, però tan sols hauria de considerar-se si no l'heu     aconseguit a cap lloc després de la recerca dins la documentació sobre problema. Esta secció proporciona una introducció curta a les que poden ser d'ajuda pels usuaris de Debian. 6.2.1. Llistes de correu Les llistes de correu més interessants pels usuaris de Debian són la llista debian-user (en anglès) i altres llistes com debian-user-catalan (en català). Per obtenir més informació     d'estes llistes i detalls de com subscriure's, vegeu https:// ( . Abans d'enviar la vostra pregunta, comproveu els arxius amb les respostes i respecteu les normes de la llista. 6.2.2. Internet Relay Chat Debian té un canal IRC dedicat al suport i ajuda als usuaris de     Debian que es troba a la xarxa d'IRC OFTC. Per accedir al canal, dirigiu el vostre client IRC a i uniu-vos a # debian. Seguiu les normes del canal, respectant completament els altres     usuaris. Les normes les podeu trobar al Viqui de Debian (https:// .     Per obtenir més informació d'OFTC visiteu la pàgina web del lloc web ( . 6.3. Informes d'error Ens esforcem per fer de Debian un sistema operatiu de gran qualitat, però això no vol dir que els paquets que subministrem estiguen totalment lliures d'errors. D'acord amb la filosofia de     «desenvolupament obert» de Debian, i com un servei als nostres usuaris, facilitem tota la informació dels errors que s'han rebut en el nostre sistema de seguiment d'errors (BTS). Podeu navegar pel BTS a ( . Si trobeu alguna errada a la distribució o a algun paquet de programari que forme part d'ella, informeu-ne de manera que es puga resoldre de la millor manera en algun llançament posterior.     L'enviament d'informes d'errors requereix d'una adreça vàlida de correu electrònic. El demanem perquè així podrem fer seguiment d'errors i els desenvolupadors podran posar-se en contacte amb els que l'han enviat per si és necessària alguna informació addicional. Podeu enviar un informe d'error utilitzant el programa reportbug o be utilitzant manualment el correu electrònic. Podeu llegir més informació del sistema de seguiment d'errors i de com     utilitzar-lo llegint la documentació de referència (que trobareu a /usr/share/doc/debian si teniu el paquet doc-debian instal·lat) o en línia al sistema de seguiment d'errors (https:// . 6.4. Col·laborar amb Debian No necessiteu ser experts per col·laborar amb Debian. Ajudant els usuaris en problemes a les diferents llistes (https:// de suport pels usuaris, ja esteu contribuint a la comunitat. Identificant (i també resolent) els problemes associats al desenvolupament de la distribució mitjançant la participació a les llistes ( de     desenvolupament també és de molta ajuda. Per mantenir l'alta qualitat de la distribució Debian, envieu els informes d'errors ( i ajudeu els desenvolupadors a fer el seu seguiment per corregir-los. Si teniu traça amb les paraules aleshores potser voldreu col·laborant de forma més activa ajudant a escriure documentació ( o traduint ( la que ja existeix en el vostre idioma. Si podeu dedicar més temps, podríeu gestionar una de les peces de programari lliure de la col·lecció a Debian. És de molta ajuda que la gent adopte o mantinga elements que la gent ha demanat per que s'incloga a Debian. La base de dades de paquets en perspectiva i amb feina pendent (     wnpp/) detalla tota esta informació. Si teniu interès en grups especials aleshores trobareu més diversió col·laborant amb alguns subprojectes ( de Debian que inclouen ports a arquitectures concretes, barreges pures de Debian ( per a grups d'usuaris específics, entre molts altres. De qualsevol manera, si esteu treballant a la comunitat de programari lliure d'esta manera, com a usuari, programador,     escrivint o traduint, ja esteu ajudant a l'esforç pel programari lliure. Col·laborar és gratificant i divertit, i també us permet conèixer nova gent que us donarà un càlid sentiment de comunitat. Apèndix A. Gestió del vostre sistema buster abans de l'actualització Este apèndix conté informació de com instal·lar o actualitzar els     paquets de buster abans d'actualitzar a bullseye. Açò tan sols serà necessari en algunes situacions concretes. A.1. Actualització del vostre sistema buster Bàsicament no hi ha diferències entre qualsevol altra actualització de buster que ja hàgiu fet. L'única diferència és     que necessitareu primer assegurar-vos que la vostra llista de paquets encara conté referències a buster tal com s'explica a Secció A.2, «Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT». Si actualitzeu el vostre sistema utilitzant una rèplica de     Debian, s'actualitzarà de forma automàtica a l'últim revisió del llançament de buster. A.2. Comprovació dels fitxers de llista de fonts d'APT If any of the lines in your APT source-list files (see sources.list(5) ( sources.list.5.html) ) contain references to «stable», this is     effectively pointing to bullseye already. This might not be what you want if you are not yet ready for the upgrade. If you have already run apt update, you can still get back without problems by following the procedure below. If you have also already installed packages from bullseye, there probably is not much point in installing packages from buster     anymore. In that case you will have to decide for yourself whether you want to continue or not. It is possible to downgrade packages, but that is not covered here. As root, open the relevant APT source-list file (such as /etc/apt /sources.list) with your favorite editor, and check all lines     beginning with deb http:, deb https:, deb tor+http:, deb tor+https:, URIs: http:, URIs: https:, URIs: tor+http: or URIs: tor+https: for a reference to «stable». If you find any, change stable to buster. If you have any lines starting with deb file: or URIs: file:, you     will have to check for yourself if the location they refer to contains a buster or bullseye archive. Important     Do not change any lines that begin with deb cdrom: or URIs: cdrom:. Doing so would invalidate the line and you would have to run apt-cdrom again. Do not be alarmed if a cdrom: source line refers to «unstable». Although confusing, this is normal.     Si heu fet algun canvi, guardeu el fitxer i executeu     # apt update     per refrescar la llista de paquets. A.3. Eliminar fitxers de configuració obsolets Abans d'actualitzar el vostre sistema a bullseye és recomanable     treure els fitxers de configuració antics (com ara *.dpkg- {new,old} a sota el directori /etc) del sistema. Apèndix B. Contribuïdors de les notes de llançament     Molta gent ha ajudat en les notes de llançament, estan incloses, però no limitades a D. Barratt, Adam, Di Carlo, Adam, Barth, Andreas, Popescu, Andrei , Bezemer, Anne, Hilliard, Bob, Plessy, Charles, Perrier, Christian, Berg, Christoph, Baumann, Daniel, Prévot, David, Petrișor, Eddy, Kasper, Emmanuel, Arajärvi, Esko, Pop, Frans, Rapagnani, Giovanni, Farquharson, Gordon, Yamane, Hideki, Wansing , Holger, Fernández-Sanguino Peña, Javier, Seidel, Jens, Meurer,     Jonas, Nieder, Jonathan, van Baal-Ilić, Joost, Rodin, Josip, Cristau, Julien, Rye, Justin B, Jones, LaMont, Claes, Luk, Michlmayr, Martin, Biebl, Michael, Mühlenhoff, Moritz, Thykier, Niels, Meyerhans, Noah, Kobayashi, Noritada, Aoki, Osamu, Gevers, Paul, Green, Peter, Bradford, Rob, Thibault, Samuel, Bienlein, Simon, Paillard, Simon, Fritsch, Stefan, Langasek, Steve, McIntyre, Steve, Scherer, Tobias, victory, McIntyre, Vincent, i Borgert, W. Martin.     Este document s'ha traduït a molts idiomes. Moltes gràcies als traductors! Índex alfabètic A Apache, Desktops and well known packages B BIND, Desktops and well known packages C Calligra, Desktops and well known packages Cryptsetup, Desktops and well known packages D DocBook XML, Font d'este document Dovecot, Desktops and well known packages E Exim, Desktops and well known packages G GCC, Desktops and well known packages GIMP, Desktops and well known packages GNOME, Desktops and well known packages GNUcash, Desktops and well known packages GnuPG, Desktops and well known packages I Inkscape, Desktops and well known packages K KDE, Desktops and well known packages L LibreOffice, Desktops and well known packages LXDE, Desktops and well known packages LXQt, Desktops and well known packages M MariaDB, Desktops and well known packages MATE, Desktops and well known packages N Nginx, Desktops and well known packages O OpenJDK, Desktops and well known packages OpenSSH, Desktops and well known packages P packages apt, Col·laborar amb informes d'actualització, Adding APT sources for a local mirror, FUSE 3 apt-listchanges, Minimal system upgrade aptitude, Prepare the package database, Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade, Purging removed packages aufs-dkms, Paquets notables obsolets bazel-bootstrap, Initial availability of the Bazel build system bsd-mailx, fail2ban can't send e-mail using mail from bsd-mailx ca-certificates-java, Known severe bugs chef, Paquets notables obsolets cinder-volume, OpenStack and cgroups v1 connman, Paquets notables obsolets cron, Known severe bugs cups-browsed, CUPS and driverless printing cups-daemon, CUPS and driverless printing cups-filters, CUPS and driverless printing dblatex, Font d'este document debian-goodies, Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade debian-kernel-handbook, Installing a kernel metapackage debian-security-support, Limitacions en el suport de seguretat doc-debian, Informes d'error docbook-xsl, Font d'este document drdsl, Paquets notables obsolets exfat-fuse, Kernel support for exFAT exfat-utils, Kernel support for exFAT exfatprogs, Kernel support for exFAT fail2ban, fail2ban can't send e-mail using mail from bsd-mailx, Known severe bugs firefox-esr, Known severe bugs firmware-iwlwifi, Intel CPU microcode issues fuse , FUSE 3 fuse3 , FUSE 3 gcc-10-base, Known severe bugs gir1.2-diodon-1.0, Known severe bugs gir1.2-gtd-1.0, Known severe bugs git-el, Known severe bugs glibc, NSS NIS and NIS+ support require new packages gnome-control-center, Accedir a la configuració de GNOME sense ratolí gparted, Known severe bugs grub2, Paquets notables obsolets guile-2.2-libs, Upgrades involving libgc1c2 need two runs gvfs-fuse, FUSE 3 ibod, Paquets notables obsolets ifenslave, Known severe bugs initramfs-tools, Debug shell during boot using initrd, Upgrading your kernel and related packages intel-microcode, Intel CPU microcode issues ipp-usb, CUPS and driverless printing, SANE and driverless scanning isdnactivecards, Paquets notables obsolets isdnutils, Paquets notables obsolets kio-fuse, FUSE 3 libappindicator-dev, Paquets notables obsolets libappindicator1, Paquets notables obsolets libappindicator3-1, Paquets notables obsolets libayatana-appindicator, Paquets notables obsolets libgc1c2, Upgrades involving libgc1c2 need two runs libjs-bootstrap4, Known severe bugs libnss-nis, NSS NIS and NIS+ support require new packages libnss-nisplus, NSS NIS and NIS+ support require new packages libpam-chroot, Known severe bugs libpython3.9-dev, Known severe bugs libsane1, SANE and driverless scanning lilo, Paquets notables obsolets linux-image-*, Upgrading your kernel and related packages linux-image-amd64, Installing a kernel metapackage linux-source, Installing a kernel metapackage localepurge, Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade mailman, Paquets notables obsolets mailman3, Paquets notables obsolets mailman3-full, Paquets notables obsolets mailutils, fail2ban can't send e-mail using mail from bsd-mailx mariadb-server-10.5,galera-4, Known severe bugs mdadm, Known severe bugs network-manager, Paquets notables obsolets nova-compute, OpenStack and cgroups v1 openipmi, Known severe bugs openssh-server, No new SSH connections possible during upgrade, Known severe bugs openvswitch, Open vSwitch upgrade requires interfaces(5) change popularity-contest, Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade procps, Known severe bugs pulseaudio, Known severe bugs python-pkg-resources, Known severe bugs python-setuptools, Paquets notables obsolets rails, redmine missing in bullseye rdiff-backup, rdiff-backup require lockstep upgrade of server and client redmine, redmine missing in bullseye release-notes, Informar d'errors d'este document rsync, rsync parameter deprecation rsyslog, Persistent systemd journal sane-airscan, SANE and driverless scanning sendmail, sendmail downtime during upgrade slapd, Components desfasats a bullseye speech-dispatcher, Known severe bugs src:gcc-10, Known severe bugs src:llvm-toolchain-11, Known severe bugs src:qemu, Known severe bugs src:squid-deb-proxy, Known severe bugs src:wine, Known severe bugs src:xen, Known severe bugs sshfs, FUSE 3 synaptic, Prepare the package database systemd, Improved support for alternative init systems tinc, Prepare a safe environment for the upgrade tpm2-abrmd, Known severe bugs udev, Upgrading your kernel and related packages, SCSI device probing is non-deterministic unbound, Config file fragment handling in unbound upgrade-reports, Col·laborar amb informes d'actualització usrmerge, Components desfasats a bullseye vim, Vim addons handling vim-addon-manager, Vim addons handling vim-scripts, Vim addons handling wicd, Paquets notables obsolets xen, 32-bit Xen PV guests are not supported xfce4-settings, Known severe bugs xmlroff, Font d'este document xsltproc, Font d'este document Perl, Desktops and well known packages PHP, Desktops and well known packages Postfix, Desktops and well known packages PostgreSQL, Desktops and well known packages X Xfce, Desktops and well known packages glossari ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (Configuració avançada i interfície d'energia) ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (Arquitecutra avançada de so de Linux) BD Disc Blu-ray CD Compact Disc (Disc compacte) CD-ROM Disc compacte de només lectura DHCP Protocol dinàmic de configuració de màquina DLBD Disc Blu-ray de dues capes DNS Domain Name System (Sistema de noms de domini) DVD Digital Versatile Disc GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program (Programa de manipulació d'imatges de GNU) GNU GNU's Not Unix (GNU no és Unix) GPG GNU Privacy Guard LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Protocol lleuger d'accés al directori) LSB Linux Standard Base LVM Logical Volume Manager (Gestor de volums lògics) MTA Mail Transport Agent (Agent de transport de correu) NBD Network Block Device (Dispositiu de blocs en xarxa) NFS Network File System (Sistema de fitxers en xarxa) NIC Network Interface Card (Targeta d'interfície de xarxa) NIS Network Information Service (Servei d'informació de xarxa) PHP PHP: Processador d'hipertext RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks (Matriu redundant de discs independents) SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (Tecnologia avançada d'accessoris en sèrie) SSL Secure Sockets Layer (Capa de connexió segura) TLS Transport Layer Security (Capa de seguretat de transport) UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (Interfície unificada i extensible de microprogramari) USB Universal Serial Bus (Bus sèrie universal) UUID Universally Unique Identifier (Identificador únic universal) WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access (Accés protegit a Wi-Fi)