Starting results calculation at Sun Apr 16 00:00:13 2017 Option 1 "Mehdi Dogguy" Option 2 "Chris Lamb" Option 3 "None Of The Above" In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that option x received over option y. Option 1 2 3 === === === Option 1 132 299 Option 2 163 303 Option 3 17 12 Looking at row 2, column 1, Chris Lamb received 163 votes over Mehdi Dogguy Looking at row 1, column 2, Mehdi Dogguy received 132 votes over Chris Lamb. Option 1 Reached quorum: 299 > 48.8825122104010 Option 2 Reached quorum: 303 > 48.8825122104010 Option 1 passes Majority. 17.588 (299/17) >= 1 Option 2 passes Majority. 25.250 (303/12) >= 1 Option 2 defeats Option 1 by ( 163 - 132) = 31 votes. Option 1 defeats Option 3 by ( 299 - 17) = 282 votes. Option 2 defeats Option 3 by ( 303 - 12) = 291 votes. The Schwartz Set contains: Option 2 "Chris Lamb" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The winners are: Option 2 "Chris Lamb" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The total numbers of votes tallied = 322