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Re: Re: NEC ND-3540A and 16x DVD burns?

i too had been having to use growisofs for higher speeds, and am glad schilly is writing code to get around quirks in the nec drive. (probably) I didn't think force would work for that sort of thing. anyway, i had downloaded the source for the latest dvdrecord, and after looking at the source for about a half hour, decided that the variable curspeed in cdrecord.c seemed to be the appropriate variable to modify, if i wanted to hard code the speed into the dvdrecord source, and maybe have several versions of dvdrecord for different speeds. I changed instances of curspeed to 12 in what i thought to be the appropriate part of the code, and it worked. Schily is probably going to beat me over the head with a club if i show up in germany to drink beer. I wish i had tried the -force first, but i was playing with forcespeed in options instead.

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