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Re: Help: Burning multisession DVD+R with cdrecord 2.01.01a37

Eric Wanchic <ewanchic@qwest.net> wrote:

> Oh, man all of you guys are awesome! Thanks. I'm still having issues, 

> Thomas Schmitt:
> - I've got some more stuff, but as soon as I post this, I'll write 
> another one mentioning what I've done so far. Thanks (^_^)

Please note that Thomas (in contrary to the people who created the wodim fork)
writes own software but unfortunately his software is non-portable and only 
works on Linux. All my software works on all known platforms.

Well, Linux is the post popular open platform, but Solaris is the second popular
open platform and Thomas software does not work on Solaris. Also note that
even the idea of writing a CD/DVD writing _library_ is based on a privileges 
missconception that is only present on Linux. Even Linux only allows a limited 
subset of what cdrecord supports if you do not have root privileges. 

The idea of having such a library comes from GUI people that like to _include_
the CD/DVD writing features into their GUI, but they do not understand that this
cannot be done on all platforms but Linux for security reasons. On Linux it 
only works in a limited way because Linux ignores some security issues.

There exist several similar attempts on writing libraries for tasks that cannot 
exist on platorms other than Linux because other platforms better check 
privileges/security. All these other libraries are derivates from cdrtools code
and all also have license problems. This makes a lot of functionality seen in 
GNOME on Linux illegal because of license violations and non-portable because 
of privileges violations.

I write a lot of software and I give long term support, the oldest OSS
program I wrote (star) is from 1982. Doing this for many platforms takes 
more time but also gives better code quality. 

> Bill Davidson:
>   That's some good advice about root permissions and issues. I "think" 
> I'm running in root. I have the root account disabled (defaulted in 
> ubuntu) and I am executing everything in "sudo -i" environment. I see 
> "root@noah#" So I'm sure I am root, but if I'm wrong please correct my 
> errors.

Bill _was_ a respected person ~ 7 years ago. He did have a lot of knowledge and 
he was helpful in his replies. Aprox. 2-3 years ago, he converted into a troll
and frequently gives incorrect replies even though he has been corrected many 
times. I recommend not to believe him. You need root privileges for cdrecord 
_and_ you need to have them for wodim also if you like to do the same things.
This is a result of the constraints set up by the Linux kernel.

I would be happy to see him stop trolling and to come back to real life again.

> Joerg Schilling:
>   I am but a humbled student here among respected teachers. I've read a 
> lot, mostly your view points, about this whole licensing mess, the 

It is hard to explain complex legal issues if other people before did 
spread FUD and used oversimplified and wrong phrases that look correct only 
because they are oversimplified.

If you like to verify legal claims, you need to check the possible results of 
these claims for many different use cases (this is really similar to thinking 
about possible failure cases on software). 

I did already explain why the main claim from the Debian people is wrong:


There is another claim that (if it was correct) would make > 50% of all software
illegal on Linux and it would completely disallow non-GPL software on Linux.
It is obvious, that GPL interpretations that make _all_ software illegal
cannot be right..... The main problem with Debian is that they never ask
lawyers, even in critical situations. All legal claims from Debian are claims
from laymen. 

> Multi-border aware? I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds like your 
> still working on that. I'll be patiently waiting then :)
>  >Cdrecord did not write the medium in a way that allows appending - see 
> cdrecord -info output.

Didn't I wrote -minfo?

And btw: Multi-border is the official name for DVD handling for what 
people call multi session.

> -info-output switch. I think I posted my -minfo. Did you want me to burn 
> another CD again and copy its output? Just let me know what you need. Thanks

I know how to write Multi-border DVDs, I did this a year ago already. I cannot
put it yet into the official cdrecord for stabiltiy reasons.


 EMail:joerg@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       schilling@fokus.fraunhofer.de     (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

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