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Re: Reading MtRainier CD in plain CD unit?

On 30 June 2011 08:42, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I tried to read it in aplin CD-ROM unit that has no special MRW
>> support with a recent kernel (Ubuntu 11.04 distro) but it does not
>> work. It sees only a dummy iso9660 volume that has a few readme files
>> informing that special software is needed to read them
> We could try to get an impression of the complexity of the problem,
> by testing how many bytes the media is delivering at all (i assume
> the CD-ROM drive as /dev/sr0):
>  dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=2048 | wc

$ dd if=/dev/sr1 bs=2048 | wc
dd: reading `/dev/sr1': Input/output error
1632+0 records in
1632+0 records out
3342336 bytes (3.3 MB) copied, 23.4675 s, 142 kB/s
   1531    6333 3342336

dmesg shows a dozen of messages like this:
Buffer I/O error on device sr1, logical block 1658


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