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[Debconf-announce] Call for Talks for DebianDay August 18th, 2008, BA - Argentina


As usual a DebianDay event will be held together with DebConf. This year,
DebianDay will take place after DebConf8 in August 18th, Buenos Aires,

DebianDay is mainly targeted to Debian users interested in knowing more about
Debian and Debian developers. There are many Debian users in Argentina and most
of them speak technical English. We plan to have talks both in Spanish and

We expect to fill two tracks of talks, one mainly for newbies and the other
mainly for power users. The newbie tracks talks should not assume a technical
background, and talks held in Spanish would be preferred.

Most of the Argentinian power users are confortable understanding technical
English. So the power users track talks can be held in English. Don't expect
great verbosity from the audience, though.

So, if you plan to stay in Argentina after DebConf8, we invite you to submit a
talk proposal for DebianDay. The deadline for submission is June 30th, 2008. To
submit add the talk and details in the conference management system, in the
"DebianDay track".

DebianDay - Call for Talks
August 18th, 2008 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Submission: https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/new
Deadline: June 30th, 2008

DebConf8 organization Team

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