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[Debconf-announce] Reimbursement Process for Sponsored Travel

Hello all,

We got a few questions related to the reimbursement process, so to
help clarify some points, I'm highlighting Steve's email[1] from a
few days ago and answering a few questions.

  1. http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20140822.080312.3082e0d6.en.html

If you have been approved for travel sponsorship, you will need to
make sure to keep some documentation of your travel: in particular,
you will need to have a receipt showing the purchase of your ticket
and its price, as well as a copy of your ticket or (in the case of
an e-ticket) your boarding passes.  So be sure to keep the boarding
passes from your trip.

Once your travel is completed, you will be able to request
reimbursement by sending email to treasurer@rt.spi-inc.org with the
requested amount and copies of the receipts or other documentation
of the expenses, and also attaching a completed copy of the SPI
reimbursement form:


Q: So, what do I have to do?
A: You didn't read the two paragraphs above, did you?  :-)
   * Get some doc with your ticket details (including price)
   * Fill http://www.spi-inc.org/treasurer/SPI_reimbursement_request.pdf
   * Send the doc and the form to treasurer@rt.spi-inc.org
   * Wait to get your money back

Q: Do I have to send paperwork by traditional non-electronic mail?
A: We hope not.  We are expecting to handle all the cases by e-mail.

Q: Do I need to show paperwork at DebConf?
A: No.  You have to send all the paperwork (which are basically two
   documents: your receipt and the reimbursement form) by email to
   the SPI Treasurer.

Q: When can I expect to get the money back?
A: It is hard to say or predict.  Here's why: after DebConf14 ends,
   the Bursaries Team will make a final list of everybody that was
   granted travel sponsorship and did attend the conference (a.k.a.
   registered at the Front Desk).  We will send this list to the
   SPI Treasurer so they have a list of approved reimbursements. 
   The final part is the actual transfer which involve times outside
   of our control and can vary from country to country.  Also, keep
   in mind that there will be a spike of reimbursement requests, so
   it will take a few takes for SPI Treasurer to process it.

If you have any other questions or doubts, suggestions or ideas,
criticism of feedback, or if after sending your paperwork, you
don't hear back from us in a couple of weeks, do not hesitate to
contact DebConf14 Bursaries Team: bursaries@debconf.org

Kind regards,
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <faw@debconf.org>

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