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Re: What do you look for in your accomodation? a survey

Mark Brown wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 09:46:21AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
>>so what exactly is offputting in an brand new dorm? 
>>- the missing furniture? (only one bed in small rooms, two in big
>>  rooms, plus wardrobe)
> For me it's this, together with a general feeling that there's a lack of
> information and some uncertanty about what's happening.

I concur... I sleep badly when on the floor/etc, but I can manage for
one or two nights, but doing it for 10 nights or whatever would turn me
into an incoherent zombie. I can imagine that at debconf, I will be
going to bed late and then probably woken up in the morning for more
hacking/talks/whatever, so I need all the sleep I can get. :)


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