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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Open Weekend: 2 - 3 July 2016, Cape Town

Hi all

The Open weekend is getting more structure. It is now called the Open
Festival :)

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com> wrote:
> Bernelle Verster <bernellev@gmail.com> writes:
>> Please add your thoughts, ideas, suggestions to the wiki page, or on
>> this thread, regardless of if you plan to attend or not.
> If you'd like me to reprise the 'Understanding Debian' talk I've given
> before at Debconf open days in various forms, let me know.  Wouldn't be
> hard for me to pull a fresh copy together, but I'm not excited about
> doing the work unless it's actually wanted.
> Another thought might be some sort of panel discussion with some of us
> crazy-long-timer Debian folks answering questions?  Some of my favorite
> Debconf memories are such Q&A sessions, like the one we had in Brazil
> that Amaya and others reminded me of in the wake of Ian's passing.

bdale's suggestion of a panel discussion was met with much excitement.

We are planning two panel discussions for Saturday, 2 July, in the
morning before the job fair, targeted to (at least include)
non-technical audience, with possibly a panel discussion towards the
end of DebConf catering to the more technical Debianites.

The first is a panel discussion about open hardware, that Andy
Simpkins and I got very excited about last Saturday. It would be great
to have more people on that panel - we were thinking e.g. Steve
McIntyre, noodles, bdale (although bdale would then be in two panel
discussions back to back) and wookey (but wookey is not attending).
Please feel free to join in.
I expect this to be about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

The second is where I would love bdale to participate, if the offer
still stands? Our tentative title is "What is Open Source and how does
Debian fit in to that". Again, more panel members would be greatly
appreciated. I can coordinate the panel and make sure that us noobs
understand (at least some of the) content :)
I expect this to be 30 to 45 minutes in length.

Then the panel discussion towards the end which I think would be
really valuable and enjoyable as a way to close DebConf?

Please direct general input to -discuss, and specific input to the
relevant people only.


> Bdale

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