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Re: Reaching out to sponsors


On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Margarita Manterola
<margamanterola@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everybody!
> We need to reach out to sponsors in order to secure enough sponsorship money
> to be able to pay for our speakers, t-shirts, video gear, and if possible
> coffee breaks and/or lunch (although this will only happen if the other
> expenses get covered).

Yes, definitely! I have a question about sponsorships, for local
companies are we going to need/use a local entity/account (a ROSEdu
account?). If so, I think we should mention this in the message we'll
be sending to sponsors.

> Google has already agreed to be a Gold sponsor, and HP is considering it.

That's great!

> I was speaking with a colleague from Bucharest yesterday, and she gave me a
> list of possible companies in Bucharest that we might want to contact.
> Please, if you have contacts at any of these, say so and send the attached
> PDF to them.
> * Intel
> * Ixia
> * Endava
> * Ceragon networks
> * Cisco
> * 4psa
> I'm sure that you can think of many other companies that might be interested
> in sponsoring, feel free to add them to this list.

Few more I can think of:

* Adobe
* Eau de web
* Freescale
* Luxoft

> Even if your contacts are not "high up", it's worth asking them to give you
> a contact to the appropriate person, or to forward your mail to them.
> However, before doing this, please do coordinate on the list over here, so
> that we don't contact companies more than once.

Yes, from what I know ROSEdu did have collaborations with at least
some of the companies mentioned, I'm going to ask for contacts and
keep you updated.


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