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Re: [Debconf-team] Websites for past events now available

On 10577 March 1977, Arto Teras wrote:

> I have a travel story and some pictures of debconf1 at
> http://ajt.iki.fi/travel/debian_conference/

debconf1.debconf.org now exists.

I also fixed a problem with debconf5 site, missing some pictures behind
the "Follow the pictured instructions" links on

> If you want to mirror it on the debconf.org web site or link to it you're of
> course free to do so.

Done. :)

> There's also some coverage of debconf0 at http://ajt.iki.fi/travel/lsm/, but
> it's not separated from the Libre Software Meeting report and I participated
> in only a few of the talks. I wasn't even a Debian user at that time yet. ;)

Hrm. Nah, thats not enough to make up a site. If someone else has stuff
that would be nice.

And debconf2 is also still missing.

bye Joerg
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 -- Christian Marillat <marillat@debian.org>  Thu, 29 Aug 2002 16:41:58 +0200

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