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Re: [Debconf-team] good evening al team of the debconf8

rootvzla dijo [Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 06:15:24AM -0400]:
> it wanted before that all to give them the good evening and especially that
> have a very happy new year 2007.
> (...)
> Excuse and that have some very good evening.

[English translation at the end]


Voy básicamente a reiterar lo que Ana y Amaya ya dijeron: Lo poco que
pude entender de tu mensaje suena grave e importante. En este momento,
sin embargo, no afecta en lo más mínimo a la buena impresión que tengo
de la gente que está proponiendo celebrar Debconf8 en Venezuela - A
varios de ellos los conocemos de primera mano, mientras que de tí no
sabemos ni el nombre ni las intenciones reales. Por favor, explica (en
español, me comprometo a traducir para los no-hispanoparlantes) tus
acusaciones, dándonos tantas referencias externas como sea posible. O,
por otro lado, haz caso omiso de este correo, y con mucho gusto
continuaremos trabajando como si no lo hubieras enviado ;-)


I'll reiterate what both Ana and Amaya have stated: The little I could
make sense out of your message sounds both grave and important. Right
now, however, it does not affect the least the good impression I have
of the people pushing for hosting Debconf8 in Venezuela - We know
several of them firsthand, but we don't know even your name or real
intentions. Please, explain (in Spanish, I promise to translate into
English for non Spanish speakers) your accusations, giving us as many
external references as possible. Or, on the other hand, just don't pay
attention to this mail, and we will gladly keep working as if you had
not said anything ;-)

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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