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Re: [Debconf-team] Question about accessibility

"Margarita Manterola" <margamanterola@gmail.com> writes:

> On 1/5/07, Otavio Salvador <otavio@debian.org> wrote:
>> How about accessibility to disabled people? (let me restart to bore
>> about it ;-))
> Well, as stated in our bid pages, both hotels are prepared for people
> in wheel-chairs.
> The hotel in Mar del Plata is better in this sense, because they have
> remodeled parts of it in order to become an "architecture without
> barriers", and they have 2 special rooms enabled for wheel-chairs.


> See http://www.hotel13dejuliomdq.com.ar/aloja.htm at the bottom, for
> pictures of the ramps and special rooms.

I saw the pictures and the rooms are very good, indeed. The place
looks ok and also since they use the accessibility as a marketing
thing they probable take it seriously.

> The hotel in Mendoza does not claim to be without barriers, but has
> ramps to get around all the hotel, anyway.  I don't think they have
> special rooms, but I need to check that.

Would be nice if you could check it. That's very important otherwise
we need to check carefully the rooms to see if it's possible to use it
or not.

> Apart from wheel-chairs, I'm not sure on how to check if a place is
> prepared for people with other disabilities.  Anyone cares to point
> other things out?

Most of disabilities are more simple to adapt to a place. The most
difficuilt one are the people using wheelchairs or scooter (those are
even more complicated since they use more space then a normal

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
 E-mail: otavio@debian.org      UIN: 5906116
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