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[Debconf-team] Question for both venues: Political outlook


Our region of the world is sadly not as stable as others. We have a
history of surprises (to give it a nice, neutral name), and we'd be
better off avoiding surprises. 

Venezuela had a (failed) coup d'etat two or three years ago. Argentina
had a crazy 10-day period when it saw five Presidents. Both countries,
yes, look now much more stable - But still, we should be as objective
and cold as possible. I'm writing this because Hugo Chávez (Venezuela)
has been quite often in the news lately, on very polemic topics. And,
due to Chavez's style (not that I'm for or against him - it would be
too complicated and off-topic to state my point of view), I think
basically everything in the country would change if his government
were to change.

So, for both teams: How do you see the political outlook for your
countries for the next 18 months? How would the best- and worst-case
scenarios impact the project of hosting Debconf? 

(Of course, this also calls for the importance of having a backup
strategy - If we chose Venezuela, Argentina would be plan B, and


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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