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Re: [Debconf-team] Budget - current status

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On 05/23/2007 09:33 PM, Moray Allan wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 00:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> Dinner / ceilidh
>> ================
>> At this point, we're not going to have a dinner but we're looking at a
>> ceilidh (food/drink/dancing) instead. Moray is working on that (I
>> hope!
> Yes, I am: I've sent out various queries, and am waiting on responses
> now.
>>  *grin*). However, one of the new sponsors wants to organise/pay
>> for a party. Maybe we can mesh the two together if we're lucky.
> Indeed: if not we'll just have a cash bar, but it would be great to have
> a sponsor organise some food/drinks during the ceilidh.
> It's getting short notice for bands, so I think we should be ready to be
> flexible and move from the Thursday to the Wednesday or Friday if
> necessary -- hopefully matters should be clearer in a day or two.
>> Day trip
>> ========
>> The day trip is looking unlikely. If more money comes in over the next
>> couple of weeks, we *may* be able to do it but let's not assume
>> anything there yet.
> For those who haven't been watching this discussion: we'd still have a
> day of tourism stuff, just not of the form "DebConf pays for everyone to
> go somewhere on coaches".
> The current best idea seems to be to have a couple of options during the
> day, possibly including one (e.g. Edinburgh Castle) that people would
> pay for themselves, but there are plenty of free museums/galleries/parks
> etc. in Edinburgh to keep people busy.   I'm wondering about
> intentionally leaving finalising the options late until we have a better
> guess at what the weather might be like.
>> Moray says he is organising local travel / tourist leaflets. 
> These will be free to us.

	Ok, now probably is a good time to remember that we have
handcap people attending (I'm sure of Otavio), at least for the
day trip options and dinner ideas, that would be good to take it
into account.

	Kind regards,

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
"Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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