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[Debconf-team] Meeting minutes, 2009-06-22

#debconf-video Meeting 19:00 UTC, Tuesday, 22nd June, 2010

Meeting summary
* Software
  * MrBiege, simonft and edrz helped a one day chemistry conference at CU
    record + stream using (mostly) lenny versions of everything. It went well.
    So, if we have to we can fall back to lenny and make the production happen.
    However, dvswitch has a fade feature in the devel branch, significant
    improvements have been made in the theora encoder and there are newer 
    versions of ffmpeg2theora.
  * ACTION: tiagovaz, vicm3 and edrz will work on backporting:
    1) fade feature to dvswitch 0.8.x branch (or release 0.9?)
    2) libtheora0
    3) ffmpeg (0.6 is in experimental)
    4) ffmpeg2theora (0.27 is in experimental)
    5) rebuild/backport other stuff in toolchain dependent on 1-4
  * testing of encoder settings should occur as soon as above are ready

* Rooms
  * we will cover 2 rooms: 
    * davis auditorium (200 seats)
    * interschool lab (65 seats)
  * ACTION: edrz will post links to pictures, dimensions and (if he gets his
    act together) diagrams of the rooms.

* Hardware
  * http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Videoteam/Hardware is gradually
    getting filled in.
  * one more nicer NTSC camera would be great (i.e. AG-DVX100B like xfxf's)
    but, we already have enough (4) total cameras.

  * we have enough. Nicer models would still be good to seek out.

  PA / room audio / lighting:
  * CRF (CU CS IT) will loan us their PA system for Davis.
  * Interschool is small enough that the room's speakers should be enough. Will
    likely require an audio gizmo edrz has (sort of a reverse DI box).
  * Adequate projectors are ceiling mounted in both rooms.  
  * lighting in Davis will be adequate (need to get facilities to replace some
    dead bulbs in the stage lighting)
  * Interschool lab is somewhat dark, we need to find some form of supplemental
  * ACTION: edrz will be taking 1 more trip up to NYC before debcamp and
    will be running a/v and network tests at that time.
  * remaining v-t equipment is on it's way to edrz (was in Europe for FOSDEM
    and Berlin mini-conf
  * edrz can provide a 2nd 2-mix capable mixer if needed.

  dvswitch machines:
  * CarlFK will loan us 2 PyCon dvswitch capable laptops. (NB: require non-free
    video drivers)
  * ACTION: edrz and CarlFK firm up details of specs, numbers, delivery
    outside meeting / via email
  * other capture machines will be easy to find amongst team members
  * dvswitch machines will need to be on their own local switch in each room.

  * we have a small server room to use, adjacent to main CS computer room. CRF
    calls this the "coffee room". We'll have a gigabit uplink to the campus
    network there and gigabit link to our reviewing location.
  * talk rooms are in separate building on separate, but accessible, network.
  * After the meeting offers for parts for 3 servers have been offered by a
    colleague of MrBiege and bgupta (localteam person). These should be adequate
    for v-t fileserver, encoder and stream master.
  * 3 1 TB DebConf-owned drives are also enroute to edrz from Europe. edrz and
    bgupta both have drives available to add to those.

* People
  * LINK:
  * team is full of experienced people and some excited newcomers. We are in
    pretty good shape
  * Training sessions penta event #638 (not yet scheduled)

* Penta  (edrz, 19:49:50)
  * there is a test instance of penta running + a git repo now for code changes
    and testing
  * LINK: http://git.debconf.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi
  * bwh will try to hack on the video controller.
  * team members on the wiki should all have penta video rights. Check that you
    can get to: https://penta.debconf.org/penta/video and ping edrz if you can't.
  * penta configuration needs to be done for video stuff: encoding, schedule,
    uploads, review process, volunteer scheduling

* Next meeting.
  * AGREED: future meetings Tuesdays at 19:00 UTC until DebCamp10

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