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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf11-localteam] Sponsorship plans and prices

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> When I presented this to potential sponsors in the past, it often occured
> strange that the logo on the webpage was considered less worthy than the one
> printed on the tshirts.
> Sure, for us the tshirts have a high value ;) (yay, holger and the tshirts
> again...) but I'm not sure this is the case for sponsors. The webside is,
> well, duh, reachable from everywhere in the world and will be there in 10
> years, while those 200 tshirts in 10 years will, eh, not be so visible
> anymore.

sorry for the super-late reply, but in reality that's not the case for
two reasons:

* debconf.org website is not well ranked. The PR(*) of debconf.org is
lower than many of our bronze sponsors (!)
* many of our sponsors go for the heart and souls of our attendees.
The t-shirts is were they want to be. I heard that from a number of
sponsors AND I upsell a few to the t-shirt level.

Of course, things might be different moving into Europe from US.


* PR == Google Page Rank

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