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Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 Venue constraints

Judit Foglszinger <fgrfgr@freenet.de> writes:

>> (2) Suitability of the venue: We did quite some evaluation of different
>>     possible venues. The only way a DebConf in a city seemd possible was
>>     with "bunker" (Zivilschutanlage) style accomodation [2]. The local
>>     team's opinion on this is that we would rather not organize DebConf
>>     in Switzerland than with this style of accomodation. So unless
>>     someone is able to find some cheap accomodation, a DebConf in a city
>>     won't be possible.
> Just out of curiosity:
> Why does the local team so much oppose bunkers,
> given that a large number of accommodation options in Le Camp
> isn't really more "luxurious"?

On that point, I was unable to work out with any confidence what the
break-down of the accomodation at Le Camp -- could someone please tell
us how many of each room size/style there are at Le Camp.

Cheers, Phil.
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