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Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 Venue constraints


It would take too long to find the right message(s) to reply to, so
I'll put this here.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 05:18:47PM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:

> (1) The venue only has 325 beds. Several people fear that this might not
>     be enough. Actual data of arrived people in penta shows that the
>     only DebConf with over 325 people present on the same day was DC 7
>     in Edinburgh. DC 11 just scratched the limit of Le Camp [1].
> (2) Alternative accomodation for people to arrange their own
>     accomodation is too far away. Realistically you need a car to get
>     there.

I remember for DC10, at first some localteam people wanted to reserve
400 rooms because it would be huge and DC7 had 400 people.  But I
looked at the detailed breakdown and it wasn't so big actually, even
though 391 people had "arrived" according to penta, the day with the
most people (according to penta) had only around 250 people.  (I
think) I eventually convinced people to reserve only 300, and we still
had less than 200 used any given day.

I just went and found that old script (I would have had it in my
standard dumps, but the God table I join with only exists for the
current debconf so I didn't extend to old years).

Here's the data:

for every debconf, it lists number of people requesting accom, and
total number of people in parentheses, per day.  You can compare to
total attendees at the top.

Some effects I can think of:

- "biggest" conference per total attendees is still dc7, but it isn't
that much bigger on any given day.  This means lots of people came out
for just a subset of days, non-overlapping.  (implication: dc13 needs
fewer beds than expected)

- The conferences that have more appealing surrounding city (7, 10)
have a smaller proportion of people in accom.  (implication: dc13 needs
more beds, counterbalancing the above)

- it could be the dc13 attendees won't be as high as expected because
if it's more remote, fewer people will come out for just a few days.
Alternatively, if that isn't the case, it means the population won't
be so high as expected based on the big-city debconfs.

Basically, my main point is people should think not only in terms of
total conference sizes, but per-day attendees, and how that affects
things.  I don't know the solution, and I don't have time or desire to
debate the finer points, so I'll leave it to you all to see.

my summary: to me, it is a bit more complicated to know whether or not
325 beds will be enough.

- Richard

p.s. master stats location is
the ones on http://rkd.zgib.net/http/debconf/ weren't updated as

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